Viruses and cancers all cured 2002
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He killed 17 million? |
That year the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear the foreign overinflated cell nature are foreign cell types.
It cleared all 200 types of cancer! But viral and bacterial infections also share the same non native inflated cell structure, to induce cell replication.
So HIUS clears all infective diseases, and all the diseases of age. It is a simple physical cure to clearance of inflated cell types.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
In 2002 every registered Dr. On earth had to validate the effectiveness of HIUS clearing all types of body cancer in 1 minute - I apply the ultrasound to where it hurts.
Doctors protest they do not understand! As if that in some way excuses them from using this new published medical science. Adding a fine of their Hippocratic oath, requires then to use best new medical science - not to understand it.
They do not understand biochemistry. Equation 1 is totally comprehensible to every first year physics student on earth. I have a master's degree in Engineering Materials, and I had to work it out!
Medics in Asia used ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest to clear the SARs outbreak - caused by Covid3. Which he is the regular seasonal flu that tracks winter around the globe.
A new version declared every 1st of October - to reflect that year's winter. Since Covid34 invest in 1934. In which year medicine prohibited a vaccination to the seasonal flu. As any Covid vaccination will be obsolete and counterproductive after six months.
Increasing the Covid death rate from the new viral strain. Tragically January 2021 Astra Zeneca Lee financially induced suppose the registered medics to apply the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination. Already within the year of Covid20! So the vaccination actually increased the care of it death rate.
I read the Moffitt Paper with interest 2001 and 40 was a massively important! My engineering PH D supervisor said he did not understand it! Sheffield had a good medical department, he would have been happy to answer all these queries.
I have written a paper on using higher power ultrasound to restrict cancer growth 2001. 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published 100 patient double blind trial, into HIUS totally clearing all 200 types of human cancer.
This may cancer drug prescription defective and criminal medicine! Striking off the Dr. and drug company. 20,000 pounds UK damages for each cancer drug prescription. Leading up to 10 million UK pounds for each cancer patient medicated death.
Striking off the Dr. plus assisting nurses and pharmacists. And obviously the biochemical drug company - like Astra Zeneca! He uses his age or money to unleash a Covid19 vaccination on the world 2020.
The year after that viral strain has ceased to exist. Medics are not permitted to prescribe obsolete an unlicensed vaccinations. Just one Covid19 vaccination and the medic struck off without argument. All so the drug company plus nursing staff. Removed totally from medical activity for life.
The drug company sharing is 10 million UK pound fine for every cancer patient fatality. And since 2002 have been an estimated 200 million the medicate a cancer patient deaths.
Each one premeditated first degree medical murder. They cancer drugs were defective and criminal medicine. Yet every registered Dr. On earth already owned an 8 W three MHZ unit. Used to validate the total cancer cure!
Which made the prescription of cancer drugs criminal and defective medicine. Striking off every Dr. Without question.
Asian medics had obliterated th SARs outbreak in Asia or 2003. Which had previously been declared a pandemic by the world health organisation. Though it never extended beyond Asian! And three days after the doctors used HIUS, the viral outbreak was extinguished. So not a pandemic!
I thought at he time that drug companies are require light there being a pandemic. Until it suddenly died out!
Then in 2018 a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 sprang up in Wuhan Province China. Now and so were as Corona virus. Again erroneously declared a pandemic.
Antil from December 2019 Chinese medics applied ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest of Corona patients. I suggested the idea, but so did millions of doctors!
By February 2020 Corona was extinct. The drug company is do not like extinctions. They are still looking for SARs₂, and nowadays are frantically searching for Corona₂. That some he sprang into existence from nowhere!
It was a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18, that mysteriously escaped from the biochemical laboratory for a full by president O'Bama, in Wuhan Province China.
So no direct relationship with her next year's Covid19, that freely circulated the world. Corona never escaped Wuhan Province China. And Corona was totally extinct by February 2020.
If Covid19 has had a direct relationship with Corona, it was totally cured. I applied ½ minute of HIUS each side the my chest November 2019, and cleared my seasonal flu: that was later known to world has Covid19.
Not a spooky new dangerous virus. Just the seasonal flu and was cured by ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest, from the unit verified by every registered Dr. On earth to cure all cancers in 1 minute. And drug company is really hate that!
As it was struck and is and doctors 80% of the income. No organisation on earth has survived losing 80% of its base income. 20 when years ago! Automatic bankruptcy within two years.
We are now on Covid22, that is cured by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. The Covid19 vaccination has increased the care of it death rate from later flu strains. The worst medical intervention in history!
Astra Zeneca Air lost 90% of its income as cancers were cures. And pinned always hopes on a six monthly care of it vaccination programme. Tragically the Covid vaccination increases the care of it death rate, from the new flu strain!
Obsolete and counterproductive within six months. I wrote up the HIUS idea about clearing HIV AIDs 2008. Remember every registered Dr. On earth with an interest was required to validate and then use a medical science. They did not!
2012 I heard from a guy in New York who was HIV⁺. He was and used his own 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device - ½ minute each side the chest.
His next GP a appointment he was fully discharged from all AIDs Medical Care. As required by the doctors Hippocratic oath. Within six months AIDs have vanished from the world.
But by then the medical world has moved on from medicating people HIV⁺, to signing a drug of supposed HIV resistance to the world people. To stop when catching the virus that no longer existed!
The doctors Hippocratic N oath this turns them from the spurious and useless medicine. And the AIDs virus did not exist and could not be transmitted any body!
The next year Dr. Fauci from the NI H published a book about the incurable AIDs virus. That no longer existed! And obviously no one can catch an obsolete infection. Which is why the black death today has zero patients.
There is 0 AIDs patients on earth. All the HIV preventative drugs, served to enrich the Dr. and Astra Zeneca. But had no useful effect.
And professor Fauci, now the Air India Astra Zeneca, he was totally aware that AIDs has vanished from the world. But he sought to use fear mongering to generate an income!
So nobody on earth has had AIDs since 2012. An all viruses second to HIUS - as published 2002 by the Moffitt cancer centre. As the detailed the cure to all 200 types of human cancer.
The Hippocratic oath prohibits a vaccination to Covid flu: Asto to vaccination be obsolete and could never be licensed! Serving only to increase the death rate from the next year's Covid flu strain.
Doctors gave out the useless an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination to 3.5 billion global citizens. The medically accepted death rate from licensed vaccination is one in 200. So the Covid19 vaccination programme saved not one life, but intentionally killed 17 million.
The MDA after Zeneca warrants a 25 years in jail for each resulting death, that is around 400,000,000 years. The most heinous murderous individual in history!
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