Covid Arcturus CURED

Covid 'beer keeper'1

We are not talking about a mass vaccination.  Even licensed vaccinations kill one in 200 healthy people.  And other least popular medicine there is.

Medicine specifically prohibits a vaccination to Covid - the seasonal flu that flows winter around the world.  Given a new number designation every October 1.  By internationally agreed medical naming convention.

The drug companies are promoting Covid Arcturus, but have never given at any details of its location!  Just a standard micro strain of Covid flu.

Amazingly 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all 200 types of human cancer.

I have personally validated the 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, from a medically licensed ultrasound massage unit, will clear breast, colon and lung cancers.

Portable Home Ultrasound Massager Pain Therapy Skin Care 1mhz Ultrasound

RRP £35.26
Price £14.10
SAVE £21.16 (60%)

Lung cancer makes up 80% other cancers of the are aware there in the late 20th century.  All totally cures now or in just 1 minute!  And a every registered Dr. On earth bought an 8 W three MHZ unit to validate the cancer cure.  There being required to stop prescribing cancer drugs, and use their HIUS unit to clear all cancers.

This may cancer drugs defective and fatal medicine!  Killing cancer patients horribly a greater expense in two years.  Each death being first degree medical murder since 2002.

Warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, and the doctors receive a 25 year jail term for each cancer patient intentionally, deliberately and callously murdered.

This is why the doctors have suddenly taken early retirement again!  I think he'll find that that is irrelevant.  Getting premeditated medical murder is first degree murder.  Your employment status has no impact!  The retire Rangers strips the doctors are more legal representation.

The drug companies, nurses and pharmacists also struck off and remove them cells totally from legal medicine 2002.

Astra Zeneca lost 90% of its income.  So invalid and the unethical and illegal Covid vaccination.  Can registering the regular influence or virus.  That changes too quickly for a vaccination to keep up with!

So the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete only six months in 2A2 year drug testing regime.  A legal requirement!  And a every registered Dr. Was stopped on the first year of a medical degree, that a vaccination to Covid and the common cold were unethical and illegal!

Both viral family is changing too quickly.  So where has Covid Arcturus come from?  The internationally agreed medical naming convention, is are we are on the year of Covid22, which will have micro strains.

The drug company is promoted Covid Arcturus, just a type of Covid22.  Outside legal vaccination medicine.  And mask wearing has no effect on the spread of infections.  It traps the viral RNA on the mask, an ensures you are breathing in deeply to the lungs on your next breath.

Those mask wearing statistically has no effect!  And the drug industry is totally aware that Covid was always outside vaccination control.  Since Covid34 star to causing the regular human influence or in 1934.

Every year 1st of October, the Covid number is increased for that year's winter.  So this the 1st of October will be on Covid23.  And no registered medic has been allowed to research are applying for Covid vaccination ever.

Or they are struck off!

Giving 2.4 million Covid19 vaccinations are within the UK, resulting in the predictable deaths of 45,000 UK citizens.  The most horrendous and biggest deliberate medical murder in history!

Around the world 3.5 billion spurious an unlicensed vaccinations given, whose ultimate deaths of 17 million people around the world.

Within the NHS no registered Dr. Ever allowed to give one Covid vaccination.  Hence the drug company is set up special dedicated vaccination units.  Where the doctors were struck off the first time they prescribed the care of it vaccination.

There prescriptions then illegal and unethical: as a every registered pharmacist was aware!  No care of it vaccination could ever be illegal.  17 million deaths, that is over 1/4 gas from World War II.

Each involved Dr., Nurse, pharmacists and drug company struck off.  So Astra Zeneca Air had lost 90% of its income as HIUS was proved to clear all cancers.  Which divide in a viral fashion!  Require the same overinflated cell nature.

½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Included Covid and the common cold.

Drug companies have named the newly identified Covid Arcturus, does not stop it by internationally agreed medical naming convention we just a micro strain of Covid22.  In case you're wondering, 'Arcturus' is Greek for beer keeper.

Doesn't stop it being cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  This standard medicine that cleared AIDs from the world 2012.  As my personal contact in New York use the standard medically published viral cure, to cure HIV/AIDs.

And fortunately all the haemophiliacs who were injected with contaminated factor eight blood clotting agent, died before the AIDs cure was proved personally.

Every registered Dr. Knew of the viral cure 2002.  Am was far from the prescription of infection medication including vaccinations.  Every vaccination death warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, and sentencing the Dr. to 25 years in high security jail.

Striking off the assisting nurses, pharmacists and manufacturing drug company.  So Astra Zeneca was stripped of all its biochemical drug patents, 2002.

As it continued to make and sell the no defective cancer drugs irregardless of the cancer patients dying.

Without doubt the most psychopathic mass bombing medical mass murderer in history.  Killing an estimated 200 million cancer patients around the world.

But since 2002 ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  As he eradicated the SARs outbreak in Asia 2003.  Causing the world health organisation to horribly withdrawn its pandemic alert.

I thought of the time that the drug companies would find another virus to declare a pandemic.  I never dreamed they would go after the regular human flu.

Every registered Dr. On earth owns the validated HIUS unit.  Which will clear all viral and bacterial infections, by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.

The care of it vaccination was never legal!  The Covid19 vaccination was obsolete six months into its two year drug testing regime.  Never a licensed human drug!

Any Dr. giving just one Covid vaccination, remove them cells instantly from legal medical practice.  For a year the standard 10 million for every resulting patient death.  All 45,000 and within the UK!

Playing at 20,000 UK pounds to each surviving Covid vaccination victim.  You start to fully aware that the vaccination was murderous there and obsolete!  Increasing the death rate from Covid20 and later versions.

And this year we're on the year of Covid22,  Covid Arcturus is just a micro strain!  Cleared by the standard application of HIUS to the chest.  Everybody around the world can be cured of Covid in 1 minute.  With no patient deaths!


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