Curing Polio

Polio cured - no drugs
Due to my PH D work at Sheffield University 2000, I devised the idea of using high power ultrasound to clear inflated cell structures such as cancer and viruses.

Three medical professors the Moffitt cancer centre, but then published idea of using High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers and viruses out there.  After a easu time they took early retirement!  Doctors and drug company is would not accept cancers had been cured: though they have mated cancer had vanished desert world killer!

Ultrasound Handheld Medical Grade Ultrasound Therapy Unit for Pain Relief

usually such devices are cheaper
Usually such devices are cheaper
My contact in New York was HIV⁺, and used an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, to totally clear AIDs.  His GP discharged him from all AIDs medicines the next week.  Again doctors and drug company is would not accept this cure!  Even though it eradicated HIV from the world - except for the haemophiliacs given HIV through a hypodermic injection of contaminated factor eight blood clotting agent.

The usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will totally clear AIDs.

I was in India a year ago, I was saddened to observe that polio was still a major killer in India and the third world.  Though he was eradicated using quarantines in the developed world.  Basically letting the Polio people die off!

I've published my work freely on the Internet, and for due to a medical contacts on YouTube.

He got back to me today.  To say has been credited with curing Polio.  What form outbreak in Asia will take I do not know.  And do not really care!

I have cured Polio.  That never having met a Polio patient.  As Albert Einstein noted 'imagination is more important than knowledge'.  So I extended the validated cancer cure - to cure AIDs and Polio.  And I finally magazine credit for the Polio with cure.

- I had a car accident 1988, and suffered 30% brain damage.  She dollars for forms a master's degree in to metallurgy in the 1980s, professor Argent got me back to Sheffield 2000 to embark on a PH D.  Into nuclear fusion.

Which he brought they got ended as I discovered how ultrasounding water did nuclear fusion.  This causes the external application of ultrasound to cause the boiling of fragmentation of foreign inflated cell structures, like cancer and viruses.

And family N happens to be caused by a viral structure.  So the application of ultrasound for ½ minute each side the chest clears all viral infections including polio.

I did have medical import from Harvard, Cambridge and the National Institute of Health, Washington, DC. 


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