Covid boosters counterproductive

Covid drugs KILL

Every way since to figure this one out.  The Covid vaccination would take 3 years to produce and licence.  It the Covid virus has a new version every 1st of October!

Medics have found a the obsolete vaccinations always counterproductive.  Which is why a vaccination to Covid or common cold has been medically prohibited since 1934.  No registered Dr. allowed to give an obsolete vaccination.

It will actually increase the severity of the seasonal flu and increased the Covid death rate.  The worst medicine in recorded history!  And no registered Dr. Is allowed to apply an obsolete and counterproductive medical intervention.

There is absolutely no need!  In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of 1 minute of High Intensity UltraSound, to clear all 200 types of human cancer.  1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a massage device, clearing all cancers!  No Dr. or drugs intervention.


£3.41 - 4.5/ Piece
  • 1Review

½ minute of this HIUS each side of a person's chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Which share of foreign overinflated cell nature with all cancers.  The medical regulators are duty bound to start the use of 'Covid boosters' which are actually be obsolete and counterproductive vaccinations from two years ago!

Every Dr. Owns an 8 W three MHZ unit, which will clear all viral and bacterial infections in ½ minute or less to each side the chest - stop the ultrasound as a patient yanks away!  Is has done its job.

This medical science even cleared AIDs, as confirmed by Mr. A personal contact in New York 2012.  After which the infection vanished from the U.S.!

This year we're on Covid22.  And a virus they want to use the Covid vaccination from 2020 - Covid 20.  Which will increase the flu severity and death rate.

The drug companies want to paid drug roles is on the he is illegal medicines.  There National Medical regulators must stop all obsolete Covid vaccinations are destroyed.

½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections.  Every Christmas infection totally cleared!  Using the unit validated and in every nursing office in the world.  Basically free to use.

A drug based Covid medicine and massively counterproductive and causing human death.  Any Dr. giving an obsolete vaccination struck off and remove from medicine for ever.

There was any medic who has prescribed 1 Covid19 vaccination service struck off!  Both are prescribing doctors and medication applying nurses.  Plus the pharmacists and drug company.

The rail as people who should be given by the obsolete and counterproductive vaccinations, are the over 60 fives, of people with a reduced immune action.  The Covid by estate just the latest intentional medical murder!


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