Shingles cured
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Shingles jab defective medicine |
Vaccinations kill - in the case is ShIngles being 2000 times more fatal than the infection is self.
When a person catches the adult form of chicken pox, the viral infected cells are very exposed in the lungs. And they have a foreign inflated cell structure - just like all cancers. To induce cell replication.
By now or every registered Dr. On earth has red my frequent posts on this subject. Which led to a 1 minute total cure of all cancers. I apply e.g. 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound externally to where it hurts.
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Using the validated 8 W 3 MHz device in every nursing office in the world, or your own ultrasound massage device as home. And will clear all cancers out there!
Just as 2013 I have personally demonstrated ½ minute of high intensity ultrasound (e.g. 8 W 1 MHz) to the bottom right of the rib cage over the pancreas, clears type two diabetes.
My American diabetic contacts reported the full minute was required for type one diabetes, or he only remits in three days as immune system got busy removing the viral structure from the body.
Which is all diabetes has vanished from the world! By February 2023. According to the doctors Hippocratic oath it should all have vanished 2013. Does first return or all diabetic medical costs since 2013.
Plus a fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds to and exit key and of diabetics intentionally or callously medicated to death. The practice nurse could clear all diabetes in 1 minute or less! Without Dr. or drugs involvement.
The Moffitt cancer centre paper 2002 mention the cure of viruses. Which I was surprised at! But viruses share the foreign inflated cell structure the cancer is an infective bacteria, so the usual ½ minute of HIUS to the chest clears all infections.
Just as it totally exterminated AIDs from the world 2012, as my personal contact in New York used HIUS to go HIV⁻. Shed free with the world - so familiar to every registered Dr. On earth.
I use it to clear my own flu November 2019 - I later ours was Covid19. Just the regular medical name for the seasonal flu. The medical or has prohibited work and a vaccination to covet flu all the common cold, since 1934.
Minister as the Covid vaccination be obsolete only six months into a two year drug testing regime. So the Covid19 vaccination was never legal human medicine. Financially motivated doctors gave out 3.5 billion Covid vaccinations.
The expected medical death rate is 1 in 200 - 17 million around the world! Intentionally or purposely vaccinated to death using illegal medicine.
Any involved GP struck off! Losing Dr. Medical registration, there medical practice and prescriptions illegal ever since. There were required to leave medicine for ever!
Any patient who is died as a result of the illegal vaccinations, once a standard legal fine of 10 million.
I cured 30 viral and bacterial infections amongst my friends. The time of the infection immaterial! All infections share the same foreign inflated cell nature.
One application of HIUS and all infections are cured, as home or by the practice nurse in any health centre in the world.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray this work came directly after my work into nuclear fusion at Sheffield University 2000. Sheffield has gone very quiet, as a realise the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam did nuclear fusion. An idea familiar to every scientist on earth.
2 H₂+P+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray there is no chemical source of helium or X rays. Quite how obvious to we need to make it! TU= fluid turbulence
In the UK the MHS is gearing up its staff rotas, for they expected winter rasher of infections. To each biochemistry radius are have an answer! Damping down the immune system increases the rate of formation of cancers. Bad medicine!
Now the practice nurse in any health centre in the world, can apply ½ minute of HIUS to the chest of patients, a cure all viral and bacterial infections.
No hospital visit required. No Dr. or drugs intervention even legal. Leave the staff as home watching her 30th repeat of ;gone with the wind".
Burn infections with mad cash cow or of present medicine. Since all cancers vanish from the world 2020: MacMillan Nursing and cancer research are legally prevented from raising charitable donations for cancer work.
Since 2002 biochemical treatments for cancer have been defective and illegal medicine. Striking off the prescribing nose plus assisting nurses and pharmacists. And of course the biochemical drug company itself.
Nobody is are livid with cancer! You're a charitable donations to fund wages are obviously give people the benefit at all,
Since February 2023 all diabetes had vanished from the world. They should have been a type two diabetic since 2013. Yet still diabetes UK is raising charitable donations, for wages!
Medicine does not from a registered doctors to research alternative treatments for already cured conditions. So since 2013 any Dr. Researching diabetes struck off! No legal argument.
The charity commission should shut down the Diabetes UK, Cancer Research and MacMillan nursing..Is part on record 2020, nobody was getting cancer anymore!
Biochemical treatments were doing fatal within two years. HIUS curing all cancers instantly. Which are leased nobody in the world living with cancer! There was a state of medicine in the 1980s. Things have moved on.
And or charity is must be doing useful true work. There is no cancer or diabetes in the world. Argument over!
The singles is just had or chicken pox: the emir protection from curing chicken pox in your youth, only lasts for 40 years!
All there shIngles infected cells have become viral inflated nature. ½ minute of HIUS to the chest from your home unit, or by the practice nurse in any health unit in the world, are totally clears shingles.
If as she Inglis vaccination will kill one in 200 people. Deliberate medical murder! No registered Dr. Could ever be party to. Without being struck off and fined 20,000 pounds for each shingles vaccination.
Rising to 10 million for every patient death following a shingles vaccination. The spurious and fatal recent medicine! Since doctors accepted by all Covid was cured. Without a far too fatal vaccination.
The shingles virus changes last quickly and Covid, but still there ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections for a person.
Get your device today, and be ready to clear even the common cold. As she Inglis is obviously irrelevant, for reversing a mass vaccination is a most fatal medical murder is of recent times.
One in 200 people die as a direct result. 89 change in the shIngls virus, and the vaccination is totally useless! And the medically published ½ minute of HIUS he so the chest will clear all infections.
Living or hospital wards as overstaffed totally NT and pointless areas. Which is a financial imprudency of the highest order!
ITV is constrained by the of a sizing standards authority. Adverts must be honest legal and true. And never which advocates vaccinating for a trivial infection, intentionally resulting in massive needless human death, is just as illegal as it gets.
Although rare, it is possible to have shingles more than once. In England and Wales there are about 50,000 cases of shingles in people aged 70 or above every year, and it is estimated that about 50 of these cases result in death. Around one in four adults will experience shingles in their lifetime.25 Jan 2019
50,000 UK old people would die from a Shingles jab
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