All cancer and infections & Covid Arcturus cured


All Covid just cured

Which includes Covid - the medical name for the regular seasonal flu.  That tracks winter around the globe, given a new number designation every 1st of October.  So Covid Arcturus is just a type of Covid22.  The latter is the internationally agreed standard medical name.

All foreign cell types must have an inflated cell nature, to induce cell replication.  2002 and three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound, to clear such foreign cell types from the body.

The ultrasound incredibly enough, sets off biological molecular nuclear fusion in the pressurise cell types.  Cause them to boil and rupture.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

Since the 1950s medics have routinely used ultrasound scans at 5 W 40 kHz, to cause cancer cells to emit X rays!  Where is the more flaccid regular body cells only experience ultrasound burns at above 20 W 1 MHz.

What the Moffitt his son was brilliant!  They had a specific way he to physically clear all inflated cell sites.  They were doing nuclear fusion on earth, or physics was struggling to do it.  In actual fact physics could have done it!  That too much research money was tied up with scientific research not doing nuclear fusion.

I utilised an 8 W 1 MHz, which use the ultrasound levels use by the beauty people to clear them scarring and organ damage.  The damaged cells react in ultrasound as inflated cell types do,

Portable Home Ultrasound Massager Pain Therapy Skin Care 1mhz Ultrasound


So damaged cells are totally removed from the body, an replaced by intact cells from the stem cells.

When we apply 1 minute of external ultrasound to where it hurts, the inflated cancer cells are destroyed.  But as they are foreign cell types, the immune system secrete and actions the active human antibody to clear that cell type throughout the body.

Thus 2002 and the work at the Moffitt cancer centre clear all 200 types of human cancer.  A single external application of HIUS.

The new medical science had to personally verified by every registered Dr. and drug company on earth, or they were struck off and totally removed from medicine!  They then had to use HIUS to clear all cancers, and cease prescribing the no defective and fatal cancer drugs.

It should have happened overnight!  But doctors are too addicted to the money paid to them by the drug companies.  So to stake in 20 years for cancers to vanish!  Every cancer drug prescribing doctors struck off.  Along with the assisting nurses and pharmacists.  Plus the manufacturing biochemical drug company.

The doctors paying a fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds for every cancer patient medicated to death in last 21 years.  The doctors own receiving a 25 year jail term as are most psychopathic mass murderers in history.

But the Moffitt Paper also covered the clearance of viruses.  An amazingly enough the medical science also works to clear the inflated cells all bacterial infections.  So all strains of Covid flu are cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.

The medical science for a personal contact in New York used 2012, to clear his AIDs.  Most pernicious and previously incurable viral infection in history.  Totally cured.

The drug company is lost all cancer business 2002.  Since only have RE focused on heart disease and diabetes.  ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys was medically proved 2013 to clear heart disease.

I suggested the idea Illinois 2008 medical paper!  Though I did not know about the kidneys.  It will also clear Atrial Fibulation.  Though he and the kidneys may not be important!

The Moffitt Paper covered the cure of all viruses, it is the standard medical cure.  Viral and bacterial infections date are doing now at the end of the DNA, to render medical vaccinations useless.

But they do not change the single cell type division foreign cell types must two in the human body.  And that is what HIUS targets.  So it clears all of the inflated cell types or viral and bacterial infections.

So will clear streptococcus B without a problem.  And the genome change are in 1 October is irrelevant.  HIUS clears all viral cell types.  Including all strains of the common cold and the common flu.

And all registered doctors already have the validated HIUS unit, which will clear all cancers in 1 minute.  Though they have been very reluctant to stop prescribing the defective and fatal cancer drugs.

Just one cancer drug prescription and the Dr. and drug company struck off!  So the drug companies are making a big fuss about what the term Covid Arcturus.

Which is just a micro strain of Covid22.  And all viral infections are cured with ½ minute of HIUS it side the chest.  Or 1 minute to an infected organ.  But viruses transmits through the air, so always present in the lungs.

So HIUS to the chest ATS offer a body wide immune action to clear all viral cell types.  So Covid22 is totally cleared.  The Covid19 vaccination was obsolete 1st of October, 2020.  Tragically killing one in 200 of people injected with the useless structure!

Astra Zeneca had bought Bristol squires, who sold the vaccination patent to an the American drug company, and cease trading.  No registered Dr. Is allowed to work on the Covid vaccination.

As medicine realized 1934, the vaccination was obsolete only six months into A2 year drug testing regime.  So never a legal human drug!  The drug company is ever required should think a new names!

Every drug company has a validated that HIUS clears all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.  They have refocused on viruses, as they have real problems with the genome change!

They are validated high affective HIUS is.  Making all infection medication obsolete and quite usually fatal!  Any GP prescribing it covered vaccination in history, struck off!

Totally remove from medicine.  By the usual legal fine of 10 million for each infection patient callously medicated to an needless death.  Just so as to the all cancer patients!

As all cancers totally cured 2002.  All Covid CURED using HIUS.

'First person dies with new Covid variant as cases rise globally'  What rubbish.

       How?  Total Covid cure using ultrasound published.  And Dr.s have to use it, o be STRUCK OFF.


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