Covid is medical history

Covid vaccination kills

In 2002 3 medical professors from the world's leading Moffitt cancer chain, published the use a one session of High Intensity UltraSound to clear cancers and viruses.

1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz externally was found to clear all 200 types or cancer.  Not just the prostate cancer at the technique was developed on.

Every registered Dr. and drug company on earth bought an 8 W three MHZ unit, and verified the new science.  Their HIUS unit being kept in the nursing office.

Or the health centre nurses on earth could cure all cancers in 1 minute without Dr. or drugs interaction.  Yet today in the UK and the drug industry is funding 4 hours a television on channel four, around 'stand up for cancer'.  The medically linked cancer charity.

Year 2002 and all cancers would cured!  But drug company is doubled so cancer drug royalty in a desperate attempt to keep doctors prescribing the no defective cancer drugs.

Cancer drugs Yielding the cancer patient A2 year expensive an agonising decline to Bio chemically assisted death.  One session of HIUS and they cancers totally cleared without any Dr. Interaction.

No continuing massively expensive drug prescription required.  No registered doctor or nurse could anymore be linked to the no defective cancer drugs.  The drug company is were required to stop making and selling cancer drugs, and destroy all existing stocks.

Mysteriously party logical former doctors were still prescribing the defective cancer drugs.  Even though their first cancer drug prescription after 2002, there were required to remove their Dr. Number from the list of registered doctors.

Registered pharmacist could no longer fill the drug orders.  No registered nurse could anymore applied the no defective and fatal medicines.

Each medicated cancer patient death warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, the Dr. nurse and pharmacists all struck off.  Along with the manufacturing biochemical drug company is.

The prescribing doctors and the drug company managing directors, each receive a 25 year jail term in high security prison for each patient murder.

And doctors were required to send out the 10,000,000 for every cancer death, with no lawyer intervention.  It was her pledge on taking up medical practice.

To act in contradiction to the Hippocratic oath, then us Health Insurance and Dr. Medical registration.  They continued medical practice was doubly criminal.

But the Moffitt Paper incredibly also covered the clearance of viruses.  As cancers, viruses and bacterial infections share the non native inflated cell structure.  Unique to foreign cell types!

And as Dr. Z and I sorted out 2001, ultrasounding liquid water does nuclear fusion.  A process so increases exponentially with liquid pressure.  The type or strain of a virus is immaterial.

My American friend used this idea 2012 to clear his AIDs - he was HIV⁺.  As his next GP a appointment, he was fully discharged.  As medics are not allowed to apply medicine there to be able free of disease.

We show the cure with the world and there disease vanished from the earth.  At the time the ultrasound massage device is can be purchased for under 25 UK pounds.  There now cosf under five UK pounds.

Tragically uranium nuclear power bought the Dr. or a professorship in chemical and process engineering at Sheffield University 2001 and he lost all interest in clean safe and nontoxic nuclear fusion from water.  A process termed molecular nuclear fusion five professor Argent.

So most pernicious and previously incurable disease cured totally in 1 minute physically.  Former doctors were still prescribing AIDs treatments until 2018.

The doctors started arguing that is a preventative measure - though the treatments had never been licence as a preventative medicine.  Answer was no AIDs in the world, that was drug company science fiction!

It means all the prescription charges for AIDs treatments must be returned to the unfortunate patients with interest.  The pathological Dr. Who has acted contrary to their Hippocratic oath, the struck off.  Or there prescriptions are medical practice then invalid and illegal.  No legal argument.

High up nurses take the doctors Hippocratic oath, as to the drug companies.  So all then required to validate HIUS 2002.  And cease prescription of the no defective and fatal cancer drugs.

Cancer drugs killing unfortunate cancer patient within two agonising expensive years.  Obviously medical schools barred from teaching about cancer drugs or eight since those diseases vanished.

60% a medical degree concerns cancer Bio chemistry.  Since 2002 unethical and pointless medicine!  The very epitome of criminal medicine.

2018 a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 escaped from the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan Province China.  Funded by president O'Bama.  Who is trying to do right!  And he had so much wrong.

The virus was named Corona virus by the drug industry.  And uing quarantine set up around Wuhan almost instantly!  Within two days of the virus being renamed.

It never penetrated to other Chinese Provinces.  It never circulated the world.  The Covid viral line has been causing seasonal flu around the world since 1934.  Crucially Covid19 freely circulated the world.  Genetically distinct from Corona virus.

I sent the Moffitt cancer centre idea of using 8 W 1 MHz, ½ minute each side are Corona patients chest to the Chinese president.  The medics adopted the idea, and by February 2020 Corona virus was extinct.

Never one case outside Wuhan Province China.  The Covid19 was the seasonal flu for 2019.  By definition ceasing to exist.  On the 1st of October, 2020.  We then have the year of Covid20.

At this stage there goes a long the regular emails from the professors from the Moffitt.  Who money and the obsolete infection vaccinations, increased the severity of the next infection strain.

My mother person experience the Covid20 infection more severe after the Covid19 vaccination.  There is do not take a medical advice from the children!

Certainly doctors are in the NHS were totally aware that the care of it vaccination was medically prohibited and defective medicine.  Just one code vaccination and the doctors struck off!

A 10 million UK pound fine for every resulting patient death: an eastern accepted medical fact the vaccinations kill one person in 200.

The Covid19 flu strain cease to exist around the world 1st of October, 2020.  By medical definition!  No medical school laboratory had kept samples.  So Covidt 19 extinct throughout the universe.

But since the cancer cure 2002, the drug companies have been frantic to keep their big cash cow or going.  Raising 80% of medical income.  Hence later was Dr. Drug royalties.  To still prescribe the defective, useless but fatal expensive medication.

2013 other medics published a 30 patient double blind trial into HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clearing all coronary heart disease.  I involve the idea of using HIUS to the top left to the chest 2008.  I do not know about secondary coronary heart disease!

Should have remitted in three days after the HIUS application to the top left to the chest.  2013 I firstly validated by my diabetic friend in my church health group, ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, totally and instantly cleared type two diabetes.

I cleared it for my mother and stepfather.  Who expressed amazement!  But never gave me one word of thanks.  And could not see how ultrasound choir possibly work - though it had done.

Is 1 October we have a new care of it influenza strain.  Or the am responding negatively to the obsolete care of it vaccination from two years previously.  No registered Dr. Ever allowed to work in a Covid vaccination.  Or they are struck off and toes remove from legal medicine for ever.

From 2020 as heavy promoting idea of using ½ minute of HIUS to the top of the chest to clear all viral and bacterial infections.  The idea was adopted in China!

So a year on year the number of care of it vaccinations has decreased.  China or feeding care of it into India, feeding into Europe and the in America.

All registered doctors in the Duval world have the HIUS unit in the nursing office.  So the practice nurse can clear all cancers in 1 minute.  With any Dr. or drugs interaction.

Or cancer drugs became criminal medicine from 2002.  Just one prescription of cancer drugs since, and the Dr. struck off and totally remove from legal medicine for ever!  The Dr. medical registration removed, along with their Health Insurance.

There medical practice doubly criminal.  And nurses are not allowed to prescribe patent protected medicines.  So never allowed to prescribe the defective cancer drugs!  They are allowed to prescribe painkillers and antibiotics - compatible medication.

Crucially are not allowed to prescribe care of it vaccinations.  And doctors are now or taken early retirement, and any they are barred from prescribing any care of it vaccination.

The usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest and all viral and bacterial infections cured.  And the Hippocratic oath prohibits research into alternative treatments for cured diseases.

And no infection prescription legal since 2002.  2003 and and A shown medics found that HIUS totally cured thee SARs viral outbreak.  Cause predictably by Covid3.  The regular seasonal flu or 2003.

We are here in 2023 and the NHS in the UK, is gearing up for a massive care of it vaccination programme.  Even though the Covid 19 vaccination was obsolete and counter productive medicine four years ago.

A certain he will have a negative effect on Covid23 - the seasonal flu for 2023.  IMF and the UK population of eight cynical about a Covid vaccination.

As their personal experience its negative effect.  That my mother had the worst flu experience of my life, after repeated application of the obsolete and unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.

You can have a Agei regular you're miles from Hawai.  Who have been time yet they now the vaccinations for Covid20 or 21.  Don't be silly!  No registered Dr. Could ever work on any care of it vaccination.  Obsolete and never licensed!

They wanted to give a vaccination to every against Covid22.  Even though they were smiling as wind 200 vaccinated people had died.

And the vaccinating had a worse seasonal flu infection 2022.  And we are now on 2023.  Where a previous unlicensed Covid vaccinations, or have a negative effect on the regular seasonal flu.

Increasing the flu severity.  And the patient flu death rate!  The annual flu jab it as an negative effect on the seasonal flu.  By adopting its medical name of Covid the drug company is wanted to get the whole global population on this negative and potentially fatal medicine.

So no NHS Hospital can give the care of it vaccination 2023.  My guess is so the drug companies will now be boxing Covid20/21.  They called Covid20, Covid omicron.

And I a pointed out the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side of her patient's chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  It would have cleared the black death in the 15th century!

It would have cured all plagues.  So obviously no it cures all strains of the influenza all common cold viruses.  The drug company started promoting streptococcus B, as the next serious and bacterial pandemic.

And so a pointed out to him as I recovered from it and I was eight.  And the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears the foreign inflated cell structure of all bacterial infections.  As well as viruses and cancers.

Any NHS hospital or her giving a care of it vaccination acting contravention to the Hippocratic oath.  They voluntarily sign.  Which would appear that the hospital and all the doctors and nurses struck off and totally remove from medicine for ever.

All for the sake of buy a an obsolete an unlicensed Covidt vaccination of negative impact!


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