diabetes money goes back

2002 and three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear all 200 types of human cancer at one session.  The HIUS causes the inflated cell types common to cancers plus viral and bacterial infections, to boil and rupture.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

In the laboratory applying HIUS to cancer biopsies surgically removed causes the cancer cells to emit X rays as they boil and rupture.  Forming micro bubbles of helium and oxygen gases.

There being no chemical source of helium and X rays.  And no source of radioactive decay.  So we are doing nuclear fusion from water.

This is the answer to my PH D at Sheffield University 2000, which got ended as I wrote my first paper on molecular nuclear fusion.  Which is 1.

2010 and as warning around their own 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device.  Which I have figured was HIUS.  I used it to clear colon, breast and lung cancers.  When cancer iving 80% of the human cancers out there.

Portable Home Ultrasound Massager Pain Therapy Skin Care 1mhz Ultrasound

You save:£21.16 (60%)

Totally cured without drugs in 1 minute.  I applied ½ minute of HIUS to each side of the chest.  The medical science which is published as a one session total cure to all infective disease, 2002.

So it will obviously clear all Covid flu strains.  The Covid is just the medical name for the regular human influenza and tracks winter around the world.  We are now on Covid22.  The number is last two digits of that year's winter!  Are at over first will be upgraded to Covid23.

Medicine has the real problem with the flu.  It does not respond to quarantines and mask wearing.  Killing 3.5 per cent of infected people previously.

½ minute of HIUS will clear all viral infections including Covid and the common cold.  That every registered medic was required to validate 2002.

They bought an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit to validate the absolute cancer cure 2002.  Am I then legally constrained from the prescription of cancer drugs.  Which became defective and fatal medicine.  Killing the cancer patients in two expensive years!

So every registered Dr. Has prescribed cancer drugs since 2002, struck off and although prescriptions then invalid and illegal.  No registered pharmacist should ever have filled the drug orders.

Nurses are constrained by their nightingale pledge: never to apply defective medicine.  High up nurses take the doctors full Hippocratic oath.  And are required to validate new medicine, or make indicate what is best at only permissible medicine to lower down nurses.

So any nurse half in July cancer drugs from 2002, stroke off and stripped all wages.  Then ineligible to get a medical pension.  The doctors totally prohibited from prescribing cancer drugs since 2002.

Also struck off and stripped or wages and pension.  Today they must repay all wages since the first prescribed cancer drugs.

Paying additional 10 million UK pounds, for every cancer patient intentionally medicated to an agonising and expensive death.  Receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison.  For each cancer patient homicide.

Only possible because to do to the assistance of nurses and pharmacists -, strained by the nightingale pledge.  Which made cancer drugs illegal from 2002.

2013 I applied ½ minute of HIUS to the lower right on my mother and stepfather.  Both instantly cleared other type two diabetes.  They were under the medicine of the Christie cancer hospital.  Who must have made aware of the total diabetic cure.

Making the prescription of the financially lucrative diabetic drugs criminal and illegal.  Met four million was developed in the 1930s.  There the doctors were still interested in a financially lucrative insulin.

This property was pursued by the French physician Jean Sterne, who first reported the use of metformin to treat diabetes in 1957.3 Aug 2017

So Metformin was only use 25 years after it was developed.  But since 2013 every registered Dr. On earth has confirmed that the health centre HIUS unit applied ½ minute to the bottom right of the chest cleared type two diabetes.

Type one only remitted in three days, 2016 I found that 1 minute of HIUS totally cleared even type one diabetes.  Making insulin prescriptions defective medicine ever since.

Yet been doctors family stops applying Metformin in 2020, seven years after their total diabetic cure was published.  Doctors are not allowed to prescribe defective treatments for cured diseases.

So all diabetic prescription money from 2013 is returned to the former diabetic or next of kin.  Globally diabetes cease to exist three months ago.  As people purchased in use their own HIUS unit.

I was her us last week by a train and diabetes unit at Cambridge University.  To attend one of three national diabetic conferences.  I a pointed out cell that type two diabetes was totally cures 2013.

And no registered Dr. Has been allowed to research diabetes since the cure is were published.  The setting cured diseases is impossible, and contrary to the doctors Hippocratic oath.

It is not possible to research treatments to a nonexistent disease!  So any academic medic at Cambridge University, who has researched biochemical treatments to cancer since 2002, has contravened the Hippocratic oath.

Struck off and totally removed from medicine for ever.  As has been any nurse first history cancer drug delivery since 2002.  Even within drug trials!  That medicine globally prohibited.

The assisting nurses have to return or wages paid to them since the first time they held a diabetic medication since 2002.  And are in receipt of no medical pension ever.

The prescribing doctors also are hydrogen or wages back to 2002, and get no pension.  Receive a 25 year jail term for each cancer patient death they contributed towards!

So every cancer drug prescribing medic this is equality of a century in high security jail, for each cancer patient death there were involved in!  Heinous criminal behaviour.

Even Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin would have been ashamed off!  And for the committee suicide the same day.  Shortening the Second World War!

The prescribing doctors or contribute to was an estimated 200 million cancer patient deaths since 2002.  A total fine of 2000 trillion.  The world is only worth 138 trillion.

So every NHS cancer Dr. or nurse, the struck off without legal argument!  Also removing the pharmacist and drug company is from legal medicine.  The drug company is losing all other biochemical drug patents they possessed.

Any law firm defending the void patents since 2002, doing legal malpractice.  The law firm also struck off, the applying the jail time is a matter for the other lawyers.

So all diabetic drug costs since 2013, returned to surviving diabetic patients: who are now used HIUS to totally clear diabetes.

Every diabetic patient death riding a jail term of 25 years in high security jail.  And a fine of 10 million UK pounds.  $16.00 million.

This trend diabetic years he Cambridge University, shut down from 2013!  If it even existed then.  No three national diabetic conferences obviously cancelled.


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