Covid already cured

Th year of Covid22 - natural process

All viruses respond to the standard cancer cure.  1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound externally, clearing all 200 types of human cancer in one session.

½ minute of this High Intensity UltraSound either side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  A vaccination would take six months to produce.  And two years to go through drug licensing.

So the drug company is have a vaccination to Covid20.  When we are automatically in the year of Covid22: Covid has a new version every 1st of October.  1st of October, 2023 will be on Covid23.

So the drug company is are two or three years behind with any vaccination!  And tragically medics have found the obsolete vaccination actually increase the death rate from the new infection strain.

Having the Covid19 vaccination January 2020, was found to increase the patient death rate from Covid20.

But since 2002 all registered doctors have a licensed 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, that was found to clear all types of human cancer in one session.  The same unit in every nursing office in the world.  Will clear all viral and bacterial infections ½ minute each side the chest.

Registered doctors are not allowed to prescribe Covid vaccinations!  The obsolete and never licensed.  This is 2023, and the drug company is may be on to Covid21 vaccination, which will increase the care of it death rate.

And feeble have no it isn't a care of it vaccination are actually results in increased death rate other family and friends.  It increases the severity of Covid flu!  Which reason medical or prohibits a vaccination to Covid all the common cold.

Every registered Dr. On earth has the validated HIUS unit at hand.  So can clear all viral and bacterial infections in 1 minute.  And they are legally a medically prohibited from giving a Covid vaccination.

Who were medicines the increase death rate of her family members and friends!  They are so not interested in a Covid vaccination.  The next step for the drug company is will be trial enforced vaccination.

And all Covid vaccinations are against medical law!  The increase the Covid death rate, while having no effect on would ever strain of Covid flu is circulating.

An application of the required HIUS ultrasounding can be done by the practice nurse.  There was no Dr. or drugs interaction!  It was found to clear aids 2012.

An will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Every Dr. Was taught or medical school that a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold was always illegal!  Striking off the Dr. and drug company for life.

At the are criminal prosecutions for intentional medical homicide, for the one in 200 people who had died as a result the vaccination.  Which has a absolute no affect on this year's Covid22, turn into Covid23 1 October, 2023.

Doctors proclaim a have ethics.  And are legally prevented from giving any obsolete and counterproductive vaccination.  The prayers in code vaccination will increase the patient care of it death rate.

And surely on the west medicines in human history!  Striking off every prescribing Dr..


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