Covid vaccination defective medicine
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Covid vacc kills 17 millon |
And any Dr. who applied defective medicine, the struck off the same day! Losing Medical Insurance - making or medical practice doubly criminal. The drug company is signed the doctors Hippocratic oath, promising never to manufacture and sell defective meCovid vacc kils 17 milliondcine.
2002 and three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear all 200 types of human cancer. 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clearing all cancers as home in a minute. No Dr. or drugs intervention required.
Astra Zeneca instantly lost 90% of its income, and became economically insolvent. It borrows from the banks to make payroll every month. Leveraging its borrowing against its share price.
They continued manufacture and sale or cancer drugs after 2002, has seen Astra Zeneca was struck off. All other biochemical drug patents void and worthless. It ceases to have a valid share price!
Astra Zeneca has likely been selling itself to the banks, to get money! So pretty soon the banks will own 100% are absolutely squat all.
Professor Fauci worked out there national institute for health. And left as all cancers were suddenly cured 2002. Seeking to utilised Astra Zeneca to continues income from cancers. The cured condition! An outside biochemical treatment.
No registered Dr. or drug company and the even to research biochemical treatments for cured conditions.
The doctors Hippocratic oath also prohibits any research into treatment that is already cured. And the Moffitt Paper covered the cure of viral infections. Which share the same non native inflated cell structure with cancers.
As he bacterial infections. All infections cured by ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of a person's chest.
Making the prescription of fungal antibiotics since 2002, and defective them then she fatal medicine. Striking off the Dr. and drug company!
Also making the production and prescription of vaccinations since 2002, defective medicine. Intentionally killing one in 200 patients. The most deliberately psychopathic Lee fatal medicine in history.
Since 2002 all vaccinations illegal. Yet Astra Zeneca purchased Bristol Squires, who have produced a vaccination against po;io. A virus does that does not have annual new strains.
So they gave away and the vaccination to polio and the virus vanished from the earth.
By 1961, only 161 cases of polio were recorded in the United States. By 1988, polio had disappeared from the US, Australia and much of Europe but remained prevalent in more than 125 countries. The same year, the World Health Assembly adopted a resolution to eradicate the disease completely by the year 2000.15 Oct 2018
For remember doctors are prohibited the research or application of a vaccination to the common cold all Covid flu. The Covid inquiry in the UK, should be determined this in the first week.
And then shut itself down! It is just the medics are seeking to exploit the lawyers for the personal gain again. So Baroness Hasllet is being exploited by the drug companies. Becoming there are paid stoog!
There is no need for the application of biochemistry to Covid. In fact no Bio chemistry could ever be effective unlicensed! The Covid vaccination the most intentionally fatal medicine in history.
3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations illegally given from January 2021. When we were already within the year of Covid20. Them on the professors from the Moffitt has reminded me, the obsolete vaccinations actually increase the patient death rate from the new infection strain.
This year we are now on the year of Covid22. When they Covid 19 obsolete an unlicensed vaccination, where have a detrimental effect on patient survival rates from the regular flu.
The standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest clears all flu strains. Like from an 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
So the ultrasound sets off biological molecular nuclear fusion within the inflated cell types - common to all cancers and viruses. The strain of type of infection immaterial! All infections which share the same foreign inflated cell structure.
Body cells are unaffected by HIUS - though they are affected by the exploding cancer all viral cell. Inducing the patient's own immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody to clear the exploding cell type from the body.
So medicine published by the Moffitt cancer centre 2002, was earth shaking! It stop the world had to cure all cancers and viruses. The drug companies have reacted by saying 'surely not our cancers/viruses!'
Where the fact YES. It cures all infections. The medics already own an 8 W three MHZ unit, boil for $10,000 from the Moffitt cancer centre 2002, to confirm the cancer cure.
It may be quicker than my one MHZ unit, costing 10 UK pounds! But no more effective. The required no Dr. or drugs intervention. The practice nurse in any health centre in the world has the validated HIUS unit to clear all infections.
So the Covid inquiry is the drug company is desperately trying to get the lawyers, to force a mass vaccination scheme on the general public. Using the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.
No registered Dr. Is allowed to apply obsolete an unlicensed medication. Physically not 13 years added date!
All Covid22, even in China and India totally cures in 1 minute. With no Dr. or drugs intervention. Family is can buy their own 8 W one MHZ unit for under 10 UK pounds. They cure all viral and bacterial infections, as people fill the honors come on a at night!
They then ceased to take the active infection into their school, as children are the major disease vactors: the spread the infection so other children, who then take it home to affect their families.
So now all flu strains are cured. Precisely what use of Covid enquired looking into? Covid is just the medical name for the regular seasonal flu that sweeps the planet, tracking winter!
Due to my PH D work at Sheffield University 2000, under professor Z and burn the total one session eing cure to a flu. All viruses cured in 1 minute. I even cleared HIV/AIDs via a personal contact in New York 2012.
New York should have celebrated the total AIDs cure 20 when years ago. But the drug company is kept quiet. So bad party logical doctors continued with eight treatments until 2018. Six years after the virus had vanished totally from the earth. The biggest health years since the cure of cancers!
½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest and the pancreas totally clears the inflated viral structure causing type two diabetes. Type one requires the full minute.
A massive health improvement! Again to as a year no publicity by the drug PR firms, who are paid a large fortune to publicise drug company science fiction. Unethical work!
The Astra Zeneca employs a room full higher paid lawyers, too, cocked its science fiction. So trying to exploit the lawyers in the Covid inquiry UK, is just what the drug companies do!
Then I have ensured that the Covid inquiry is fully aware of the flu cure. And the counterproductive effect of the obsolete unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.
Which was never updated, as 2020 doctors were reminded that their Hippocratic oath prevents HIUS research into or application of a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold.
And Covid is just the seasonal flu! Not a dangerous new pandemic. Killing since 1934, with Covid34. Though now all Covid strains are cured by 1 minute of HIUS to the chest, there will be no Covid034. As though all flu strains should have been cured 2002.
Any GP applying any Covid vaccination struck off without legal question. No drug company allowed to manufacture and sell the Covid vaccination. So Astra Zeneca were doing illegal medicine 2019.
And though they have no suspicious he left the Covid vaccination market they created, the Hippocratic N oath dictates that they be struck off from 2019. Without legal argument!
Or the other drug patents invalidated. The law firm is defending the void patents doing doing the most horrendous legal malpractice. Also struck off the legal register!
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