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Flu jab worsens death rate

Covid vacc kills 1 in 200

½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, totally clears all viral and bacterial infections which will ever exist.  Including all strains of flu and the common cold.

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The common cold and Covid flu Ph.D. there very rapidly!  Covidd just being the medical name for the regular seasonal flu.  Medicine has strictly prohibited a vaccination to the seasonal flu, since 1934.

When doctors realise a vaccination would take six months to produce, and the entries two year drug licensing regime.  But be obsolete and counter productive within six months.

The obsolete vaccination it distracts the patient's immune system, so worsening that year's seasonal flu.  Which my friends had personally experienced!  Proclaiming 'at least we have the Covid vaccination!' - which ironically enough made the Covid worse.

All viruses and have no inflated cell nature - just like cancers!  There 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published a single application of High Intensity UltraSound as a total cancer and viral cure,

The drug company is retreated into the Fuhrer bunker!  Only emerging 16 years later, as Corona are ours was causing a local epidemic within Wuhan Province China.

It never crossed the Wuhan quarantine, set up over speedily by the World Health Organisation.  Apparently escaped Bio chemically altered form of Covid18.

The Chinese medics applied ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to the chest of Corona patients in China.  Corona never even reached in other Chinese Provinces!

Only extinct by February 2020.  8 W 1 MHz is the cheapest commercially sourced fallen of HIUS.  All medics are validated 8 W three MHZ ultrasound clears all cancers and viruses.  But 110000 dollars for the unit!  Mining cost under 10 UK pounds.

It causes the inflated cells all viral and bacterial infections, to boil and rupture - as they do biological molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

The motions own immune system then secrete and actions the specific human antibody, to clear this dangerous foreign cell type from the body.  It is adaptive!

By clearing would ever strain of infection is present.  Today he will clear Covid22.  The medical vaccination for Covid19 was never licensed.  Never a legal human drug had - as I have legal medical prescription.

At it worsening the intensity of later Kevin strains!  Sophie were attracted into paying for a vaccination which is totally obsolete, a counter productive.  And no medic is allowed to Kiev counterproductive and potentially fatal medicines.

The drug industry cannot care we've covered flu all the common cold.  But now all viral and bacterial infections are totally cured.  We buy a the unit over the Internet - arives in five days and will clear what ever infections we contract over winter.

Will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Just as it cleared the AIDs my contact in New York 2012.  Since then the idea spread round the world and HIV vanished!

And supplies the New York Times has never picked up on the total cure a of AIDs.  It was a world centre for that viral infection.  Which killed five million people.  And the drug companies RE as five billion it rattles their nation's for, increasing their own natural profits!

Certainly never producing a HIV cure.  The ace treatment was intentionally fatal within a decade.  Never clearing the virus!

Their now this simple physical science clears all infections.  Just as it cleared all cancers!  The main doctors and drug company is desperate for income.  But they could never produce an effective vaccination against a common cold all Covid flu.

There vaccination for flu was automatically three years added date, and medics have found the obsolete infections actually increase the patient death rate from the new infection strain.

So variations who paid to now the annual flu jab, there have been tricked into buying medicine which would make their seasonal flu infection the worse and more fatal.

And no registered Dr. On earth is allowed to give obsolete an unlicensed medical interventions.  The flu jab always obsolete and never licensed!  Never a licensed human medicine.

The Covid19 vaccination was only given where were already within the year of Covid20 - when he had a deleterious effect.  And the vaccination well have killed at least 17 million individuals: medics accept wind 200 people will die for any licensed vaccination.

The Covid vaccination never licensed!  So natural that we will have had a higher death rates.

The total legal fine is 170 trillion.  In excess of the worth of the planet!  Any Dr. Giving a flu vaccination ever, are struck off and stripped of medical registration ever since.

Subsequent prescriptions illegal and invalid!  There Health Insurance must return or money is there to their unfortunate patients, or more likely grieving families.

This is September 2023.  And the European drug company is and doctors are winding up for the Christmas flu season.  In the mistaken belief that the flu jab is useful!

It is three years after date!  And increases the flu death rate.  Calling the infection Covid does allow us medics to give two flu jabs.  Doubling the income!

And ensuring the wind 200 other trusting of patients are dying as a direct result.  Even before we get to the increased flu disease process, and patient death rate!

An registered doctors have realised since 1934 the I Covid vaccination is counter productive.  And hence medically illegal! 


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