Not one Polio case in the UK

Polio now can be cured

Doctors are constrained from applying spurious medicine: medically as vaccinations kill one in 200 healthy people you vaccinate.

The power of vaccines are out of patent.  So there could be prescribed by nurses, providing they did not sleep hours in the recent strike actions.  Such individuals are stripped of the nursing registration, and, even prescribe generic drugs.

The doctors who took early retirement have removed them cells totally from legal medicine.  That led me doctors who talk illegal strike action.  Losing Dr. Medical registration, and Health Insurance.

So doctors are constrained from applying spurious medicine.  To do sir is to be struck off and totally removed from legal medicine for ever.  One by the a vaccine is such spurious useless and potentially fatal medicine.

Polio responds to the standard medically published viral and bacterial cure.  ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, which Dr. So a high intensity ultrasound, clears the inflated cell structure common to all viral and bacterial infections.

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Just as in 2012 it cleared AIDs from the world.


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