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Viruses respond to the cancer cure

all Covid SO easy to CURE - no vaccination legal

2002 and three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers and viruses.  The HIUS sets off biological molecular nuclear fusion.

Cancer is plus viral and bacterial infections, require an overinflated cell nature to induce infected cell replication.  Bacterial infections to borrow the B cells of immune system, to copy their cells.  Cancers and viruses both use the viral type single cell division method.

Which requires viral RNA, so all cancers there from precancerous structures to full cancer, as a viral infection leads them the viral genetic information.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E+X-ray

This is why foreign cell types give out X rays in ultrasound scans.  As you do non fatal levels of heat generation in the infected cell.

1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, causes foreign cell types to boil and rupture.



Inducing the full immune action to clear that distinct foreign cell type from the body: as the immune system recognizes exploding cells as dangerous!

Drug company is all validated the Moffitt Paper 2002.  Which cancer and cancer drugs into defective medicine!  The drug company is were prohibited from manufacture and sale of defective medicine.

In a circle the same whether registered doctors are not allowed to prescribe it.  They're all bought an 8 W three MHZ unit, and validated the total cancer cure.  2002.  Since when cancer drug prescription their struck off the Dr. and drug company.

Both men totally excluded from medical activity for life!  25 years in high security prison, and a fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds for each cancer patient medicated to an needless and avoidable Bio chemically assisted death.

½ minute each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Making fungal antibiotics defective and criminal medicine.  Again striking off the Dr. and drug company!  No legal appeal.

Covid is just a week virus.  It is a medical name for the regular seasonal flu that circles the planet.  Since the Moffitt Paper 2002 every registered Dr. has owned the HIUS unit required to clear all infections.

Application of HIUS ½ minute each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Individuals can do it at home!  Just as 1 minute totally clears all 200 types of human cancer.

Getting doctors and their defective medical prescriptions out of the healthy equation!  I cleared my own Covid19 November 2019 - one month after by medical definition it took over from Covid18.

The seasonal flu is given a new number every 1st of October!  So right now we're on Covid22, the killing Covid23 on the 1st of October, 2023.

As I was reminded by one the professors from the Moffitt, obsolete vaccinations actually increase the patient death rate from the new infection strain.  I already knew that the Covid vaccination would take two years to licence.

Six months to develop, and be obsolete and counterproductive only six months into a the automatic drug testing - legally required to become a licensed human medicine.

So no Covid vaccination could ever be illegal unlicensed.  Despite this suppose the registered doctors were intent on prescribing the counterproductive Covid19 vaccination, when they knew we were within the year of Covid20.

And the vaccination actually worsened the flu severity.  Presumably raising the patient death rate from 3.5% - below them over 5% required for any pandemic.

So Covid never a pandemic.  Corona virus was exterminated as Chinese medics applied the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest of Corona patients within the Wuhan quarantine in China.

Declared globally extinct by the world health organisation February 2020.  Never having penetrated the Wuhan quarantine.  No relationship with her next year's Covid19 - the seasonal flu for 2019.  Totally unrelated virus!

3.5 billion people were given the useless an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination, they expected medical death rate is one person in 200 for any licensed vaccination.

Mean that the useless obsolete and counterproductive Covid19 vaccination killed 17 million people.  Supposedly to protect against a virus that no longer existed in the universe!

It gave no protection against Covid20.  So medics are charging and 50 UK pounds, to give people an obsolete and illegal injection.  And smiled as wind 200 died!

Each death warranting a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds, sentencing the Dr. to 25 years in high security prison: which is why all the GP is have suddenly taken early retirement again!

This would normally Astra have legal representation by the GMC or AMA, but they will not defend doctors contravening the Hippocratic oath.

So giving the Covid vaccination always totally medically illegal and unethical.  Most fatal medicine in history!  Saving not one life.  Killing 17 million people as a minimum.

Drug company is and doctors are never pretended they could produce the Covid vaccination, so never updated the vaccination for Covid20 or above.  With legally offering Covid boosters - using the same defective and are obsolete Covid19 vaccination.

Doctors are meant to be super ethical!  Yet embarked on the largest deliberate medical killing in history for personal profit.  There is serious medical abuse ever.


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