Covid vaccination counter productive

  No registered Dr. Has ever been allowed to work on a vaccination against covet all the common cold: he's having realized horrendous century that those viral lines change too quickly!  Care of it is given a new version number every 1st of October.

And it would have taken two years to licence any vaccination.  So a vaccination Covid is automatically obsolete within six months of commencing A2 year drug licensing regime.

Registered doctors and high up nurses take the full Hippocratic oath.  Which prohibits research or application of a covered vaccination.  The nurses inform lower down nurses, that the Covid vaccination is defective medicine.

And no registered Dr. or nurse is allowed to give an obsolete an unlicensed vaccination.  The doctors are constrained by the Hippocratic oath, and the nurses by the nightingale pledge.

Which only allows them to use best legal medicine.  So specifically prohibits any nurse giving a care of it vaccination globally.

The present vaccination was for Covid19, no vaccination work for later Kevin strains legal.  This year we're on Covid23.  This seasonal flu for 1 October, 2023.


e is no licensed vaccination!  And makes the firm by practical experience, that an obsolete vaccination actually worsens the infection for later strains of that viral or bacterial infection.

So the obsolete care of it vaccination will increase the Covid death rate, and worse than the pressure and experience from the seasonal flu.  Which my friends and family have personally experienced!

Not believe in when I tell them not to have a care of it vaccination.  There has never been any legal care of it vaccination.  Drug companies are still trying to give people the Covid19 the vaccination, which was produced by the party logical doctors who were prepared to do illegal and unethical medical research.

My contact in Hawaii her story they have the vaccinations to Covid20...21.  No they don't.  There are struck so never licensed legal human medicine.  And have the equally counter productive effect as the Covid19 vaccination.

The MHS is gearing up for a big push on the flu/Covid vaccinations.  Care of it is just the medical name for the regular seasonal flu.  But no registered Dr. Could ever give a vaccination to Covid.

And every registered nurse on earth is prohibited from giving the equally fatal an unlicensed care of it vaccination.  Which the NHS thinks he is so lucrative.

January 2021 they gave out 2.5 million care of it vaccinations.  And smiled as 45,000 patients die as are the inevitable consequence!  No registered Dr. Could ever give a care of it vaccination.

The nurses are constrained by the nightingale pledge, also never to Kiev a care of it vaccination.  The medical intervention is massively counter productive, increasing the care of it death rate.  Around the world 3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations given.

The medically accepted death rate for any licensed vaccination is one in 200.  Which suggests a care of it vaccination will have killed 17 million people around the world.

A total legal fine of 170 trillion!  The UK he carried vaccination killing warrants a legal fine of 450 billion.

For ever striking off every care of it nurse and Dr..  Who then face criminal trial.  For first degree medical murder.  And are obviously struck a off and totally excluded from medicine for ever.

The NHS is very excited about the latest care of it vaccination.  In my experience the general public is not!  They have watched her friends and family die from the care of it vaccination.

Which serves zero positive impact.  Care the wind 200 of the vaccinated.  For no ****ing reason.

Medics can apply the standard cure to all viruses and cancers.  ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections.  Without any Dr. Intervention or vaccination!

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager

A 100% total infection cure.  With no patient death.  Remember the care of it vaccination will kill one in 200 healthy an innocent individuals.

The most fatal medical intervention in human history!


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