Alzheimer's cured

ALL dementia fixed by cancer cure

And don't doctors hate it!  In 2002 and three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre chain published use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear the inflated viral altered cell types, mental world as cancer.

A suitable HIUS unit is an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit.  Medically licensed for safe home use.

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1 minute will clear all 200 types of cancer out there.  That medics were prefer our to prescribe the defective cancer drugs, and smiled as they earn a lot of money!  And a cancer patient dies within two years.

By 2020 it would appear that there's cancer patients were dead.

½ minute each side the chest will clear the inflated structure common to all viral and bacterial infections.  Viruses require the same fine inflated cell type, to induce cell replication - just like cancers.

2013 as walking around with my ultrasound massage unit, and three people came into my church health group with MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, I had done schizophrenia the previous year with a friend in salford.

We were all staggered as ½ minute of HIUS each side of the head totally cleared all dementia.  I freely published my work on the Internet.

Which are then no registered Dr. Could anymore research biochemical treatments for dementia including Alzheimer's.

All doctors validated an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, were clear all cancers.  Making the prescription of cancer drugs criminal and fatal medical malpractice.  The doctors carry straight on!

Whenever the European Court of human rights involved, they took early retirement!  They've rates two medicate their patients to an needless agonising and expensive death, rather than use the 1 minute physical cure.

So there was a massive Dr. Crash 2018.  As the doctors all took early retirement.  They were lord back into medical practice, on the prospect of a financially lucrative mass vaccination for Covid.

Covid walsall medical name for the seasonal flu that's Eccles winter around the globe.  A new version every 1st of October - so biochemical vaccinations are ineffective.

The Covid19 vaccination is obsolete only six months in 2A2 year drug testing regime.  Never a legal human drug!  Any Dr. It giving any Covid19 vaccination struck off without legal argument.

They are totally excluded from medical practice for ever!  So the first Covid vaccination was there last day as a legal registered Dr..  They must return or all medical fees for the medicine they illegally applied, after the ceased to V registered doctors.

Struck off doctors receive no pension!  But face criminal trial for every instance of Bio chemically assisted death.  All cancers totally cured 2002.

I cured dementia 2010 and freely published my work on the Internet.  And every registered Dr. Already had the 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit at hand.  They device it cleared all cancers also clears all dementia and Covid strains.

You can purchase an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit over the Internet, five days delivery from China.  Fasting under five UK pounds!  Though the price does vary with demand.

So ½ minute each side ahead totally clears Alzheimer's and the rest.  This means of family members were no longer draw a salary as a carer.  As the individual will no longer have dementia.

Just by being a totally non more life!  Free of pain.  And every registered GP on earth has the validated HIUS unit.  Clearing all cancers in 1 minute.

½ minute each side ahead clears all dementia.  No drug prescription even legal!

½ minute to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clear coronary heart disease - as medically published 2013.  2012 my friend in New York used ½ minute of HIUS each side use chest to totally clear his AIDs.

Medics no longer talk about AIDs - just fancy doing us a new effective treatment cured it.  No 1 minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral infections.

Obviously including AIDs.  The last 3000 HIV cases on earth were medicated to death with AIDs treatments.

You to buy the same Dr. Who infected the haemophiliacs with HIV, via contaminated factor eight blood clotting agent.  The blood samples taken from tramps, where infected with AIDs.

This was unknown medical problem 2000!  And the Moffitt cancer cured 2002, also clears all viral infections - ½ minute each side the chest.

Totally clearing Covid19 in 2019.  A 1 minute total flu cure.  The flu jabs are annually kill one person in 200.  Though most deliberate medical murder so intervention ever.

No doctors want to give you have to have A year's flu and Covid19.  Though Covid19 was the regular flu from 2019.  And the vaccination obsolete before falling through drug testing.

And doctors have found the obsolete vaccinations to all had strain of of infection, that he worsen the severity of the new infection strain.

There as professor Fauci had a very bad Covid20 infection, the regular flu from 2020.  After which AstraZeneca Power to enter the Covid vaccination market.

The vaccination was never licensed.  The drug company is voluntarily signed the Hippocratic oath.  13 that manufacture of obsolete an unlicensed medical interventions, strikes off the Dr. and drug company.

The drug company losing all other biochemical patents they possessed.  So from 2002 AstraZeneca no longer had any legal drug patents.  Setting share price set to zero.

B could no longer borrow from the banks to every month to make payroll.  The most bankrupt corporation in earth history.

Today he we're on Covid22, totally cured by the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  Using your own suitably specified ultrasound massage device as home.

Doctors and drugs have no legal answer to the regular seasonal flu.  You can cure eight in 1 minute as home.  Using a five UK pound medically licensed home beauty unit.

The same unit applied ½ minute each side of the head, clear all dementia including Alzheimer's. 


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