clearing pneumonia

All infections cured

Since I left Sheffield I have been busy writing songs and sing on stage.  Though the ended as my folk group leader retired.  I have done all to work on using High Intensity UltraSound to clear the diseases of age.
The Moffitt cancer centre verify the e.g. 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound will clear the pressurise cell structure common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.
The drug company is close ranks, to try and stop this medical science been widely adopted.  But every cancer patient medicated death in carers a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds.  And 1 minute of HIUS clears all 200 cancers out there.
And 2013 I had an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, as my consumer available medically licensed ultrasound unit.  That was an effective HIUS unit.

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My diabetic friend had type two diabetes.  I am now ½ minute of this HIUS to the lower right of the rib cage over the pancreas, totally cleared type two diabetes.  As the viral altered pressurise viral structure did of biological molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
This is the source of the X rays a diabetic pancreas it emits in ultrasound scans.  And under HIUS the diabetes causing viral altered cells are destroyed.
They boil and rupture!  Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody to clear diabetes totally.
2016 I verified my American diabetic contacts experience, that 1 minute of HIUS cleared type one diabetes instantly: he'd only remitted in under three days with ½ minute of HIUS.
I wrote 4000 internal books on this subject.  And the world listened!  By January 2023 diabetes had vanished from the world.  Though there are undoubtedly still some diabetics being medicated win the defective insane or metformin.
Even though both are now defective medicine!  Striking off the involved Dr. and drug company.  The year so medics have been protesting for two years, that diabetes rates have crashed!
No doubt some medical academics around the world will still be researching the better diabetic treatments.  Though treatments for cured conditions are medically prohibited!
And a every registered Dr. On earth is required to read and validate new medical advances.  So they all already her and a HIUS unit - verified 2002 to clear all cancers.
It would appear them by this year, cancers have ceased to exist.  Later a flame and air nobody is dying from cancer.  Though they would ever dream of meeting the cancers would cured.
And that is 80% of drug company and Dr. Earnings.  And 60% of the income for medical schools around the world.  But you cannot research cured conditions!  As they no longer exist.
And physically payout on my diabetes cure, as I was not sure HIUS will cure diabetes.  I was amazed when it did!  They cure the type two diabetes for my mother and stepfather.
Who wrongly a tribute to the seven diabetes cure to the Christie cancer hospital.  Who pride themselves on only doing cancer medicine.  Mantle 2002 and cancers are cured!
They were horrified 2013 and other medics published ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys to totally clear coronary heart disease.  2023 the same idea will clear Atrial Fibulation.
There disease of last resort is pneumonia.  Later medics have never really got on top of!  But the structure causing pneumonia massage pressurised foreign cell type to induce cell replication.
½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  It will clear pneumonia totally!  Totally clearing antibiotic tolerant infections.
2012 my personal contact in New York verified my paper on 2008, that ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest would even clear AIDs.  He was HIV⁺, and till the ultrasound device arrive from China in five days.
In 1 minute he was totally cleared of AIDs.  His GP had to discharged him from all AIDs Medical Care the next appointment.
In hospital elderly people can contract drug tolerant pneumonia.  Issues the disease like kills patients at the end of medical treatment.  The HIUS clears all viral and bacterial infections.
It will totally clear pneumonia in 1 minute, for under 0.4 pence.  Medics in Africa are can have a little generator and drive an ultrasound massage device.  And clear all viral and bacterial infections.
Nurses in the western world already have the validated HIUS unit in the nursing offices.  And are trained to use it to clear all infections: 1 minute of fall strength HIUS to the chest is a pretty standard beauty therapy.  With no medical side effects!
So we get to cure the infection of last resort.  All pneumonia cured.


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