cancer drugs defective medicine 2002

Covid drugs are always obsolete and counter productive

That year three medical professors from the world's leading Moffitt cancer centre chain, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers and viruses.

All registered doctors including academic medics, plus high up nurses are constrained by the doctors Hippocratic oath.  They all confirmed that 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, clears all cancers and infections.  They use an equally effective 8 W three MHZ unit.

The high up nurses can make ages are lower down nurses, who were constrained by their nightingale pledge.  Not to hell with defective medicine.  They also constrained from taking strike action for financial reasons.

The first day they help with cancer drugs, or took strike action was there last day as a registered legal nurse.  Are stripped of all medical wages and future pension.

The doctors including the academic medics, also are stripped of wages and medical pension.  They could no longer research cancer cell biology.  Which is now or defective and fatal medicine!

Or the academic medic and even their medical school department struck off.  The cancer drugs represent 60% of the income of medical schools.  Totally illegal since 2002.

Health Services keep prescription records.  An medically and legally required to strike off any Dr. Prescribing cancer medication since 2002.  The struck off doctors stripped of medical wages since their first cancer drug prescription, an eight adult and no medical pension.

80% of drug company income is linked to cancer drugs!  They must be very persuasive, as the C so a legal share price 2002.  The manufacture and sale of cancer drugs stripped of all biochemical drug patents they once possessed.

Their share price is the athletics some of although drug patents - they no longer had after 2002.  So they could no longer leverage their borrowing from the banks.  The world for ever bankrupt!

The banks to lead against a nonexistent share price, the sacking the involved people!  They are learning against ice.  That was melting in the daytime sun!

The medical schools were no longer allowed to research or teach cancer cell biology.  Which was defective and fatal medicine since 2002.  Just one lecture on cancer cell biology and the medical school struck off!  Along with the lecturers and support staff.

In 2002 the British Council stopped the energy is paying drug roles is to doctors prescribing cancer drugs.  So void 2018 years all taken early retirement!  Though as mentioned above the stripped or wages since their first cancer drug prescription.  An entitled to no pension.

And 2019 Astra Zeneca was promoting Corona virus as a dangerous pandemic.  Though embarrassingly it never penetrated the Wuhan quarantine in China.  So by medical definition was only ever a locally contained epidemic.  Never a pandemic.

Then Chinese medics use the medicine published 2002 by the Moffitt.  ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest totally clears all viral and bacterial infections - which share the same inflated cell nature with cancers.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound causes foreign inflated cell types to boil and rupture.  Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody, and to clear the foreign cell type throughout the body.

And 2012 my contact in New York used the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest to clear his AIDs.  Though most pernicious viral infection in history!  All viral and bacterial infections totally cleared without drugs.

And no 1 minute of HIUS to where it hurts clears all 200 types of human cancer out there.  The device costing under 10 UK pounds over the Internet.  It will clear all cancer cells that might develop.

But extinct pathogens neither spread more evolved.  Cancer was history 2002.  Though financially motivated doctors continued prescribing cancer drugs, until 2020.

Each and every prescribing medics struck off without legal argument.  Just as the academic medics leading medical students since the defective and illegal cancer cell medication, also are struck off 20 when years ago!  And for ever excluded from medical education.

Stripped or wages and pension from 2002.  There is no legal challenge to the doctors Hippocratic oath, or nurses nightingale pledge.

In 2019 the drug company is are horrified to see that Corona virus was suddenly cured!  Declared extinct by February 2020.  They changed the pandemic alert, to apply to Covid19.  Eight totally distinct virus!

The seasonal flu has a new versions declared every 1st of October.  And medics firm of experience that an obsolete vaccination actually worsened the death rate from the new Covid strain: just the regular seasonal flu!  Covid 19 cease to exist 31st of September, 2020.

When the vaccination only six months into a two year drug testing regime.  So never licensed human medication.  Registered doctors are not allowed to prescribe unlicensed and counterproductive medication.

Or there and the drug company are struck off and remove from medicine totally for ever.  Facing criminal trial for every patient who had died as a direct result of her defective vaccination,

This year we're on Covid22.  There Health Service in Hawai E mailed me yesterday, asking me to get a boost a vaccination to Covid 20 and 21.  Both obsolete and counterproductive!

No registered Dr. Is allowed to give a vaccination to any Covid strain.  They must use a 8 W three MHZ unit, bought to validate the total cancer cure 2002, to clear all seasonal flu - Covid!

The usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections from 2002.  Every psychopathic individual prescribing infection medication since the Moffitt Paper.  Struck off without legal challenge.

A fine of 10 million UK pounds, for each infection patient callously medicated to an needless drug induced death.  Does have personally confirmed the effectiveness of HIUS, and were aware they cancer an infection medication including vaccinations, defective and potentially fatal medicine.

No registered nurse allowed to assist the cancer or infection medication since 2002.  Or again struck off and remove from medicine totally for ever!  Stripped of wages and pension.  Plus their nursing registration!


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