All Covid cured


all Covid cured

2002 and three medical professors published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to totally clear the pressurise cell structure common to all cancers and infections.  The HIUS sets off biological molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So many G P's permanent and there is an 8 W 1 MHZ ultrasound unit, would totally clear all 200 types immune cancer in one session.  I utilised an 8 W one MHZ unit, effective against all cancers in 1 minute.

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Which share the all doctors prescribing cancer drugs since the Moffitt Paper 2002, the struck off along with the drug company.  For earlier to validate the Moffitt Paper and then use HIUS struck off the Dr. - totally remove from medical practice for ever.  There stripped of medical wages and pension.

Along with the assisting nurses, pharmacists and drug companies.  The drug company is were also are required to validate new medical science.  So confirmed the effectiveness of HIUS 2002.

So all drug company is continue the year of illegal manufacture of cancer drugs, the struck off and structural all other biochemical patents.  This obviously including Astra Zeneca - 90% of the income came from the now a illegal cancer drugs.

Hence the drug company is pushed the World Health Organisation into declaring the Corona viral outbreak in Wuhan Province China a pandemic 2019.

My friend I confirmed 2019 that ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound totally cleared AIDs - he went HIV⁻ an was fully discharged from Medical Care by his GP at the next appointment.

This idea is circulated around the world, and AIDs vanished.  There was no sudden infective biochemical treatment, the AIDs viruses, like all viruses responded to the medically published HIUS.

Covid is the regular seasonal flu.  Killing at below pandemic levels since 1934.  B Corona virus was totally extinct by February 2020 - and the pandemic alert withdrawn in embarrassment 2020.

No pandemic alert could ever be issued for Covid.  By medical definition never fatal enough!  The pandemic alert was specific to Corona virus, before he was withdrawn in embarrassment.

Never having penetrated the Wuhan quarantine and never a pandemic!  A locally contained and cured an outbreak of seasonal flu.  Albeit a Bio chemically modified form of Covid18.

There is some confusion about the new micro strain of Covid.  Yell naming it Eris.  By medical definition so all Kevin strains this year of types of Covid22.  The care of it strains and till the 1st of October, 2023.

Ten symptoms of new Covid strain Eris as cases rise ...

Chronicle Live › ... › Coronavirus

symptoms of new covid variant from

7 Aug 2023 — Sore throat · Runny nose · Blocked nose · Sneezing · Dry cough · Headache · Wet cough · Hoarse voice ...

Medics have found the obsolete infections actually worsen the death rate from the new infection strain.  Covid 19 existed 2019 and its vaccination obsolete only six months into a two year drug testing Asian.  So never licensed human medicine and now a totally contra productive.

In China Covid22 causes disease in 47 people for 100,000 patients!  All totally cleared by ½ minute of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, either side of a person's chest.  The medicine which will cure all viral and bacterial infections.  Fungal antibiotic tolerance irrelevant.

All bacterial infections cured!  And all strains of care of it flu totally cured.  The drug company is can call them by whatever name they want.  By medical definition there are types of Covid22.

To which there will never be an effective vaccination.  Just like with 19 the Covidvaccination being obsolete and counterproductive only six months into a two year drug licensing regime.

Any GP who gave a care of it 19 vaccination, was guilty are applying obsolete an ineffective medicines the potentially fatal results.  Each vaccination death warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  And the doctors receive a 25 year jail term in high security prison for each resulting patient death.

And one in 200 healthy an innocent people die from any licensed vaccination.  The care of it vaccination never licensed.  Hellishly more fatal.

The struck off doctors and nurses stripped or wages and pension.  Without legal challenge.

All the new micro strains of Covid22 are cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side of her patient's chest.  The medicine which he eradicated AIDs from the world 2012.  Though most pernicious and previously incurable viral infection in history and.

Which means that the Moffitt Paper 2002 tell the world how to cure all covet flu strains.  Without any ineffective and counterproductive infection medication.

Feeble can buy a an 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit over the Internet for under 10 UK pounds.  A doctors appointment costing $50.00!  Before we get to the pointless an ineffective prescription.

So a group of family members or friends can cure all viral and bacterial infections.  As bacteria share the same foreign inflated cell structure, with a viral infections.

19 I cured my own Covid19 November 2019.  Only one month after he automatically superseded Covid18.  I felt a bit rough for 2 hours, then totally better!

This idea works for all Covid flu strains.  Which is why he China has just 47 Covid patient 400,000 of population.  India were then have even fewer!  I do not know if she'll be any Covid when the infection is due to reach Europe.

They can all be cleared in 1 minute anyway.  And it may be totally eradicated by India and China.  Then a he is immaterial.  Covid Erin and BA.2.86 idea static Covid22, by internationally agreed medical naming convention.

All Covid totally cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest from an ultrasound massage unit costing under 10 UK pounds.  Which also clears all bacterial infections.


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