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All cancer was cured 2002

Covid flu can't be vacinated against

By three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre.  Who were awarded the 1915 prize for this work!  Why the delay?  Because the drug companies did not want cancer cured.

The Moffitt applied 1 minute of high intensity ultrasound externally to prostate cancer.  And got a one session total cure!  Like 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound.

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager


The Moffitt used three MHZ, by the devices are in 1000 times more expensive.  And no more effective!  And it works for all cancers.

And medicine prohibits research into alternative medical cures.  No research into alternative cures all treatments is legal!  And every registered Dr. On earth bought an 8 W three MHZ unit, to personally validate the new medical science.

And they were then required to stop prescribing cancer drugs, and use HIUS.  Around the world no charity was any more allowed to be involved with biochemical treatments.

The cancer research in particular are still wittering on about radio therapy!  Which became defective and prohibited medicine 2002.  And no registered Dr. Is allowed to research defective technology!

Likewise chemotherapy also became defective sounds.  All cancer drugs prohibited medicine.

Cancer drugs provide a two year agonising expensive decline to a patient death.  1 minute of HIUS cures all cancers.

The first 2002 every registered Dr. On earth confirmed it cleared the pressurise cell structure common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.

½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest clears all infections.  The and the prescription of fungal antibiotics became defective medical malpractice.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company without legal argument.

MacMillan nursing still receives a massive payment from the drug industry, to prevent the no defective and prohibited cancer drugs.  Cancer research does not research the affective HIUS - the noble prize winning work which clears all cancers.

No development of chemo or radio therapy has been legal for 21 years!  Any involved Dr. Along with their health centre, or hospital or medical school all struck off and totally removed from medicine.

The first day of unethical cancer drug biochemical research since 2002.  Feeble can buy their own 8 W one MHZ unit, and clear all cancers in 1 minute.  Apply the ultrasound to where it hurts.

Which means there are no people living with cancer!  There are either dead or better.  Cancer drugs being fatal medicine within two years!  Totally prohibited medical prescriptions since 2002.

No registered Dr. Is allowed to research defective technology.  They can be no research ever into chemo or radio therapies.  As all cancers are cured!

The Moffitt Paper also covers the clearance of viral and bacterial infections.  The ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest.

Which will clear all strains of Covid flu and the common cold.  Plus my diseases like shingles!  Which kills 50 people a year in the UK.  They Shingl Cvaccination given to 2 1,000,000 people would intentionally killed 10,000 individuals.

Making a shInglis' vaccination 200 times more lethal than the disease!  But the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest totally clears shingles.  And medicine prohibits a vaccination for a cured disease.

½ minute of HIUS each side the chest was medically proven 2003 he to clear Covid3 - the virus behind the SARs outbreak in Asia,

Any Covid vaccination would take six months to produce, and be obsolete only six months into a two year drug testing regime.  Never a licensed human medicine!  Always obsolete.

And all Covid strains cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  And today he we are naturally on Covid22 - the Covid number increases every October 1, last two digits of that year's winter.

The HIUS causes the inflated cell common to cancer, bacterial infections and viral infections, to boil and rupture!  Inducing the patient's own immune system to secrete and action the safe human antibody, to clear that dangerous exploding cell type throughout the body.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So a total infection cure.  With another one in 200 death rate for vaccinations!  Which explain them all medical or prohibits a vaccination to a cured condition.  The changes in the Covid flu strain totally inconsequential.

They were stopped medical vaccinations working!  But again the Covid vaccination could never be licensed before being obsolete, and then counterproductive against the new Covid strain.

The drug companies are trying to vaccinate Care Homes in England against Covid.  Using the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete four years ago!  And never any use as all.

The Covid19 vaccinations given to 2.4 million UK people.  Causing 45,000 human deaths!  Which is why people and the medical establishment after the backs on the Covid vaccination!  It doesn't ****ing work, and is hellishly fatal!

The drug companies want to vaccinate the aged in the UK you know totally obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.  They should have absolutely no medical benefit!  Killing one in 200 patients.

The drug industry argue that Scotland already has vaccinated the aged.  And so would have noticed the excessive death rate!  Any Dr. Giving Covid vaccination struck off without legal argument.

A fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds for every Covid vaccination death.  Again totally an contested!  The Dr. struck off from medicine for life, receive a 25 year jail term in high security prison for each vaccination murder.

Medics have found that an obsolete vaccination increases the death rate from the new infection strain.  As it distracts immune system from fighting the new disease!

So the Covid19 vaccination was the most lethal medicine in recorded history!  Saving not one life, they killing 17 million around the world.  A total legal fine of 170 trillion.  The involved doctors either struck off or executed!


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