clearing winter infections
Everything cured |
2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear foreign inflated cell types. Which includes all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections. As well as parasites!
They have found out had to biological molecular nuclear fusion. The idea of turbulence setting off nuclear fusion in water, was the idea of Dr Z's uncle from Columbia University. Who helped devise cold fusion.
2001 the Dr. and myself, devise the idea of using ultrasound to set off what the late Professor Bernard Argent named molecular nuclear fusion. All foreign cell types have a non native inflated cell structure.
So the power level required to set off nuclear fusion within the foreign cell types, this totally benign to more placid regular body cells types.
So the cancer or infection cell boils and ruptures, damaging immediate bystander body cells. Which initiates the immune action to clear the exploding cell type from the body.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
So in 2002 every registered Dr. On earth acquired an 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound unit. I utilised an 8 W 1 MHZ unit - as my interest was nuclear fusion.
Such a unit can be purchased over the Internet, five days delivery from China. Then ready to clear all viral and bacterial infections. Including all strains of Covid flu and the common cold. Covidt being the medical name for the regular seasonal flu.
Those viral family is change too quickly. The vaccination being obsolete and counterproductive only six months into a 2 year drug testing regime. Which is why medicine has always prohibited a vaccination to Covid since 1934, when Covid34 star to causing the annual seasonal flu.
So device can be kept in the bathroom cabinet. And he used whenever a person pills an infection coming on. The type & strain immaterial!
The immune system secrete and actions the active specific human antibody, to clear what ever foreign cell type is present from the body.
This year we're on Covid23, so the Covid19 vaccination obsolete and never licensed. So he only had to distract the immune system, an makes this year's seasonal flu more serious, and the higher fatality rate.
So giving a care of it vaccination are actually massively counter productive. Leading to more patient deaths! But really the worst medical intervention in history.
3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations illegally given from January 2021. Already within the year of Covid20. It Covidt strain declared automatically every year on the 1st of October. For that year's winter!
So this year we're on Covid23. Any covid vaccination obsolete and unlicensed. The Covid19. No registered Dr. Ever allowed to research are apply a Covid vaccination. Totally unlicensed, and massively counter productive.
½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections. Just as it cleared AIDs from the world 2012: by Mr. A personal contact in New York.
We shared our work with the world, and the infection vanished within six months. The most pernicious and previously incurable viral infection cured in 1 minute. Using a medically licensed home beauty device costing under 10 UK pounds - an ultrasound massage device.
That will clear all strains of care of it and the common cold. The strain is totally irrelevant! All infections require an overinflated cell nature, to induce infective structure replication.
½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections. Just as 1 minute totally clears all cancers had ever existed.
Which is why void 2020 doctors reported nobody was getting cancer! The existing cancer patients on the defective biochemical treatments, dead within two years.
Each biochemical death warranting a standard legal fine of 10 million UK pounds, and prescribing Dr. Struck off receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison. For each deliberate patient murder.
The assisting nurses and pharmacists also struck off and remove from medicine for ever. Stripped of all medical wage and any pension. The doctors also are in receipt of no medical wage of pension.
The manufacturing biochemical drug company, stripped of all its other biochemical drug patents. Then all viruses he could not raise money from the banks legally since 2002, to make payroll.
The most bankrupt corporations in earth history! Still acting as if they were legal drug companies. Though all struck off and remove from medicine 21 years ago air.
The so Astra Zeneca is by far the most criminal corporation in history, ceasing to illegal drug company 20 when years ago. Never legally allowed to borrow from banks to make payroll.
As it cease to have a valid share price 2002. Since then the application of biochemical cancer drugs, has carbon estimated 200 million patients. Each death warranting the usual legal fine of 10,000,000, and the Dr. receiving 25 years in high security prison.
There is no legal challenge to the doctors Hippocratic oath. All the nurses nightingale pledge, which finds registered nurses to apply only the best legal medicine.
Cancer an infection medication illegal drugs since the Moffitt Paper 2002. 1 minute of HIUS clearing all cancers and infections.
For cancers apply the ultrasound to where the cancer hurts. For infections ½ minute each side of the chest. Or any infected organ! Though most infections transmits through the air.
So all strains of care of it totally cured by the medical science published by the Moffitt 2002. Which led to the extinction of AIDs, the worst viral infection in history.
1 minute of HIUS externally to the liver will clear liver cancer, was all strains of hepatitis. A...E.
A one session total cure to the liver disease. Personally validated by every registered Dr. On earth 2002, and the doctors and nurses then required to apply HIUS and stop prescribing drugs.
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