NHS doctors vaccinated 45,000 UK patients to death
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Covid vaccination illegal and fatal |
Vaccination so divider 1950s, but have a very unpopular reputation! They kill one in 200 people we vaccinate. And no vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold permissible. Covid is just the medical name for influenza.
That is given a new number designation every 1st of October - the number of being last two digits of that year's winter. So Covid19 only existed from the 1st of October 2019, and till the 31st of September, 2020.
A vaccination is prohibited medicine! No registered Dr. Is allowed to work in a vaccination to a flu all the common cold. Not since 1934 - when covered 34 star to causing human influence or every winter.
The Covid19 vaccination was only six months into a two year drug licensing regime, when obsolete. And medicine has found the obsolete vaccinations worsen the death rate for a new viral or bacterial strain.
So the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and never licensed. And extinct virus is do not spread and evolve! They no longer exist. So no registered Dr. Was allowed to give the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.
So for medical law, taught to every first year medical student on earth. 2002 am Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound, to clear the foreign inflated cell structure common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.
All 200 types of cancer were cures. Cancer drugs became criminal and defective medicine. Every patient medicated to death by their defective cancer drugs, once a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds. And the Dr. and drug company struck off without appeal!
HIUS was used by Asian medics 2003, to clear the SARs viral outbreak caused by Covid3. The total one session cure familiar to every registered medic on earth. Who was an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, to personally verified the new cancer an infection cure.
The HIUS induces biological molecular nuclear fusion, in the fall in pressurise cell structure. Common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
In a medical laboratory, 1 minute of HIUS selectively destroy as cancer cells in a cancer biopsy. In the body there is minimal body cell damage - caused by the exploding cancer cell types.
Which use inducing the full immune action to clear that dangerous exploding cell type throughout the body. Hence all 200 types or cancer by curedd 2002.
And the Moffitt Paper covered the cure of all pressurise cell structures - common to viral and bacterial infections.
Medicine prohibits giving a vaccination to a cured infection. And 2002 doctors could cure all viral and bacterial infections.
I wrote the idea up about AIDs 2008, and 2012 a personal contact in New York got in touch. He was HIV⁺. He bought and used his own HIUS device - ½ minute each side use chest.
The next week he was HIV⁻, and this doctors four so discharged him from all aids Medical Care. This month they can be used to clear haemophilia acts injected with contaminated factor eight blood clotting agent.
Who got Dr. Induced HIV/AIDs. Each infection worthy of a massive medical find, and A infecting doctors struck off.
HIUS will clear the inflated cell structure common to all viral and bacterial infections. So since 2002 no vaccination medicine was legal. Medically unethical! Striking off the Dr. and drug company. Plus the hospitals and assisting nurses plus pharmacists. With
Covid19 has not existed in the U.S. So ncer 1st of October, 2020. We have the year of Covid20. All through the year of Covid21, the drug companies are obsessed with the illegal vaccination to Covid19. Which would have increased the care of it death rate! So CovidPi was totally cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.
The drug company is always proclaim a long version of every cleared infection. So they are promoting long Covid. But all Kiev it is cleared using a medically published ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. Like from the doctors' 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit.
Which clears all cancers in 1 minute from 2002. The prescription of cancer drugs became defective and criminal medicine that year. Just one prescription cancer drugs since 2002, the Dr. and drug company struck off.
The Dr. prosecuted for every cancer patient death. Within two years all her defective and criminal cancer drugs.
The medical world are still was so Covid19, which is not existed for three years. An extinct virus is do not evolved and spread. They are gone and to medical history books!
So the Covid20 has not existed for two years. Covid21 was not even give them the drug company name of CovidPi, as it was already cured using medicine published 2002.
For many had two and purse invalidated by every registered Dr. On earth. We are now are on the year of Covid22 - which or drug company is would no doubt the name CovidRho. As if he were some dangerous new virus! Rather than the latest strain of the regular human influenza.
Which the Moffitt Paper 2002 told us how to cure. ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections. Including all strains of Covid flu and obviously bacterial infections like streptococcus A.
Which is not some new bacterial infection. I got better from 850 years ago air! Now ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all bacterial infections.
With no antibiotic intolerance or allergy relevant. There is no patient intolerance to HIUS. The physical cure to all infections. It will totally clear all Covid strains, no possibility of long Covid arising!
Patients before they have long Covid, needing only get the health centre practice nurse, to apply ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. From the ultrasound unit every health centre on earth has possessed and validated, since the Moffitt Paper 2002.
For earlier to validate the new medical science it clears cancer and infections, strikes off the Dr. and stripped them of Health Insurance. Making subsequent medical practice doubly criminal.
Doctors who have applying a Covid vaccination, should have struck themselves off the same day. They must return or medical fees to their patients for any medical intervention since, and hand themselves and their notes in to police for criminal prosecution. For mortal counts of first degree medical murder.
To summarise: since 1934 the Hippocratic oath has prevented any registered Dr. Researching any Covid all common cold vaccination. So only preventing any biochemical drug company from the manufacture and sale of such defective medicine.
Which means that drug company is like Astra Zeneca, that earned around 640 million from the defective Covid19 vaccination and 2021, ceased to illegal drug company that year. Stripped of all other biochemical drug patents.
They ceased to have a legal share price. They could no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll. The most murderous them bankrupt corporations in history. NHS doctors vaccinated 45,000 Brits to a pointless death.
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