Astra Zeneca owes British people 450 billion
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Covid vaccination useless but fatal |
Quite possibly including you. After 2002 or cancer the cure for 1 minute of external High Intensity UltraSound. As published by the Moffitt cancer centre.
Astra Zeneca voluntarily signed the doctors Hippocratic 0ath - like all manufacturing biochemical drug companies. This is not so the Astra Zeneca have a use medical law, just else in writing it!
The Hippocratic oath has prohibited a vaccination to use the regular seasonal influenza, medical name Covid, and the common cold. As those viral families change too rapidly!
Even with the most ad Vance vaccination technology, vaccinations take six months to produce. And there must enter a two year drug licensing regime. So any Covid vaccination obsolete within six months - so never licensed as a legal human drug.
Astra Zeneca bought Bristol Squires, who helped produce the polio vaccine. Which they never patented! They mysteriously produced a Covid19 vaccination. Which as you are seeing could never be medically licensed! Always obsolete.
Medicine has burn the obsolete infections actually worsens the death rate, from the new infection strain. So when they started giving the vaccination out from January 2021, will automatically within the year of Covid20.
The internationally agreed medical naming convention is a last two digits of that year's winter. Eight Covid strain declared every 1st of October. Tissues matters the drug company is started legally, and by Greek letters. Hemce Covid omicron, by internationally agreed medical naming convention was Covid20.
I pointed out by the standard ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, either side of her patient's chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections. As the inflated infected cells boil had and ruptured. Infected cells require an overinflated cell nature, to induce infected cell replication.
So both viral and bacterial infections share were cancers, the foreign overinflated cell nature.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray so ultrasound scans sets off biological molecular nuclear fusion. Producing my crew bubbles of helium and oxygen gases, plus massive heat and X rays. There is no chemical source of helium or X rays.
So 2002 the Moffitt published the idea which cleared all cancers in 1 minute, and all infections via ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. After Zeneca are desperately tried to free use a code vaccination.
Even though such medicine was globally prohibited by the doctors Hippocratic oath. Even Russian doctors sign. Pledging to do no harm in the lasagne pledge, the so no registered American Dr. Could ever give a spurious Covid vaccination. And there are no non spurious vaccinations.
Intentionally killing one in 200 of those vaccinated with the obsolete Covid vaccination. No registered Dr. Is allowed to give an obsolete an unlicensed vaccination.
Every NHS Dr. I talked to proudly declared they would never given any Covid vaccination. No registered Dr. Around the earth could do! They were struck off on their first Covid vaccination. Although prescriptions then illegal and invalid.
There medical practice then an insured and criminal! Their Dr. Registration totally revoked. Assisting nurses and pharmacists also struck off. Along with the manufacturing biochemical drug company.
There is no legal argument to the doctors Hippocratic oath. It is absolute more above legal challenge. The human rights lawyers, can demand but the Hippocratic oath. Is enforced. They have legal supremacy to the National Medical regulators.
Any drug company continue with the illegal manufacture of cancer drugs since the Moffitt Paper 2002, the struck off and totally removed from medicine for ever. The other biochemical drug patents void and worthless.
Their share price set to zero! They could no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll. They are bankrupt 21 it years ago air. There continued in psudo operation, even though they have lost medical registration and Health Insurance.
Or there drugs so Astra Zeneca have been outside patent since 2002. Not just a cancer drugs! And no registered Dr. Is allowed to prescribe unlicensed drugs! Or Dr. Is struck off again.
By medical definition even unlicensed vaccination kills one person in 200. An unlicensed vaccination is just horrendously murderous! The 3.5 billion vaccinations killed 17 million around the world.
In the UK the year at 2.5 billion vaccinations. By the UK population of 68 million. The UK Republic was never convinced by that illegal medicine! But we can calculate the Covid19 vaccination intentionally killed 45,000 healthy an innocent UK citizens.
Each death warranting a legal fine of 10 million. Total legal fine 450 billion. If your parents received and die from the Covid19 vaccination, you are due at payout of 10 million.
The doctors who developed the spurious and fatal medicine, struck a off! Sharing the 25 years jail time in high security prison, for every Covid vaccination murder. And as I mentioned, I have been 45,000 such murders!
That is 40 billion! Which you may be ownes part of! Your family GP struck off for ever, receiving the usual legal fine of 10,000,000 for every death, and 1/4 century in high security prison.
The same penalties applied to managing directors of the involved drug companies. So professor Fauci is looking at the longest custodial jail sentences in history. Far exceeding the lifetime of human civilisation so far.
Obviously an inappropriate person to managing director for any drug company. And Astra Zeneca totally struck off and stripped of all the its drug patents. Ceasing to have a share price, the most bankrupt corporation in UK history.
I a pointed out that Covid omicron, by medical definition was Covid20. The massage outside vaccination! Also for Covid Pi/21, and Covid Rho22. On the 1st of October, 2023 he, will be on Covid Sigma/23.
Which they have mysteriously renamed as Arcturus Covid. By internationally medically agreed naming convention it is Covid23. There has been no International Medical conference declaring a new naming convention for Covid flu. And Covid is influenza!
What does Arcturus translate to in English?
The traditional name Arcturus is Latinised from the ancient Greek Ἀρκτοῦρος (Arktouros) and means "Guardian of the Bear", ultimately from ἄρκτος (arktos), "bear" and οὖρος (ouros), "watcher, guardian".
So care of it Arcturus translates as keeper of the beer! So basically a a public house owner.
The internationally agreed naming convention and is that we are on the last series of Covid22, by going Covid23 and the 1st of October, 2023.
And make all still prohibits a vaccination to any Covid flu strain. Which should be obsolete and never licensed! So the Covid19 vaccination saved not one life. That it worsening the death rate from Covid20.
It certainly has never had any medical usefulness ever! And we pass right through the year of Covid20/21 and are now on Covid22. Soon to be Covid23.
And no registered Dr. Was allowed to give any Covid vaccination, without being struck off! Losing medical registration, and totally excluded from legal medical practice for ever.
So the illegal code vaccination killed 45 UK citizens. Each one warranting a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds. And striking off the involved Dr.! Plus assisting nurses and pharmacists.
That is in excess of one deliberate medical killing for every NHS Dr.. Which is why the doctors have taken early retirement again. There retired 2018, as they can C the cancer cell being cured 16 years previously. Knowing 80% of Dr. and drug company income.
They were lord back into medical practice to give the legal Covid vaccination. Without a shadow of a doubt the most horrendous it murderers medical intervention in history. More than one patient for every NHS GP.!
Striking off every involved nurse, pharmacists and drug company. And a every nurse who assisted cancer drugs, or their murderous fatal Covid vaccination, says the struck off and remove from medicine for ever.
For essentially the same individuals who went on the illegal strike. The nurses nightingale pledge for periods nurses taking financial industrial action. Every striking nurse and Dr. Struck off without argument.
In the same pharmacists are also are not allowed to strike. The pharmacist right cannot be long away! As I have just lost 90% of the income - with the planning of cancer drugs.
Their own news items surfacing about people, means that the Covid vaccination killed her apparent.
Every patient deaths in four days are vaccination, was killed by the vaccination! The standard legal fine of 10 million UK pounds. The Dr. and the involved medical staff all struck off without argument. Plus the manufacturing biochemical drug company. Or remove from medicine totally for ever!
The drug company is freezing point cancer drugs since 2002, were struck off then anyway! All the other biochemical drug patents void it and worthless. So every first world biochemical drug company, struck off! 21 years ago.
Bristol Squires sold the Metformin patent, two and American drug company. As insulin prescriptions tanked! There is Americans found that 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to the lower right of the chest and the pancreas, totally cleared diabetes.
The best diabetes medicine - every registered Dr. Was required to apply. Ceasing to prescribe there defective the massively over expensive, diabetic medication.
HIUS was the only legal diabetes cure from 2013. When I've published my first paper on the subject! Good doctors should have used idea from 2002 - as it was realized that the inflated viral structure causing diabetes, give off X rays in ultrasound scans. Just like cancer cells!
So cleared by the standards 1 minute or less of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest.
Astra Zeneca bought Bristol Squires, so when the company declare bankruptcy, is so legal commitments went up to Astra Zeneca. And we are talking at 450 billion in the UK alone.
Money owed to you and the family Dr. Struck off as are most prolific and psychopathic mass murderer in history.
Obviously copy this message to your family or friends, who have experience a care of it vaccination murder of a relative.
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