Covid cured physically
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all Covid cured @ home |
2002 three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer hospitals America, published the external application of high intensity ultrasound, as a total cure to all cancers and viruses. He also clears bacterial infections!
The common link is all three foreign cell types, have a non native inflated cell structure. And as professor Z for plant at Sheffield University 2000, ultrasound NG liquid water sets off nuclear fusion. A process that was later cold molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+US→He+O+E²+X-ray
My PH D work was targeted at devising nuclear fusion on earth. 2001 I found out had to do it, and my PH D was yanked from under my feet! There was some suggestion I should be doing a medical Ph.D. at Cambridge. Nobody told Cambridge University!
Today I got the message from Cambridge University about their national lectures on diabetes. But 2013 I confirmed ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the rib cage over the pancreas, the the heart and structure causing diabetes.
The hardened viral altered cell type, gives off X rays in ultrasound scans. So we are doing biological molecular nuclear fusion again.
At e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, such hardened cell structures boil and rupture. Hence the ½ minute cure to type two diabetes.
This being real life type one diabetes only remits in three days. Or 2016, I can found 1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest totally clears even type one diabetes.
And so medics have sworn, they would never research biochemical treatments for already cured conditions. Or three months ago and all diabetes had vanished from the world! Or should have done.
Insulin prescriptions have crashed. But American drug company for the patent for Metformin, they feel control to type two diabetes. Or if there is a type one diabetes, nobody is going to like diabetic medication!
Astra Zeneca have four Bristol squires for their vaccination experience: they have produced a vaccination for polio, which they are refused to patent. Hence there disease vanished from world.
Astra Zeneca were desperate for another income source, as HIUS cleared all cancers 2002. There doctors are still close to induce to prescribe the now defective cancer drugs, warranting the cancer patients agonising and avoidable death within two years.
They're all promised to use best new medicine the next day! But it took 20 years for the cancer cure to circulate around the world. And there disease vanished!
No registered Dr. Has ever been allowed to research a vaccination to the common cold all Covid flu. As those viral family is changed much too rapidly! Covid has a new version declared every 1st of October.
When the vaccination only six months through drug testing. Tragically obsolete vaccination increase the death rate from an infection. So when they started giving out the Covid19 vaccination generate 2021, we were within the year of Covid20.
So the obsolete Covid19 vaccinations actually increase the patient death rate from the new covered influenza strain. Covidf just being the medical name for seasonal flu that farmers winter around the world.
But all Covid strains share the same inflated cell structure, common to all viruses and cancers. ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of the chest, my version of HIUS, causes the inflated cells common to all viral and bacterial infections to boil and rupture.
So the Covid strain is irrelevant! And my biochemical vaccinations - with which have a limited shelf life. And till the infection spreads out a new version. So we've covered flu no vaccination could ever be licensed. As it will be obsolete only 1/4 way through testing.
But if we apply HIUS to the chest we clear all viral infections. My contact in New York use idea 2012, to clear hi AIDs - he was HIV⁺.
His next Dr. appointment, his GP discharged him from all AIDs Medical Care. We freely share this work with the world, and AIDs vanished. There was no or five million advertising process, telling the world the most pernicious viral infection history was over.
Medicine just moved to other sources of income! 2018 and a version of Covid18 mysteriously escaped from the biochemical confinement of the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan China.
It was given pandemic status, and killed five million Chinese people all within Wuhan Province China: so the world health organisation downgraded their pandemic alert, to a viral epidemic outbreak.
Chinese medics applied the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of Corona patient's chest, and the viral infection vanished from world. Covid 19 was the regular seasonal flu for 2019. Which freely circulated the world! Eight totally distinct virus from Corona.
Which suddenly emerged 2018, declared globally extinct February 2020. No direct relationship with Covid19. I cleared my own seasonal flu is a standard ½ minute of HIUS it so my chest, before I was even aware that he was Covidf19.
The Covid19 vaccination, like all Covid vaccinations, was obsolete and never licensed. With but this is not a problem. As since 2002 every registered medic on earth has owned an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit - the externally apply the ultrasound will clear all 200 types or cancer.
Making cancer drugs illegal and criminal medicine for last 21 years. Striking off the prescribing Dr., Assisting nurses and pharmacists, other biochemical drug company.
Any Dr. Prescribing the Covid vaccination also struck off without legal argument. The nurses and pharmacists, plus the manufacturing biochemical drug company all struck off and remove from medicine for ever.
The struck off nurses can not go on strike for more cash! As there not been registered nurses since the first held the cancer drug application since 2002. As far as I know this applies to every NHS nurse!
Before leaving get to the illegal Covid19 vaccination. But now a every health centre in the world has the validated HIUS unit, to clear all cancers as they arise!
Also clearing all diabetes - as outlined above. The or prescription of diabetic medication again been criminal and defective medicine. Striking off the Dr. and drug company! Plus the nurses and pharmacists.
Now every Covid strain can be cleared by the practice nurse using the health centre HIUS device.
And we are most of the way through the year of Covid22. Which will become Covid23, 1st of October, 2023. Already cleared by the standard viral cure: ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.
A ecstatic and flowing three muscular all cancers had disappeared from the world. All the cure cancer patients were ecstatic! They go clear their own cancers at home using an ultrasound device, or get the practice nurse to use the health centre HIUS. Unit with
No Dr. or drugs intervention required or legal! And all future Kevin strains cleared by the same idea: ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.
Which will clear the common cold. Just as it eradicated AIDs from the world. And viral infections do not come any more difficult to clear than AIDs.
Which technically the falls below immune system secrete and makes three lung immune system signals, there Prix uses an ineffective and sidetracked immune system. Leading to a patient death! From another infection.
So Sheffield University he helps with a demand these ideas. But surprisingly enough, have virus never to be given any credit! As curing all infections is UK night deaths to the drug companies.
Who already year are marginal undertaking, now all cancers are being cured physically.
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