Curing Covid Pirola
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Covid and cancers all cured |
I for the new Covid strain was Erin. It is so does not matter! The drug company is are locked in two 1950s science - trying to produce a vaccination to Covid.
Even though medicine specifically prohibited by the Hippocratic oath. Freely signed by every registered Dr. On biochemical drug company on earth.
But then in 2002 three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers and viruses in one session.
1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound totally clearing all 200 types of human cancer.
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Feeble can buy their own 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit over the Internet, for under 10 UK pounds..Is already have personally validated 8 W three MHZ unit in every nursing office in the world.
Resulting me doctors recorded by all cancers and vanished from the world 2020. This is not solid drug companies declare a very intent to freeze a vaccination to cancers. There cells are constrained from researching A disease that no longer exists!
You cannot vaccinate against an extinct condition! And all 200 types human cancer or extinct.
½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest clears all viral and bacterial infections. Which share the same foreign inflated cell type which cancers. This means there all viral and bacterial infections can be cleared by the practice nurse in 1 minute. Without any Dr. Interaction or drugs involved!
Covet is just the regular seasonal flu. I cured my own using the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of my chest November 2019. Only one month after its superseded Covid18.
By internationally agreed and convention we're on Covid22 - to is so drug company is are always declaring micro strains! As if this was in some way important. They all share the same fine inflated cell structure, common with all viruses.
So ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear Covid Pirola/Erin. The drug company is are now declare or another micro strain, as this would in some way require a new vaccination!
Vaccination is financially kill one healthy person in 200 we vaccinate. They gave out 3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations, from January 2020 - already within the year Covid20. So the vaccination programme saved not one life, but killed 17 million.
Doctors are taught on the first year of a medical degree that a vaccination to Covid all the common cold is not legal all possible. To even research such spurious medicine was to be struck off!
The first day if he can vaccination research. Bristol Squires produce a vaccination to Polio. A virus that does not shift genome every year like Covid.
So any Covid vaccination will be obsolete only six them into a two year drug testing regime. So the Covid19 was fatal, but never legal human medicine. Striking off every vaccinating Dr. and involved drug company.
Resultingly Astra Zeneca sold Bristol Squires. Tortuous chain of sales, is still pretending to be a legal biochemical drug company - which it is not.
We note that hedge funds don't have a meaningful investment in Bristol-Myers Squibb. The company's largest shareholder is The Vanguard Group, Inc., with ownership of 9.7%. BlackRock, Inc. is the second largest shareholder owning 8.4% of common stock, and State Street Global Advisors, Inc.17 Jul 2023
Due to its ownership of Bristol Squires in 2019, Astra Zeneca Air was stripped of its registration as a legal biochemical drug company. Last warme its biochemical drug patents. And has been worthless since then! Not be our to borrow from the banks to make payroll every month.
No drug company ever been allowed to research or manufacture a vaccination to Covidflu. And care of it is just the name for the regular seasonal flu.
The medically published science from 2002, ½ minute of HIUS the server person's chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections in one session.
It totally cleared AIDs for personal friend in New York 2012. Since and the idea is circulated around the world and there disease has vanished. There disease that killed five million individuals.
Totally cured for under 10 UK pounds. The drug companies are obtained five billion to research an AIDs treatment. And massively annoyed when Sheffield University heart me to freeze the total cure by 2012.
Even a professor Z has never acknowledged the cure. May he suggests is a massive ultrasound to liquid water did nuclear fusion. Source of the heat that causes foreign inflated cell types to boil and rupture.
Inducing a body wide immune action to clear the mcro cell type totally from the body. All cancers and viruses cured.
A of the drug company is shown no inclination to give back the unused AIDs donations. They do not even mention that AIDs has been totally cured from the universe.
The specialists cancer and AIDs hostels are shut down. Only to reopen as mental health units. But ½ minute of HIUS each side of the head was found 2013, to totally clear MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia and other serious mental health issues. The hostel units all shut down again!
Even Sheffield does not manage the more cancers are totally cured 2002. Since when there manufacture and sale of cancer drugs has been criminal medicine. Invoking a striking off othe medic and drug company.
All microstrains of Covid are cured. All strains the seasonal flu or totally cured at home using the standard ½ minute of HIUS the each side the chest.
All infections cured without seeing the Dr. or using drugs! A 1 minute total cure to all infections. Though the drug companies have never even acknowledged the AIDs total cure 2012.
And more importantly or cancer cure, as medically published 53 medical professors in a world leading cancer hospital chain, 2002.
Any drug company is manufactured cancer drugs since 2002, totally struck off and structural all biochemical drug patents. Without legal challenge! Every cancer drug prescribing Dr. Struck off and stripped of medical wages and pension.
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