clearing all infections
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all cured |
I used this idea November 2019 to clear my regular flu - which are medical world now refers two by the name Covid19. Flu has a new version every year - declared on the 1st of October.
I had an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device. Which I realised was a high intensity ultrasound the Moffitt cancer centre have published as a 1 minute total cure to all inflated cell types, so all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
Every registered Dr. On earth bought an 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound unit, and verify that will clear all 200 types of human cancer.
They validated the unit - in every nursing office in the world. Nurses are being trained to use ultrasound to clear them scarring. Is also transpires a clears all cancers in 1 minute.
½ minute each side the chest also clears all viral and bacterial infections. Which doctors hate! As they get to
prescribe know what is now defective biochemistry.
All cancer drugs ceased to V legal medicine 2002. As every registered Dr. On earth had to validate the effectiveness of HIUS. So is legally constrained from the prescription for all cancer drugs 2002.
Any Dr. Prescribing cancer drugs from 2002 struck off and ejected from medicine! Ceasing to draw a wage. Entitled to no medical pension. Every cancer patient they medicated would die within two agonising expensive years.
Every resulting cancer death warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, and the involved Dr. and nurse struck off and totally removed from medicine for ever. No registered Dr. Allowed to research cancer Bio chemistry.
And drug company is are only used registered doctors to do drug development. So all cancer drugs horrendously illegal from 2002.
Or there prescriptions sale striking off the drug company - who lost all other biochemical drug patents they once possessed. Ceasing to have a valid share price the most bankrupt corporations in history.
And a every registered Dr. Personally accounted for 8000 cancer deaths a year. Each from the most psychopathic and illegal medicine ever. Just one cancer drug prescription and the doctors and drug companies, plus assisting nurses and pharmacists struck off without legal challenge.
Doctors have happily medicated members of the UK house of lords to an needless death. Even though the law lords have legal supremacy to National Medical regulators.
Just 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a massage device clearing all cancers out there. ½ minute of bottom right of the chest totally extinguished type two diabetes from the earth.
Drug companies are fussing about researching better diabetic treatments. Even there there is no type two diabetes in the world. And doctors cannot research extinct infections. Just not possible or ethical!
Type one diabetes requires the full minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas, to clear totally. Otherwise with ½ minute a remits in three days. As my American diabetic contacts reported.
I found that type two diabetic cure 2010 and I cured my mother and stepfather of type two diabetes. Who were then totally medically discharged by the Christie hospital.
Which never have cease to exist! Molecular cancer the murder of and 90% of its income. And struck off all prescribing doctors who work there. It basically ceased to exist!
Guide you medicine I have personally demonstrated that ½ minute of HIUS each side of the head totally cleared all dementia.
I have personally cleared MS, our Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia. My Internet contact clears depression! Which is actually a peak global killer. Totally cured.
Farmers can ever and the required 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit, and use it at night as they feel an infection coming on. People feel a bit hot and slow.
There is no need for medical confirmation! As a medical test would take two years to develop and licence. And the infection would have moved on. It will clear all viral and bacterial infections that ever exist.
Just as it cleared all 200 types of human cancer 2002. Though mysteriously doctors are still prescribing the defective and fatal cancer drugs until 2020. Each and every such psychopathic murderous individual struck off and remove from medicine for ever.
Stripped of medical wages and pension. Hospitals are not even allowed to let such murderous individuals on their premises! Certainly never to prescribe for a new medicine.
As the vaccinations are also are illegal and invalid. So no registered pharmacist should have filled the cancer drugs and order since 2002: as high up nurses would have told the pharmacists, that the only legal cancer medicine was HIUS.
Health Services keep records the prescription histories. So any Dr. Prescribing cancer or infection medication since 2002, the struck off without legal argument. Stripped or wages and pension since the first unethical prescription.
The GP is have happily medicated 8000 cancer patients a year to death from 2002. Knowingly prescribing defective, expensive and fatal medicine. Killing the patient pointless and he within two years.
Each cancer death warranting the usual legal fine of 10 million UK pounds, and the doctors receiving ¼ of a century in high security jail.
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