flu/Covid jab always illegal

flu jabe illegal 1942

The History Of The Flu Vaccine


https://lloydspharmacy.com › Cold & flu

25 Aug 2021 — In 1942, a vaccine offering protection against influenza A and B viruses was developed using fertilised hens' eggs. Three years later, in 1945, ...

From 1934 it was realized that fast changing viral lines like Covid flu and the common cold, changes too quickly for vaccinations to keep up with!

The seasonal flu has a new version declared every 1st of October.  The drug companies prefer the medical name of Covid.  Thus Covid19 only existed from the 1st of October 2019, until the 31st of September, 2020.

So doctors started giving the Covid19 vaccination in January 2021, we were already within the year of Covid20.

Those tragically more medics have established through experience, that the obsolete vaccination actually weakens the immune response to the next year's seasonal flu.

Making the next year's flu worse!  Increasing the patient death rate from 3.5% - below pandemic levels.  So the seasonal flu was always a serious infection, never by medical definition a pandemic.

Every first year medical student around the world is taught that a Covid vaccination is always medically unethical.  Obsolete only part way through drug testing.  Six months into a two year drug testing regime.  Then increasing the next year's seasonal flu severity.  Increasing the Covid death rate.

So Health Centres have taken to employing hospital locums, to give the seasonal flu chap.  As every registered Dr. Has promised to strike themselves off from medicine for life, the first day he they knowingly it gave defective medicines.

But within the hospital or Health Centres, the leader Dr. Has the legal imperative to ensure non of the lower down doctors, I applied defective medicine.  Just one Covid vaccination ever, and the doctors struck off.  Including the head Dr.!

Also at the hospital or health centre, drug company and pharmacist.  All toes remove from legal medical activity.

Employing an outside Dr. To give the flu jab does not make it any more legal!  This smiling Dr. Will happily vaccinated healthy people, and C1 in 200 die as a direct result.

Also increasing the severity of that year's seasonal flu.  So the flu and Covid vaccination is massively counterproductive!  This is remember they are both unlicensed medical interventions to a flu virus that has been extinct for over two years!

A do people should have noticed that the flu jab actually made the flu worse!  But they wander around saying 'bank card I have the flu jab, or it would have been worse'

In actual fact any flu vaccination makes their next flu infection worse.  And doctors globally are prohibited from giving a counter productive medical intervention.  And charging for it!

NAZI Germany prohibited the annual flu jab in Germany.  In the UK doctors have happily vaccinated the healthy patients since 1942.  And smiled as one in 200 has died as a direct result the vaccination!

The survivors then have a worse experience of the annual seasonal flu.  With an increase Covid death rate.  The Dr. pays out only legal fine of 20,000 UK pounds for every flu all Covid vaccination.  And are struck off the first vaccination they give!  Dating back 61 years.

Payout an contested fine of 10 million UK pounds, for every patient to death!  Caused by a counter productive nature of the annual flu jab.  Which there medics are not permitted to give.

And certainly not charge for!  No logo and is allowed to Kiev any flu chap in any health centre in the world.  Or to magically struck off!  Along with the hospital or health centre and the lead Dr..


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