Covid vaccination never legal

Covid vaccination = medical murder for money

It takes six months to produce any vaccination.  And two years to licence it!  But fast changing viral lines like the common cold all Covid flu, to need much more quickly than that!  Care which has a new version declared every 1st of October automatically.

Doctors ½ minute or obsolete vaccination actually worsens the death rate from the new infection strain.  So the Covid vaccination is automatically obsolete and never licensed!

So desperate for income would doctors' they gave the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination from January 2020: when we were already in the year of the next year's Covid20.

So far from saving lives, it killed 45,000 British citizens.  Around the world doctors illegally gave 3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations intentionally causing the needless deaths of 17,000,000 patients around the world.  Remember obsolete and unlicensed!  Worsening the Covid death rate from later flu strains.

That is all Covid is!  The seasonal flu virus.  Corona virus was apparently a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18, that never penetrated the Wuhan quarantine.

Chinese medics applied ½ minute of high intensity ultrasound to each side the chest of Corona patients.  And the last 44,000 Corona viral patients on earth would cured.

Never having penetrated the Wuhan quarantine.  Covid 19 was eight genetically distinct flu strain, that freely circulated the world!  Not a type of Corona virus.

Just the latest strain and of Covid flu that's Eccles the planet every year.  Tracking winter as it circles the planet.

I cured my own Covid19 November 2019, when I considered it the latest flu strain.  ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side of my chest, from a commercially sourced ultrasound massage device.

That will cure all viral and bacterial infections in 1 minute.  As he eradicated AIDs from world 2012.  Medics do not talk about the sun extinction of waste into was an incurable virus.

My fre myself freely circulated a work around in New York minster world, instructing fuel to use ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest to clear all infections.

The viral cure was published 2002 by the Moffitt cancer centre.  Telling people that the standard cancer cure also cures all viral infections.  And it transpired also cured all bacterial infections.

So from 2002 no Dr. Was ethically allowed to prescribe any infection medication - like fungal antibiotics all vaccinations.  To do so was potentially fatal medicine.

Killing the unfortunate patient!  While earning the Dr. money.  In full knowledge that cancer an infection medication were defective and criminal medicine.  I have been blocking about this subject for 13 years!

During which time doctors have continued prescribing antibiotics and vaccinations.  Each won fully aware of a potentially applying knowingly fatal medicines.

In direct contravention of the Hippocratic oath, they talk as a entered medical practice.  The a assisting nurses and pharmacists transgressed their nightingale pledge - also striking them cells off their respective medical registers, and removing them cells from legal medicine for ever.

So medicine is staffed with struck off medics.  Who are an insured and all registered to practice medicine.  Certainly not to charge for applying defective medicines!  With fatal results.

Doctors as turn out to the most unethical or murderous profession in history.  Apply only the best medicine?  Don't make me laugh.  And too busy crying.  Family is of patients who have been medicated needlessly to death.

There every registered Dr. On earth owned an 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound unit, cure all cancers in 1 minute.  Cure all infections ½ minute of ultrasound each side of the chest.


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