Covid, cancer and infections cured 2002


Cancer and disease cured 2002

That year the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear the foreign inflated cell structures, common to cancers and the diseases of age, was also all viral and bacterial infections.

Incredibly enough the ultrasound sets off biological molecular nuclear fusion.  And medics were just required to know the HIUS cause the inflated foreign cell type to boil and rupture.  Inducing the patient's own immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody, to clear the distinct cell type from the body.  Like for all 200 types of cancer!

1 H₂O+HIUS+P→He+O+E²+X-ray the fact that the foreign cell type is inflated, Allen to replicate within the human body.  It means that the ultrasound required to kill off the foreign cell types, passes harmlessly through regular body cells.

The antibody is a endogenous - there is no two year drug testing system required.  Your body only makes the safe and effective human antibody.

So 2002 it was proved to clear cancers.  Every registered Dr. On earth rushed to acquire an 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound unit.  I use an 8 W one MHZ unit.  Which can be bought for under 10 UK pounds.  So or 1000 times cheaper.

The medics for the units, and confirmed the new medical science.  A one session external application of for it hurt, cleared all human cancers.

Biochemical treatments from body cancer patients with a two year agonising and expensive decline to certain death.  All cancer drugs thus became criminal and defective medical malpractice.  With fatal results!

Just one prescription of cancer drugs since the Moffitt Paper 2002, and the Dr. and involved drug company is struck off and remove from medicine totally for ever.  All subsequent medical practice was an insured and illegal!

Each patient death and or medical supervision of the struck off medic, became criminal medical murder.  The former doctors receive a 25 year jail term for each patient murder.  And a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.

Since the Moffitt Paper 2002, an estimated 200 million cancer patients around the world were a criminally medicated needlessly to death.  A total legal fine of 2000 trillion.  The most premeditated medical murderers in history.  Prescribing doctors became the most prolific murderers in human history.  Family around 8000 cancer murders a year.  Over 20 years!

Gradually featuring out, as cancers peatering out.  As people are buying and using their own HIUS device as home.  All the time the medic had the validated HIUS years in the nursing office - to clear all cancers on earth in 1 minute!

But doctors preferred prescribing medication the fatal results.  Any them massive money!  And they were sure there were always be more cancer patients to murder!

The drug company is are voluntary signatures to the doctors Hippocratic oath, so are prohibited from manufacture and sale of all cancer drugs from 2002.  Or they were struck off and lost all the other biochemical drug patents.

Ceasing to have a share price, they were bankrupt!  And could no longer a borrower from the banks to make payroll.  They have the major the drugs for 200 million a predictable cancer deaths.  Not nice people!

The doctors smiling as they prescribed cancer drugs they knew would kill their patients horribly.

2013 and other medics published the use of ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys to clear coronary heart disease.  Which vanished from the earth!

2023 and the drug companies are trying to build up Atrial Fibulation.  It is a time of heart arhythmia and also decrease the patient's blood pressure.

Struck so cause by the raised blood pressure people experience the coronary heart disease.  AF will not cause more strokes.  It will decrease them.

½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest will clear all heart arhythmia.  And all registered doctors already have the validated HIUS unit in the nursing office.  And it will take 1½ minute of HIUS to clear AF.  No drug research or application even legal.

Medicine does not permit registered doctors to research already cured conditions.

½ minute to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas, was personally found 2013 to clear type two diabetes.  I cleared it for my mother and stepfather!  The Christie Hospital was not impressed.

The cancer specific hospital stars is researching heart disease and diabetes.  And to they were also are cured!

My American friends reported 1 minute was required for type one diabetes, which otherwise only remitted in three days.  Medicine has never acknowledged diabetes totally cured.

So it focused on a viral infection.  But my friend in the U.S. had applied ½ minute of HIUS each side use chest to clear his HIV⁺ status.  This will clear all viral infections - as described 2002 am Moffitt cancer centre paper.

It will also clear the inflated structure common to all bacterial infections.  So the prescription of infection medication including vaccinations, became criminal as doctors confirmed the cancer and viral cure 2002.

Medicine does not permit diseases are cured.  It looks a new variants!  But HIUS will clear all strains of AIDs in 1 minute.  No Dr. or drugs involved!

Tragically the prescription of AIDs treatments killed the patient within the decade.  And no biochemical treatments was ethical once AIDs was cured.

But the biochemical treatments earned the Dr. 5000 dollars annually.  Cancer treatments only pounds the Dr. $2000, for two years.

AIDs treatments her and the Dr. $50,000 over 10 years.  And there prescriptions continent or 2018 - 60 years after AIDs had totally vanished from the world.

The drug company is are still talking about a treatment to stop AIDs infections, though the virus has long since vanished from the universe!  So any treatment will be unethical and illegal.

In 2019, a biochemically altered form of Covid18 the escape from the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan China.  Known to world as Corona virus.  It killed five million people.

Until I got the message to the Chinese to use a medically published HIUS.  And the virus totally vanished by February 2020.  Five million deaths, in carrying a fine of 10 million each.

That is a fine of 50 trillion for ever released the Bio chemically altered pathogen.  Killing five million Chinese.

The last 3000 AIDs deaths on earth, were caused by medics medicating haemophiliacs infected with HIV through contaminated factor eight blood clotting agent.  The doctors injected AIDs into innocent people.

And then the any money as they medicated down needlessly to death!  That was criminal medicine in recorded history.

And so we get to the Covid vaccination.  Medicine has always prohibited a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold, since it was realized 1934, has a new version of Covid every October 1.

Resistant to last year's vaccination.  Which was only six months into a two year drug testing regime.  So the Covid19 vaccination was never a registered legal human medicine.

Medics gave out 3.5 billion Covid vaccinations illegally.  Smiling as a source 17 million of the healthy an innocent patients die needlessly.

Each death warranting the standard 10 million UK pound fine.  The Dr. struck off to receive a 25 year jail term for each death.  The a assisting nurses and pharmacists also struck off!  Along with the biochemical drug company.  The AstraZeneca have been struck off 2002 - over its continued manufacture and sale of or now defective cancer drugs.

Pfizer also struck off without question.  Any viral or bacterial infection cured by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest.

After cancers, heart disease and diabetes had vanished, the drug companies have bought for four years!  Still prescribing the no defective and fatal drugs,

Demensia have been killing people since a 1930s.  The absolutely no medical interest!  It was found 2013, that the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's head, instantly cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.

No registered Dr. Has been allowed to research treatments for these conditions, also all cured a decade ago.  And the drug world is not interested in cured diseases anyway!  They talk up demensia, which they never even had a treatment for.

And a mass of the puzzled as to apply he was suddenly cured.  People are using their own HIUS device as home.  Which is why the cancer hostels are shut down as cancers were cures, reopen as mental health units.

Only to shut down again!  As a demensia cure became well known.  And no medicine and is focused on Covid.  Just the seasonal flu!

Like all viruses cured by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest.  Which means that doctors had the curative unit in the nursing office, as they smilingly vaccinated people with an obsolete vaccination.

Smiling as one in 200 of them died!  Surely it won the worst episodes in medical history.  The next disease will be a bacteria.  They tried streptococcus B, cured by the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  Not a new disease!

But the drug companies will move back with another bacterial infection.  As they think Devon infections need different cures.  Not since 2002.  All infections cured by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.

So the 17 million people vaccinated to death with the Covid19 obsolete an unlicensed vaccination, it sink a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  Striking off the involved doctors and nurses, plus pharmacists and drug company.

A total legal fine of 170 billion.  And a every involved medic struck off!  Which must mean every one's registered medic on earth.  Then prohibited from medical practice for ever.

The Dr. standing criminal trial for mortal counts of first degree medical murder.


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