Covid so easily to cure

Covid=flu - now cured

In 2002 three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear the inflated cell structure common to cancer plus viral and bacterial infections.

I started publishing this idea seriously 2010 as the medical professors took early retirement in disgust!  The other medics would not adopt this life saving new medicine.

1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, clears all 200 cancers out there.  Apply it to where it hurts!  No drugs or Dr. Intervention required.  Medicine is horrified that suddenly people are not getting cancer.

So my blocking has saved over 20 million lives a year, serving cancer victims from dying in the most agonising and expensive way known to man.  What really annoys the doctors, I do not make any money from this idea!  You my first suggested it.

It was practically confirmed by the Moffitt cancer centre for me.  But the idea also clear the inflated structures of viral and bacterial infections.

2012 and my friend in New York used ½ minute of HIUS each side use chest it clears AIDs.  Medics are really fed up that AIDs has vanished totally from world.  There patients are happy and alive!

To clear all strains of the flu all common cold, you are the same idea.  ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  From an ultrasound massage device costing under 10 UK pounds.

You don't need to see the Dr.!  Your fill of it fluy for 2 hours, then to bouncing off the ceiling!  But that was my experience anyway.

The same idea cleared Corona virus from Wuhan Province China 2019.  Last 44,000 cases where cured from December 2019.  The virus declared extinct by February 2020.

At which stage the world health organisation retracted the pandemic alert.  There was no pandemic alert issued of for Covid.  That is the seasonal flu that farmers winter 

around the world.  The drug company is just illegal he extended the withdrawal on Corona virus pandemic alert.

The flu kills 3.5% of infected people.  Below the 5% to be classed as a pandemic.  So now we know that 1 minute of HIUS to the chest will clear the common cold and Covid flu.  Covid is just the medical name for the seasonal flu.

This idea has been collected around the whole world.  We are now on Covid22, but the immune system or now a secrete and action the slightly different antibiotic and for Covid19.

We apply the ultrasound, and the immune system secrete the active antibody to clear the exploding cell type.  It does not care that it is a new viral strain.

All viruses and bacterial infections cured.  So what next for the drug companies?  They tried promoting streptococcus B as a dangerous bacterial infection.

I got better from it at age eight!  No 1 minute of HIUS to the chest clears all bacterial infections.  Which share the same inflated cell type, to induce cell replication.  Bacterial cells are copied by the over helpful B cells of immune system.

Viruses are inflated for more cash to the air and there cell replication.  Parasitic structures require the same overinflated cell structure, to get cell replication.  They are also cured by HIUS.

Algal infections are already curable.  So what next for the drug companies.  We are not in a Covid pandemic.  Covid22 can be cleared by 1 minute of HIUS - the obsolete Covid19 vaccination it worsened the serenity of later Covid strains.  And it was obsolete only six months into a two year drug testing regime.

So vaccinations will not save medicine.  The Covid19 unlicensed an obsolete vaccination was given to 3.5 billion global citizens.  And killed a predictable 17 million of them.

Medicine accepts vaccinations will kill one in 200.  The biggest medical murder in history!  For absolutely no medical benefit.  The vaccination always obsolete and unlicensed.

Any Dr. Who gave the Covid vaccination, require the same day to strike themselves off the doctors' medical register.  And cease pretend to practiced medicine!  They also lost Health Insurance.

The most horrendous the criminal and illegal medics in history.  Who killed that 17 million people in six months.  1/4 fatalities from world war two!  And Covid19 cease to exist 1st of October 2020.

When the world moved on to the genetically distinct Covid20.  The Covid19 vaccination actually made the next year's Covid worse!  And will also increase the severity of Covid22.

The worst medical intervention in history.  Patients are are entitled to automatic return of all medical fees.  If they lived!

If they died the next of key and get 10 million.  The surviving patients get 20,000 UK pounds for the chance of dying needlessly. 


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