New York celebrates AIDs cure

AIDs 1986-2012 - but Dr.s kep it killing

The medical cure was published 2002 by the Moffitt cancer centre.  They cause the inflated cells common to cancer and viruses, to boil and rupture.  As the High Intensity UltraSound causes the foreign inflated cell types to experience biological molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So e.g. 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, causes foreign inflated cells to boil and rupture.  Spraying novel DNA into the bloodstream.  The patient's own immune system then secrete and actions the active human antibody, to totally clear the exploding cell type from the body: as there are dangers are not required!

This was used by Chinese medics 2003, to clear the SARs outbreak from Asia.  Erroneously declared a pandemic by the world health organisation.  Until driven totally extinct!

Every registered Dr. On earth was required to personally validate the new medicine.  Which avoid 100% one session total cancer cure.  Many the manufacture or prescription of cancer drugs defective and fatal medicine.

Killing the patient horribly in two expensive agonising years.  So no registered Dr. On earth has been allowed to prescribe cancer drugs for 21 years.  Or they were struck off the same day!  And for ever excluded from medicine.  A legal fine of $15 million, Byi to drive assisted cancer death since 2002.

At this juncture every Dr. On earth could cure all viral and bacterial infections.  ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear the inflated cells common to all viral and bacterial infections.

Round in the prescription of infection medication including vaccinations, defective and potentially fatal medicine.  The vaccinations intentionally killing one in 200 of the vaccinated.

The Covid infection 2019 was just the medical name for seasonal flu for that year.  So Covid19 that freely circulates the world.  No direct relationship with the extinct Corona virus, contained within the Wuhan quarantine.

The vaccination was obsolete and counter productive January 2020, as he moved on to the year of Covid20.  A new Covid strain declared every 1st of October.  So we are now on Covid22.

Having paid for Covid 19 vaccination, the writer increase the chance of dying from later strains of Covid.  Then Covid 19 it cease to exist in the universe the 31st of September, 2019.

Arrows at the Moffitt idea about HIV/AIDs 2008.  Every registered Dr. Had already have personally confirmed 100 per cent viral cure 2002.  And HIV is just a virus!  Such a weak virus, in falls below the immune scrutiny of the immune system.

2012 my friend in New York validated that ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, I applied ½ minute each side use chest totally clears hi AIDs.  He went HIV⁻.  Though most pernicious viral infection history cured in 1 minute.

Using an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, costing under 10 UK pounds.  $15.00.

This idea is circulated the world in three days, as HIV vanished.  Leaving the medics horrified.  Their main cash cow or after cancers are cured 2002, totally cured by the same physical medicine.

I have been to the Hamptons recently, and was aware the New York was a world centre for a HIV.  But now 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, will clear all viral and bacterial infections.

It led to the total extermination of AIDs around the world.  This work started at Sheffield University 2000.  My PH D work suddenly ended, as I wrote my first paper on the turbulent flow of steam doing nuclear fusion.  Accepted physical science!

2 H₂O+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray

My friend in America validated that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma the ready constant 1 MW of heat.  A little turbine will convert into ½ MW of mains electricity, using a little steam turbine.

The far cheaper thermoelectric generator costing around $1,500, will generate ½ MW of carbon zero electricity continuously.  From a volume of water to mine you had ever to measure.

Generate a constant 65 kW of carbon zero electricity.  The most important scientific idea ever.  Which led to the unexplained ending of my PH D work - manmade global warming was the big cash cow of higher education.

That the global weather had been cooling since 1995.  HIUS 520005 nuclear power promoted the meaningless manmade climate change.  Funds metabolise extra carbon dioxide within 5 minutes.

Leaving just a preindustrial two parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate air.  The 1880 level!  A static trace gas affects nothing!  And so our plasma cylinder is totally carbon zero.

Utilising and producing no radioactive substances!  Safe, clean, carbon zero non nuclear electricity and heat. 


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