Shingles vaccination illegal

Vaccinations ALL ilegal now

And no registered Dr. Could ever give an illegal vaccination.  And nobody else alive can give a vaccination!  Totally illegal medicine.

2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published a single application of high intensity ultrasound as a one session total cure to foreign pressurise cell structures: including all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.

1 minute of external e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound applied to where it hurts, was found to clear all 200 types of human cancer: firstly validated by every registered Dr. 2002 - who is then constrained from the prescription of or now defective cancer drugs.

HIUS totally cured all cancers out there.  Cancer drugs are four to the unfortunate person with an expensive an agonising two year decline to certain death.  About this dfective as medicines can be!

Any Dr. Prescribing defective medication, required to strike themselves off the doctors'medical register the same day.  Losing all Health Insurance, it may he had continued medical practice after 2002 criminal medical malpractice.

The doctors took the opportunity to retire!  The into massive decline Dr. numbers by 2018.  The drug company is publicise Corona virus as a dangerous new virus!

Chinese medics within the Wuhan quarantine applied the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of Corona patients chest, and last 44,000 cases on earth were extinguished!

The drug company suddenly promoted the regular seasonal flu, medical name Covid19 as a type of Corona virus.  Covid has been causing the seasonal flu since 1934!

Corona appeared  2018, the vanish from the year is 5 February, 2020.  Covid freely circulated the world.  Corona was contained within the Wuhan quarantine in China.  Totally distinct viruses!

Now or every year as the drug companies want more doctors to return to medical practice, the publicise a Covid spike.  Just as it newspapers are publishing articles on the crashing levels of flu.

Covid is just the name for the regular seasonal flu!  His rates are crashing around the world.  Drug companies want to apply the Covid19 vaccination.  Even though the flu strain Covid19 has not existed for over three years.

Medics have found that an obsolete vaccination actually worsens the patient death rate from the new infection strain.  And the world is now on Covid22: who rates are crashing!

The drug company Covid19 vaccination is without a shadow of doubt the most fatal medical intervention ever.  Even though Dr. Is allowed to give obsolete an unlicensed vaccinations.

Any Covid vaccination be obsolete only six months into a two year drug testing regime.  So no Covid vaccination could ever be licensed legal medicine.

The usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections.  Including all strains of Covid flu.

Also including chicken pox!  Which in e.g. people the drug industry term shingles.  Totally cured in 1 minute!  No vaccination even legal.  In a case vaccinations intentionally kill one in 200 people - hence the Covid19 illegal vaccination to every kills 17 million people.

The legal fine is an eye watering 170 billion!  The cancer death since 2002 -0200 million.  Total legal fine 2000 trillion.  The plant is only worth 138 trillion!

So every year in the summer the drug company PR firms run the same stories about a Covid spike: there this year the world newspapers are clearing stories of a crash in Covid flu!

This year are being Covid22.  Medics it's only rise the illegality of the Covid vaccination 2019, so never worked on a vaccination to Covid20 and higher.  The doctors who producive Covid19 vaccination the most fatal individuals who ever walked the planet.

Causing 17,000,000 unnecessary in human deaths.  Killing for money!  Paid executions of the innocent.

Medics will not have a valid test for Covid22 until 2024.  So is a way he can declare a Covid spike - as they can even detect it!  And certainly not cure it.

The standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections, included Covid and Shingles.

It will so obviously clear childhood chicken pox - caused by the same virus.  So you expect medical ravish about vaccinations to other carbon diseases.

Which are already cured - and so medics are not allowed to apply a vaccination.  Which has a one in 200 fatality rate.  HIUS kills nobody.

The standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear measles and mumps.  Totally eradicated and the common cold from 2002.  Any patient medicated to death by any viral or bacterial infection since has been medically murdered.

As every registered Dr. already owns and has validated validated a HIUS device clearing all infections.


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