drug companies return Covid money

Covid money→ patuent

I pointed this issue out to the Covid inquiry in the UK in the last 2 days, and I know it today that the Covid enquired live video stream, have stopped!  The inquiry was or drug company is seeking to use the lawyers to pressurise the UK population.  Into then she fatal medicine!

Covid as being the seasonal flu since 1934.  In 2018 Covid18 was a modified in the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan China.  To produce the Corona virus.  80 medically distinct virus from the next year's Covid19 flu strain.

Corona circulated only within the Wuhan quarantine.  Covid 19 circulated the whole world tracking winter around the globe.  Covid is just the medical name for the regular seasonal flu and is given a new number every 1st of October.  For last two digits of that year's winter.

So Covid19 only existed for a year from the 1st of October, 2019.  1 October, 2020 we were on the genetically distinct burn natural Covid20.  Eight totally natural process!

Chinese medics applied the medically published ½ minute of High Intensity UltraSound to each side the chest of Corona patients.  Unless 44,000 cases of Corona on earth would cured.  So Corona had no descendants.  It was driven extinct.

½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to each side of a person's chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Without any Dr. or drugs involved.

So in 2002 the Moffitt published a 1 minute of HIUS as a total cure to all cancers and viruses.  Astra Zeneca lost 90% of its income overnight!  Or should have done.  But the finance the incentivised medics to prescribe the now defective cancer drugs.  Defective medicine for 21 years.

Medicine has prohibited any work on a Covid vaccination since 1934.  As it was realized the vaccination would take six months to produce, then two years to licence.

So will be obsolete only six months into drug testing.  So obsolete and never licensed.  And medics have found the obsolete vaccinations actually increase the patient death rate from the new infection strain and.  So having a Covid19 vaccination work us and and 20 UK pounds.  And actually increase your risk of dying from Covid20 or later.

Medics are not permitted to dispense obsolete an unlicensed medication.  There strikes off the prescribing Dr., Plus assisting nurse and pharmacist, and the manufacturing biochemical drug company.  Or letter medicine for the rest are history.

The turning all Covid vaccination course to their surviving patients.  IA total might return of 600 billion around the world.

Tragically the vaccination will kill one in 200 healthy an innocent individuals.  The final which is 10 million UK pounds.  The Dr. receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison.

So the GP should make a start on returning all Covid fees charged to their unfortunate surviving patients.  With an additional 10 million to their family is in three died!  Which a one in 200 well have done.

Each vaccinating GP will have smiled as he happily vaccinated 50 of its own patients to an needless death.  The most psychopathic medical murder in history!

Also so pointless!  ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, either side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections instantly: though the individual will fill a minute fluy for 2 hours.  Then totally better!

So they every that lead on their first year so that lived through her or bacterial infection.  The air turning nurses have the validated HIUS device at hand.  The ½ minute of the ultrasound each side the chest, clears all infections.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+F²+X-ray the a viral or bacterial infected cell boils and ruptures.  Which induces the patient's own immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody, to totally clear that dangerous exploding cell type from the body.


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