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diabetes is now cured

Totally fixes over 10 years ago

In 2013 I was wandering around with an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device: this was a type of a High Intensity uUtraSound, that medics have validated 2002 as a 100% cure to all cancers.  All 200 types!

1MHZ Ultrasonic Pain Ultrasound Body Therapy Facial Skin Machine Massager NEW


Every registered Dr. and drug company on earth had to validate the Medical Paper.  And purchase an 8 W 3 MHZ unit.  And verify that 1 minute of HIUS externally clears all cancers and viruses.

Much to the consternation doctors found it cured all bacterial infections: ½ minute each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  I wrote this idea up about AIDs 2008.  And every registered Dr. On earth have pledged to be a aware of and validate new medical science.

So all AIDs should have been cured in 1 minute by every registered Dr. On earth, using their own HIUS device.  So doctors are still prescribing the no defective cancer drugs until 2020.

Dr.s still prescribing the no defective and criminal cancer drugs, including vaccinations.  2003 he totally cured the SARs viral outbreak in Asia.  Caused by Covid3 - the regular flu for 2003.

2018 and Corona virus was apparently a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18.  Which killed five million Chinese individuals in Wuhan Province China.  It never penetrated the Wuhan quarantine and.

Covid19 was the next year's regular flu, so had no relationship with Corona virus.  Covid19 circulated the whole world freely.  Tragically killing 3.5% of infected people.

I cured my own Covid19 using the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of my chest November 2019 and freely published my work on the Internet.  Which again had to V. Percy verified and use by every registered Dr. On earth.

Who is then not allowed to apply the vaccination to Covid19 - which is only six months through a two year drug testing regime, when superseded by Covid20.  On which a vaccination had no effect!

Financially motivated doctors vaccinated 3.5 billion individuals around the world.  There are only 2.8 billion registered doctors in the world.  But vaccinations are accepted to kill one in 200 innocent and healthy individuals.

So the party logical doctors smiled as 17 million healthy an innocent individuals, died as a direct result of the unethical and unlicensed medical intervention.  There are only 12.8 1,000,000 registered doctors in the world.  They vaccinated more one each to deliver to them and useless death!

Each vaccinating Dr. Struck off without legal argument.  Covid flu was totally cured by the standard medicine published 2002.

Were still every Dr. Already owns the validated HIUS unit.  That will totally clear all viral and bacterial infections in 1 minute.

The Covid vaccination programme was the most murderous medicine ever.  It saved not one life.  As the common flu was already on Covid20 - they genetically distinct flu virus that does not respond to the useless an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.

Each vaccination death warrants a legal find 10,000,000 UK pounds.  The Dr. receiving a 25 year term in high security prison for every vaccination death.  Every drug company making and selling a Covid vaccination, the struck off.

All other biochemical drug patents void and of no value.  The company ejected from medicine totally for ever.

The drug company managing director sharing the same quarter of a century of jail time in high security jail.  After four vaccination deaths, the jail time is money down to the next line of management.

Basically every manager in an involved biochemical drug company imprisoned for life.  Or is so most countries like America are executed without a appeal.

2013 I validated ½ minute of HIUS to the lower right of the chest cleared type two diabetes instantly.  Type one remitted in three days.

2016 I validated 1 minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest cleared type one diabetes.  The drug companies have never conceded the cancer and diabetes was cured.

Even though no registered Dr. Is now a allowed to prescribe cancer or diabetes medication.  Which are now defective or murderous medicines.


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