Covid cure published 2002
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Covid vaccination useless but fatal |
This is the standard cure to all cancers. That also clears the foreign pressurise cell structure common to all viral and bacterial infections.
Medicine prohibits a vaccination to an already cured disease. On the basis are vaccinations kill one in 200 of those we vaccinate. So the disease must be more fatal than the vaccination, for the vaccination to be anthing other the medical murder by hypodermic,
Every medical student is taught on the first year of their medical studies, that a vaccination to Covid and the common cold is not possible. Covid just being the medical name for the regular seasonal flu. That follows winter around the world every year.
The action of the High Intensity UltraSound published by the Moffitt as a one session total cure, to all cancers and viruses amazingly enough induces biological molecular nuclear fusion in the pressurise cell types. The been the regular body cells unaffected - except is the annexe to an exploding infections cell type.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
So 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, I applied externally was found to clear all cancers 2002, not just the prostate cancer but a an eight was to barked on. All cancers!
Every registered doctors promised to apply best medicine, and the practically aware of all new medical developments as they are medically published.
The Moffitt wanted $10,000 for an 8 W 3 MHz device. Or may be effective in under 1 minute - stop the ultrasound as the patient reports warming.
This is a source of the X rays cancers emit in ultrasound scans. With 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound. 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound, Allied externally to where it hurts, was found to clear all cancers 2002.
Five days after the Moffitt Paper was published, every registered Dr. On earth had acquired the HIUS unit and verify that it cleared all cancers. Making subsequent prescription or cancer drugs defective and fatal medicine.
Cancer drugs killing the cancer patient within two years, anth a sickly expensive an agonising death. Only by 2020, had also through body of people have stopped developing cancers.
Or cancer drug prescription was illegal and defective medicine 2002. Any Dr. Prescribing cancer drugs since they validated the Moffitt Paper, required to strike themselves off and cease medical practice instantly. As the air then lost Health Insurance and medical registration.
I have watched in horror as the prescription of cancer drugs has went on for 18 years. Kill an estimated 200 million people around the world. Killed by their cancer drugs!
There every cancer totally cleared by 1 minute of HIUS. Surviving patients get return of all the prescription costs for their own defective cancer drugs.
Family is get 10 million for every relative illegally medicated to death. Families can buy and use their own 8 W one MHZ unit, sold with a medical licence for home use. Costing under five UK pounds.
But the Moffitt Paper also covered the clearance of viruses. I wrote up the idea about clearing AIDs 2008. As I did not know any AIDs patients I got on with other work.
2012 I heard from a wrecked in New York: who was a medicated HIV⁺ patients. Tragically the AIDs treatments kill the patient within a decade. 2012 report is ER 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, and applied it for ½ minute each side of his chest.
His next GP a ballet is fully discharged from all AIDs Medical Care. As he tested HIV⁻. All the cause of the ideas of Dr Z, into the ultrasound setting off nuclear fusion from liquid water.
He had a double first from Columbia University, in New York. That at the highest concentration of AIDs patients in the world. There disease vanished globally within two weeks.
The drug companies were incensed! Militia a massive hunt for any biochemical treatment which cured AIDs. Sorry guys, he was the standard published medical cure to cancer and viruses. Personally validated by every registered Dr. 2002.
Since when no prescription of AIDs drugs have been legal. No biochemical research into B viral condition either legal. Striking off the academic medic cancer and AIDs researchers.
The total 1 minute cure to most pernicious viral infection in history.
Care of it isn't a new virus, it has been causing human death, and the development of cancers, since 1934. When Covid34 star to causing the annual seasonal flu. That is what we are talking about here, the flu. And medicine has prohibited a locked down to try and combat the flu, as is highly infectious viral condition so conveyance quarantines.
So Boris Johnson was ejected 1000 UK prime minister, over trying to follow medical advice, as it turns out totally spurious an incorrect medical advice about the regular flu.
We're on the year of Covid23 the seasonal flu for winter 2023. That will exist until the 31st of September 2024. Where ever have the year of Covid 24.
To which no vaccine can ever be produced! Medical or prohibits any registered Dr. Working on a vaccine to covet flu all the common cold. As those viral lines change too quickly.
The vaccination would take six months to produce. So the care of it PMB obsolete and counterproductive within six months. 1/4 way through the legally required two year drug licensing regime.
Medics had discovered the obsolete vaccinations, it worsens the patient experience from the next strain of the infection.
Hence my mother had the worst flu off her life, as are having 1/4 totally spurious an obsolete Covid 19 vaccination: now the NHS is gearing up for its next round of Covid vaccinations.
Who was so it's legal now about Covid vaccinations. They are seeing their friends and family members die from flu as a survive in know totally spurious and useless Covid vaccination.
Which is stopped not one case of the regular flu. The Covid19 vaccination is obsolete when given by financially induced former doctors, from January 2021. Already within the year of Covid20.
So the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and counterproductive. And deliberately killed 17 million innocent and trusting patients. All intentionally in callously vaccinated to are delivered to an needless death.
Every vaccinating Dr. Struck off without legal argument. The a fine of 10 million UK pounds for every needless death. A total fine of 170 billion. O had primarily by Astra Zeneca.
Who is now left the care of it vaccination market to Pfizer and Mon Santa. Mon Santa defending its code vaccination patents, just like Astra Zeneca.
All carried vaccinations obsolete and counterproductive. Obviously outside biochemical patent. They are death by hypodermic! Medical murder by intentionally defective medicine.
Strangely enough the biggest deliberate medical killing in history, has not been covered by magazines or newspapers.
The NHS is gearing up for the Covid23 vaccination. And fortunately no care of it vaccination could ever be legal licensed medicine. The most recent unlicensed drug they could use of by the Covid21 vaccine. In medical speak the Covid Pi vaccine.
Then this year we're on Covid sigma. No code vaccine never licensed. The obsolete Covid the vaccination the most intentionally murderous medicine in human history.
There no possible medical effect on the new Covid strain. Resulting me no registered Dr. or medically licensed hospital or health centre, could ever giving a care of it vaccination.
Medical murder by hypodermic! So only no nurse could assist with defective and potentially fatal medicine. They are only allowed to apply best licensed medicines.
No nurse is allowed to prescribe patent protected drugs, not even a care of it vaccination. Which is obsolete and never licensed!
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