Nurses paid for medical cancer murders

Cancer drugs = medical murder 2002

Hospital archives turn up nurse link to royalty and running

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25 May 2018 — Hospital archives turn up nurse link to royalty and running. 25 May, 2018 By Steve Ford. London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust.

I have written extensively before about the Moffitt cancer centre paper and using High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

The inflated foreign cell type boils and ruptures.  Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody to clear the dangerous exploding cell type totally from the body.

Every prescribing Dr. On earth was required to buy a an e.g.  8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, and verify the total cancer cure in 1 minute of external ultrasound.

I have personally cleared breast, colon and lung cancer.  Lung cancer making up 80% other cancers out there!

High up nurses take the full Hippocratic oath, and the legally required from 2002 to inform or lower down nurses, to cease with the application of cancer drugs: which were any legal prescription by doctors anyway!

Striking off the Dr. and drug company on the first defective prescription.  The Dr. then stripped of all wages and pension, standing criminal trial for potentially fatal medical malpractice.

And all matrons were then required to ensure the nurses did not use.  Cancer drugs.  They use the health centre HIUS unit to clear all patient cancers in 1 minute.

½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Including all strains of Covid - the medical name for the regular human flu.

Like all Covid strains, medical or prohibits work or application of the Covid vaccination.  Which would take six months to produce!  Though Monsanta has posted on a Quaker antibody production time.  And totally incidental!

The drug licensing regime takes two years, in which time Covid flu has moved on barred two strains.  And medics have found that an obsolete vaccination actually increases the patient death rate from the new infection strain.

So for an generate 2021, financially induced medics prescribed the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination - in total knowledge of a vaccination was obsolete and useless.  I would actually increase the patient death rates from the then Covid20.

Which for consistency shed and cold Covid Pi, as the drug companies have started calling the influenza strains by Greek letters.  Starting with Covid omicron. - the internationally agreed medical name was Covid20.  There being no major medical conference to agree on a different naming strategy.

So not one mention of Covid Pi, or today's Covid Rho - by internationally agreed medical naming convention Covid21.  On the 1st of October, 2023 will be on Covid23.  Which nobody is calling Covid Siugma.

Totally cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.  Kettering doctors and drugs act of the equation.  Flu cured at home, using a family ultrasound massage device.  Which will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  No Dr. or drugs involved.

And no frequent drug rounds in hospital!  So no work for the nurses.  Who get no biochemical drug roles is for each drug round.  The biochemical drug industry has burn and all medics to the defective and there are far too fatal biochemical drugs.

Since 2002 all viruses cured.  The world health organisation had declared SARs a pandemic.  There messing they it never penetrated the quarantine around a sure.  By definition only ever a locally contained and cured epidemic.

A shown doctors applied the standard ½ minute of HIUS its her patient's chest, and the infection is totally eradicated from the world by Christmas 2003.  So embarrassingly enough, never a pandemic!

The drug companies have liked being a pandemic, even though Covid3 was not, and there was totally cured without drugs.  No work for nurses!  Medics are still desperately looking for SARs₂.  Automatically already cured!

Then 2018 a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 escape from the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan Province China.  Funded by president B'Bama - he was just trying to do good.

No sewer as Corona virus, it killed five million Chinese people in Wuhan.  Never penetrating the Wuhan quarantine - set up almost before Corona virus was identified!  Rather suspicious!  Almost as if there drug company is were expecting a viral outbreak in Wuhan Province China.  Before it had happened!

Chinese medics applied the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side of her patient's chest, an last 44,000 cases of Corona virus on earth were all cured.  Without any drugs or Dr. Involvement!

The drug industry is only declared Covid19 was a type of Corona.  The Covid flu family can be traced directly back to 1934, when Covid34 per star to causing the regular seasonal influenza.  The Covid number is last two digits of that year's winter!

Hence Covid19 cease to exist 1st of October, 2020.  An was never a legal human drug!  Any Dr. giving a prescription for the Covid 19 vaccination, required to strike themselves off the same day.

They must return or wages paid to them since that date, and receive no pension.  Payout a fine of 20,000 UK pounds, to each spurious vaccination patient.

The 410 million UK pounds, to the next of key and of every individual deliberately in callously intentionally medicated to an needless death.  Around the world this applies to 17 million people.

A total legal fine of 170 trillion.  In excess of the worth of the planet!  Only worth 138 trillion.

Every nurse on earth was made aware that the Covid19 vaccination was illegal and unethical criminal medicine.  And ER, strained never to help with the dispensing of the Covid19 vaccination.

Those that did have dispensed the Covid19 vaccination drugs, under the legal imperative to strike themselves off the same day!  Returning or wages since their first helped with the Covid vaccination schemes.

Then in receipt of no medical pension.  The fines and jail time for each Covid vaccination death, are a matter for the lawyers!

80% of drug company and Dr. Income is based around cancer drugs.  Illegal and unethical for 21 years.  Striking off every prescribing Dr. and drug company.

Every nurse who helped by the Covid vaccination drugs, structure there nursing qualifications.  And ineligible for medical work anywhere around the world!  The appropriate jail time as I said there is a matter for the lawyers.  From the two years for each patient death!

And we are talking about 45,000 UK citizens killed by the spurious an obsolete Covid19 vaccinations.  A total legal fine of 450 billion.  The fiat dictated by the doctors Hippocratic oath, and a search automatic an outside legal challenge.

So no registered nurse has been allowed to dispense the Covid vaccination since 1934.  So 80% of nursing income and work also vanished!  Hence the recent UK nursing strikes.  Very very illegal!

The nightingale pledge dictates that every striking nurse, stroked over nursing registration and ineligible for nursing work anywhere around the world.  She can work within the NHS, only as a nursing assistant.

And till her a full nursing position has been filled by new qualified nurse.  The nursing go on strike is the biggest act of political suicide, says the doctors before they could go on strike as well!

Each Dr. Stripped of his Dr. Registration.  There are health insurers void!  The chances carried by the GMC - who are have eyes the doctors are striking or is now permissible.

Even though the doctors Hippocratic oath has specifically precluded strike action for financial reasons.  Again there is no legal argument!  All those doctors seem to have taken early retirement again.

There retired 2018, only 16 years after the fall cancer cure was medically published by the Moffitt cancer centre.  The manufacturing and prescription of cancer drugs became criminal medicine 2002.

Each struck off Dr. stripped of their ability to write a medical prescriptions.  Removing the full of medical income for ever.

The biochemical drug industry players the drug role to still nurses, to buy them to drugs!  All fully aware they cancer drugs were obsolete an ethical medicine 2002.  Oh could not be legally dispense by any body!

No more than they could be legally prescribed by any body for last 20 when years.  Eva or medical professors are barred from prescribing cancer drugs, since they validated the Moffitt Paper 2002.

Doctors and medical professors failing to personally right of at the Moffitt Paper, automatically expelled from medicine.  And stripped of their Dr. Qualification and Health Insurance.

So no nurse could legally dispense cancer drugs from 2002.  Which every nurse on earth is aware off!  All totally aware that financial strikes were unethical and illegal.


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