All Covid totally cured
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Covid cured in 1 minute |
Not by a mass vaccination! Medicine has prohibited such medicine since Covid34 star to causing the regular seasonal flu in 1934: that is all Covid is, the seasonal flu.
Medicine had no interest in, and till the Moffitt cancer centre chain published the use of High Intensity UltraSound, to clear all cancers and viruses in one session.
1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound curing all 200 types of cancer. And your family Dr. Has an 8 W 3 MHZ unit, validated to clear all cancers 2002. Since when there prescription of cancer drugs has been criminal and defective medicine. Striking off the Dr. and involved drug company. Usually AstraZeneca.

½ minute of this HIUS was personally confirmed to clear HIV/AIDs in 2012. Brett was HIV⁺, and 1 minute of this medical ultrasound, was personally validated to totally clear the most pernicious viral infection in history.
The cure was spread around the world on over the Internet and the gay Grapevine, and there disease which he killed so many millions of people vanished. The drug company is still want to sell biochemical treatments, to stop the war contracting AIDs.
But feeble cannot catch an extinct virus! It and no longer exists in the U.S.. My thanks here go to professor Z, who confirm idea that ultrasound setting off nuclear fusion.
With the inflated cell structures common to cancer plus from bacterial infections, the ultrasound causes the foreign inflated cell types, to experience cell content boiling and fragment.
Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody, to clear that cell type throughout the body.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
I used my own ultrasound massage device, to clear people of lung, breast and colon cancer. Lung cancer is accounting for 80 per cent are the cancers out there.
It also clears up 13 my friends are various viral and bacterial infections. 100% cure rate!
Vaccinations are strain specific to an infection. They kill one in 200 healthy people we vaccinate. For Covid, the virus changes constantly, and is given a new version number every 1st of October.
Medics have found that an obsolete infection actually increases the death rate from the new infection strain, for Covid any vaccination feet six months into a two year drug testing regime, when obsolete. The hellishly counterproductive!
Resulting me no registered Dr. Could ever give any Covid vaccination. As it would actually increase the death rate from the new Covid strain.
But Astra Zeneca lost 90% of its income, as all cancers would cured. So was desperate for a new drug based infection cure. Even though Covid was just the seasonal flu.
Killing 3.5% of infected people. Below the 5% required for medical prognosis of a pandemic. So your smiling GP vaccinated 10,000 people. And watched as one in 200 and died within four days. The biggest and most psychopathic medical mass killing in history.
And every first year medical student is taught that a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold is illegal and unethical! By Astra Zeneca Air waved money, and doctors happily vaccinated their patients to an needless death.
The cancer drugs rendered illegal 2002, killed a cancer patient within two years. 1 minute of HIUS clears all cancers on demand. Each medical murder warranting a fine of 10 million UK pounds.
The doctors struck off and receives a 25 year jail term in high security prison. The assisting nurses and pharmacists, plus manufacturing biochemical drug company also struck off and remove from medical activity for ever.
The drug company is voluntarily signed the doctors Hippocratic oath. I am indebted to one and three Moffitt professors, who published HIUS for this medical ;aw up date.
Today he the world is on Covid22. Until on the 1st of October, 2023, will be on Covid 23. The Covid number reflects the last two digits of that year's winter.
Covid 22 automatically cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. The medicine that totally cured AIDs for the world. Without any thanks from medical science! Who were not involved.
It will clear the common cold. Again no great announcement that the longest living infection which is resulted in human death, responds to the standard cancer cure. Again sharing the same foreign inflated cell nature, to causing infected cell replication.
This is why HIUS clears all bacterial infections. As it cures streptococcus B. Which I got better from is an eight year old! So not a dangerous pandemic.
It will also clear parasitic infections. The standard ½ minute of ultrasound each side of the chest. Which Wil cause parasitic structure is to fire and rupture. Here the hardened chalets no protection!
The macrophages and T cells will then target the parasitic cells. And the macrophages when the crew together can even cure malaria.
Am waiting for the medical world to respond. Them infection not cured by HIUS. Which will also clear of fungal and algal infections. I used it to cure varucas acquired in a swimming pool. It will clear all foreign cell types!
Which share the same inflated cell structure to induce infective structure replication. All the doctors who gave the Covid vaccination, the struck off without question.
Stripped or wages and pension plan there first gave the Covid vaccination. A legal fine of 10 million UK pounds, for each unfortunate patients they vaccinated to a needless death.
The medical world scares me. He was a very adaptive! An usually result in patient deaths. Or cancer drugs used he killed 20 million cancer patients a year. And were defective medicine from 2002.
If your relative was medicated to death from cancers after the Moffitt Paper, you are entitled to a parent of 10,000,000 UK pounds.
10,000,000 for every death! Doctors illegally vaccinated 3.5 billion people against Covid19, with the knowingly defective an obsolete vaccination. That was never licensed!
They intentionally killed 17 million global citizens. 10 million for each death. That is the total fine of 170 trillion. And the drug company is haven't given up on the Covid 19 vaccination yet.
Though the Covid19 flu strain cease to exist 1st of October, 2020. As a counterproductive fatality effect on later Covid strains. The drug companies gave up on producing a Covid vaccination.
Covid omicron was in actual fact Covid20, where again the vaccination be obsolete only six months into a two year drug testing regime. So never licensed!
Covid21 &22 were then called Covid Pi and Covid Rho by the drug companies. But I are very proud that the cure to say to Covid strains on the Internet. So Covid23/sigma is totally cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.
And each ear and saving over 17,000,000 lives around the earth. By stopping the drug companies are applying an obsolete and useless vaccination.
They were tying with a vaccination to streptococcus B, but I a pointed out all bacterial infections are automatically cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.
And every year the care of it to cure use costing the drug company is in excess of 650,000,000. The AIDs cure cost the drug companies a $640.00 million annual business.
Am I worried about walking the streets without a bodyguard! Damn right. And he is almost inevitable the drug companies will arrange organised crime to to a hit on me.
When I get shot, the police will know who to question! Firstly Astra Zeneca. And my gravestone it should remind the world, that I saved in excess of 20 million cancer lives a year. Forever.
For which there is no charge! Live long and prosper. Covid XBB.1.9.1 is type of Covid22 - cured.
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