cure of antibiotic tolerance
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2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections. The HIUS sets off biological molecular nuclear fusion within the pressurise cell types, come on to foreign cell types like cancers, plus from bacterial infections.
The foreign cell types boil had and ruptured. Body cells from the damaged by the proximity two an exploding cell type
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
The Moffitt Paper reference to cure viruses, so I wrote up the idea about clearing AIDs 2008 and every registered Dr. On earth have pledged to be aware of, validated and then use best new medical science.
2012 I heard from somebody was HIV⁺ in New York, who bought and used his own 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device - ½ minute each side the chest. 1 minute of this ultrasound externally will clear all cancers.
Portable Home Ultrasound Massager Pain Therapy Skin Care 1mhz Ultrasound
Five years ago medicine started building up publicity that antibiotic resistance was a growing illogical problem. Hence the world would need to invest serious money in medical research, and the prescription of expensive proper it antibiotics.
For bacterial infections acquire an inflated cell structure. To induce infected cell replication - just as viruses Ukraine inflated cell nature to induce cell replication and.
And this will idea clears all foreign inflated cell types from the body. So ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.
Done such promise to use best medicine, but then use a most expensive medicine the King get away with! And HIUS is basically free. The devices can be purchased over the Internet for under 10 UK pounds.
From 2012 AIDs was eradicated from the world, by people using HIUS. All doctors had the suitable 8 W 3 MHZ unit, the people purchased the ER and device over the Internet.
Medicine wanted $5000 a year for 10 years, to medicate you to death from biochemical treatments for AIDs. 1 minute of HIUS and all infections cleared. It eradicated Corona virus from Wuhan Province China - the infection never penetrated the quarantine.
I used my own device to clear my Covid19 November 2019. The Covid number is last two digits of that year's winter. It would have taken two years to licence or a vaccination, and six months to develop a vaccine.
The Covid19 vaccine was never licensed before being obsolete! Air no useful medically affect on Covid20 - only serving to increase the death rate from later Covid versions.
No medic is allowed to apply obsolete an unlicensed vaccinations. Which are criminal medicine. Just one Covid vaccination and the involved Dr. and drug company struck off and removed totally from medicine.
We are now on the year of Covid22, which will become Covid23 on the 1st of October, 2023. But like all foreign cell types, it requires inflated cell structure, to induce cell replication.
Regular body cells bud off DNA intact stem cells. Viruses and bacteria are locked out of stem cells.
So that I've off viral or bacterial infection is irrelevant. The bacterial infection can be as antibiotic tolerant and as you like, that is irrelevant! The foreign cell type will boil and rupture. There is no tolerance to HIUS.
For a bacterial infection not to have an inflated cell structure, would stop the cell structure replicating and calling disease.
I started publishing and this idea over three years ago and the medical world has become increasingly silent or antibiotic tolerance. As now all bacterial infections can be cures for virtually free using HIUS.
There is no expensive and defective medical research required - antibiotics are defective and potentially fatal medicine.
1 minute of HIUS and the infection is history. Just as AIDs was 2012. Though defective doctors continued prescribing AIDs treatments until 2018. Such pathological individuals were obviously struck off their first AIDs treatment prescription after 2012.
The family is who have lost a family member to the doctors defective prescriptions, are entitled to a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds. The Dr. and nurse struck off. The Dr. receiving 25 years jail time in high security prison. The jail time and nurses is a matter for the lawyers.
The assisting nurses and lawyers are obviously also are struck off. The defective AIDs treatments were a $680 million business in 2018. Each of the prescribing doctors struck off.
Which will be the vast majority of doctors in New York. Cure to all Fieight defective and fatal medicine and watching their patients die needlessly. Worthy of the most serious punishment for intentional murders.
In the UK he doctors were aware of my regular posting on immunology since 2002 and are familiar with my work and antibiotic tolerance over last four years. Which made the prescription of all antibiotics defective and potentially fatal medicine.
Each of the most doctors had the validated HIUS unit in the nursing office. Clearing all cancers in 1 minute without drug prescription. But the struck off doctors continued with cancer drug prescription - as it made them so much money.
Still prescribing antibiotics for any viral or bacterial infection - as it were so financially lucrative. All totally aware that 1 minute of HIUS will clear all infections.
Around the world since 2002 and suppose the registered doctors have medicated an estimated 200,000,000 cancer patients to a needless, expensive an agonising death.
Each death warranting the standard legal fine of 10 million UK pounds, the Dr. and nurse struck off. The Dr. receiving 25 years custodial jail sentence in high security prisons.
The cancer drug manufacturing biochemical drug company, also struck off and all its other biochemical drug patents then void and worthless. They could no longer leverage boring to make payroll, against their now or nonexistent share price.
Every biochemical drug company on earth has continued the manufacture and sale are defective cancer drugs. So each and every Juan struck off 20 when years ago! They must return or medical charges to their unfortunate patients or more likely next of ki.n
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