Clearing asthma totally in 1

Asthma cured for ever

Just like MS and arthritis, asthma is caused by left over structure after an infection.  Arthritis is characterised by an inflated bacterial structure, causing damage in bone joints.

½ minute of High Intensity UltraSound to the affected joint, clears the inflated bacterial structure causing the problem.  So it is very like the inflated structure causing cancers.  Which HIUS was shown to cure 2002.  Every registered Dr. On earth bought and validated an ultrasound unit.

I use an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, as my medically licensed HIUS unit.


US $4.13 - 5.45/ Piece
  • 1Review

MS is mains linked to cancer - being cured by an inflated viral structure.  Which means there all 200 types or cancer plus themsels diseases like MS, Alzheimer's, schizophrenia and Parkinson's are cleared by local application of 1 minute of HIUS.

We're cancers to where it hurts.  For mental health problems ½ minute externally each side of the head.  I cleared MS, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's at my church health group 2013.  On the face of a person's walls incredible!  The pain and discomfort instantly cleared.

At the same time and for ½ minute of HIUS to the lower right of the chest totally cleared type two diabetes.  2016 I confirmed 1 minute was required for type one diabetes.  Otherwise he'd only remitted in three days!

For asthma week in have an inflated structure, and yet in the lungs - where the immune system has little access.

½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest totally clears asthma.  Without any drug application.  No other asthma is cured no registered Dr. Is allowed to research biochemistry and asthma.

The Hippocratic oath prohibits research into treatments for already cured suitable ultrasound units can be purchased conditionsf for under £10.00 today over the Internet.

The northwest has a large asthma incidents.  And the drug companies are desperate to find new sources of income - now that cancer is cured.  With no asthma can be cured totally in 1 minute.

2012 my personal contact in New York use the same idea to clear his AIDs.  The pernicious viral infection that suddenly vanished from the world, 21 years ago.

Since when no registered Dr. Has been allowed to research or prescribe biochemical treatments to HIV/AIDs.  They are civil alive with HIV are the unfortunate haemophiliacs injected with contaminated factor eight blood clotting agent.

Who went on to develop HIV.  Or medical AIDs treatments kills the patient horribly within the decade.  Each HIV death warranting a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds, and the involved Dr. and drug company struck off.  The Dr. receiving 25 year jail term in high security prison.

This is 2023, over 11 years since AIDs was totally cured from the world.  All patients on the defective AIDs treatments will be dead.  The standard legal fine of 10 million UK pounds applied for each medical homicide.

Now or house owner can be cured: predictably the asthma patients will be resistant to being cured.  They kill way the of active asthma sufferer around, and get sympathy!  And a compromise life.

1 minute of HIUS to the chest will totally clear than the condition.  Like from the doctor's validated 8 W 3 MHZ unit.  Best asthma medicine.  Any Dr. Trying to medicate asthma applying defective medicine.

Struck off and remove from all legal medical practice 2012.  This idea will clear asthma during an asthma outbreak.  It should work for non active asthma, in the same way that 1 minute of HIUS externally to a lady as cervix, cured a precancerous cells from her cervix. 

Read the latest articles of Asthma Magazine at, Elsevier's leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature.


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