Glukogen is part of the body's Bio chemistry

Diabetes is totally done

Glycogen is a main source of energy for the body. Glycogen is stored in the liver. When the body needs more energy, certain proteins called enzymes break down glycogen into glucose. They send the glucose out into the body.

So it acts in tension with glucose.  A viral fragment in the pancreas interferes with a bodys natural insulin system - that regulates glucose.  But has absolutely no affect on glukogen.

In 2013 I found that ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the lower right of the chest cleared by a viral fragment causing type two diabetes.  This High Intensity UltraSound, causes the foreign cell types to experience cell content boiling and rupture.

I freely published this work on the Internet.  So every registered Dr. With an interest in type two diabetes, was requires read and validate the new medical science the next day.  And sea so the prescription of metformin.

They had owned a HIUS device since 2002.  Oh and doctors found that 1 minute of HIUS to where it hurts cleared all 200 types of cancer.

Any Dr. Prescribing cancer drugs since the Moffitt Paper 2002, was doing criminal and defective medical malpractice.  They were struck off the same day!  And for ever excluded from legal medical practice.

The assisting nurses, pharmacists and drug company is also are totally removed from medicine the next day.  It is almost certain that all the NHS nurses practiing strike action illegally, ceased to be registered nurses on the first assistance of cancer drugs after 2002.

Struck off nurses cannot go on strike!  As they can no longer work as nurses ever again anywhere around the world.  The prescribing doctors also are struck off!  And there Medical Insurance pay him for the first 10 cancer patients, they say callously medicated to an needless Bio chemically assisted death.

A legal fine of 10 million payable for each cancer patient medicated to death over last 21 years.

2016 I validated type one diabetes remitted in three days.  Or require the full minute of HIUS to the lower right of the chest.  So all diabetes can be cured from 2013.  There were three day wait for type one diabetes.

A simple finger prick test, were confirmed the blood sugar levels have fallen to normal.  Glukogen acts in tension with glucose.  He has no effect on the colour of the applied.

As he in saint system snaps back to normal, this would have remained as the constant 4 milligrams per milliliter of blood, totally normal!

Glukogen is excreted by the embody, to increase the glucose circulating the human body between meals.  There is no good medical reason, to augment glukogen.  There is no a constant glukogen level, it varies on glucose demand.

The Libra 2 ssisting uses the camera in a mobile to detect the blood glucose level.  And then decides on the appropriate Glukogen level to augment.

This is like going outside and counting the traffic flow and then deciding what time to eat dinner.  The two are totally unrelated!  And glukogen augmentation would cause disease.

No registered Dr. Would never attempt to interfere with the body is shook her regulation system.  So Libra 2 is deciding on a glukogen obligation regime, there is has no basis in reality.

And no registered Dr. Could prescribe glukogen without medical need.  Certainly not for patients who now have a totally normal glucose and insulin system.

The Libra 2 is unethical and potentially fatal biological rubbish.


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