Restore blood sugar normality

Diabetes fixed 2013

2013 and I discovered that ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to the bottom right of the chest restore the body's glucose level.  This totally cured type two diabetes.


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Every registered Dr. On earth has pledged be aware off and use new medical science.  I have discovered that the ultrasound massage device, which will clear all 200 types of human cancer in 1 minute, also cleared diabetes.  It is what the medics named high intensity ultrasound.

On taking up medical practice every registered Dr. has pledge to be a aware off, personally validate and then use best new medical science.  So from 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre have published the one session total cure to all 200 types of human cancer - the most pernicious plus viral condition in human history.  Killing 1/3 humanity in the Duval world.

Medics all argued that it did not work for of their cancers!  2015 the three medical professors from Moffitt were awarded the noble prize in medicine, for the cure of all cancers plus inflated structure common to all cancer and bacterial infections.

1 minute to where it hurts clears all cancers.  No Dr. or drugs intervention required!  80% of drug company or medical income removed.  The whole of medicine became economically unsustainable.

My diabetes cure 2013, clears all type two diabetes in ½ minute.  2016 I validated 1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest even clear type one diabetes instantly.  Previously it had remitted in three days.

So at 2013 every registered Dr. On earth could clear all diabetes!  The drug company is are making a big fuss about glocogen.  Another part of the your own blood sugar system.

Acting intention to glucose.  So it's global various during the day totally naturally.  Without causing any human disease.  The drug companies want to augment glocogen.  For no medical reason at all.

To do so from week will coals human disease!  As a glocogen level is designed to fluctuate throughout the day.  Or winter is medically unsafe.

The drug companies want to use your mobile phone to direct your glocogen level.  Which could only legally be prescribed by registered Dr..  As augmenting the glocogenlevel without medical reason is going to cause human disease and death.

And no registered Dr. Could ever be involved in such murderous medicine.  But only registered doctors could ever prescribe glocogen.  There there is no sound medical reason ever to do so.

So glucose levels are normalised by 1 minute or less of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest.  Which totally clears the blood sugar abnormality, associated with diabetes.

And as glucose snaps back to normal, so it does glocogen.  To apply additional glocogen without medical need is going to causing human death.  And no registered Dr. Could ever be party to this.  And glocogen could only ever be prescribed by registered Dr. - with medical need.

2020 and diabetes has all been curable, for a decade.  But drug company is do not do disease cures.  They want disease treatments.  Remember cancers would cured 2003, yet the noble prize was awarded three medical professors only in 2015.

I did my work on ultrasound causing inflated cell heating and Sheffield University 2000.  It transpires HIUS is a one session total cure to all cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia: ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead clears all dementia; Alzheimer's, MS, Parkinson's, schizophrenia and other serious mental health problems are all cleared in 1 minute.

The drug company is do not want to concede that dementia is all cleared.  They have never conceded that cancers, heart disease, diabetes and the other diseases of age were all cleared in 1 minute.

Without any drugs or Dr. Involvement.  Libra 2 is selling itself on using a mobile phone to detect your blood sugar level.  To instruct you need to apply additional glocogen.

Glocogen is not glucose and even though it is part of the blood sugar system, augmenting it would cause reli and cure human disease.

Applying HIUS to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas, normalises the your own blood sugar system.  Restoring glucose and Glocogen to normal levels.  The Glocogen varying throughout the day - rising in during the dietician of meals.

Not causing any human disease.  And no registered Dr. Could apply a dangerous chemicals to the system, without medical need.  Hence the drug companies want to cut the Dr. out of the loop.

By only registered doctors could ever prescribe dangerous biochemical compounds like Glocogen.  It is not available for sale over the pharmacy counter.  As he is a dangerous and potentially fatal helium chemical.

There doctors have no problem are applying contaminated factor eight to haemophiliacs.  Giving them the HIV/AIDs which will be fatal even under treatment within a decade.

Each Dr. Involved in the fatal factor eight prescribing system, the struck off and returning although medical fees to all and void cancer patients under the care since the ceased to be doctors.

With an additional 10 million UK pounds to the family is of haemophilia acts killed by the doctors fatal injections.

Diabetes was all cured 2013 - albeit that type two diabetes only remitted in three days: require the full minute of HIUS to remit instantly.

Verified by every registered Dr. On earth.  Who is then prohibited from the prescription of additional nce and all metformin: metformin was medically published as an inch and stimulating enzyme, in the 1930s and was out of patent 1955.

Diabetes treatments kill the patient predictably within a decade.  Each diabetic death after 2013 warrants a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  The Dr. and assisting nurses plus pharmacists, all struck off.  Along with the biochemical drug company.

Doctors must return all fees charged for applying the useless and fatal diabetic treatments since 2013, to the surviving patients or more likely their families.

Are along with an additional 10 million for each diabetic death the medications produced.


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