Covid vaccination saved not one life
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Killing for profit and fun |
1 but killed 17,000,000 people around the planet! Which is why medicine always prohibited a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold since Covid34 star to causing the regular seasonal flu 2019. Oh number is last two digits of that year's winter!
Every registered Dr. Is taught on the first year medical degree, that a Covid vaccination is unethical and prohibited medicine. The MD at Astra Zeneca, is professor Fucie - who was taughy that a Covid vaccination was not legal medicine. Covet just being the medical name for flu.
The pandemic alert was issued by the world health organisation for Corona virus, which was apparently a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18, at mysterious he was released from the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan China.
It never penetrated the Wuhan quarantine. You have or Chinese medics were remanded to applied ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, each side the chest of patients with the Corona virus. This High Intensity UltraSound, causes the inflated structure all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections, to boil and fragment.
This is the standard cure to all cancers and viruses published 2002 by the Moffitt cancer centre. He noted that all 200 types or cancer can be cured in 1 minute. As external application of HIUS prevent the full immune response to clear all inflated cell structures including cancers.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
The immune system sees naked DNA he loosened the blood, and secretes the active human antibody to the foreign DNA, to clear the distinct foreign cell type from the body.
½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest, was found to clear all viral and bacterial infections 2010. And the work freely published on the Internet! Personally validated by every registered Dr. On earth.
Who were already her and the 8 W 3 MHZ unit, that was required to clear all cancers in 1 minute - and now also all infections.
Drug companies are thus prohibited from manufacture and sale of cancer drugs from 2002. Astrazeneca acted immediately - to back out there National Medical regulators the practicing doctors.
Who had a massive personal self interest in not prohibiting cancer drugs. Professor Fauzi was her us totally aware that a Covid vaccination was prohibited an defective medicine. Totally unsuitable to bribe protection against Covid flu.
The Covid flu has a new version declared every 1st of October. So the Covid 19 vaccination was only six months into a two year drug licensing procedure, when obsolete so never licensed.
The next year's Covid20 was totally unaffected by the previous year's obsolete vaccination. Worse still, medics have burn out obsolete vaccinations to a viral strain, actually increases the death rate from the next year's viral strain.
So the Covid 19 vaccination it worsened the death rate from Covid 20. 3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations were given; G to Astrazeneca financially compromising the National Medical regulator. Who otherwise would are prohibited a Covid vaccination.
Medics would expect 17 million healthy an innocent individuals to have died as a direct result of the obsolete vaccination being illegally used.
Every vaccinating medic struck off and totally removed from medicine for ever. The drug company still making and selling cancer drugs, structural all other biochemical drug patents.
Then failing to have a valid share price. They could never raise money from the banks to make payroll every month. This seriously I know the Astrazeneca has or had it share price frozen.
This is usual U.S. stock market behaviour, if the stock is crashing! The banks to the is not lend against a suspended share price. So Astra Zeneca could never make wages ever again!
By Astra Zeneca Air will work for suspension to end, they carry a mother illegal activity as before. Though I would expect the stock price to crash to 0 once unfrozen.
This like application is so medics are most persuasive people on earth! There are the Covid19 vaccination was never medically licensed. It was obsolete only 1/4 way through testing. So saved not one life on earth!
It's the legal use has killed 17 million innocent and healthy people around the world. Who trustsed the doctors! And were deliberately in callously vaccinated to death.
Since 1 October, 2022, we are now within the year of Covid22. Which will last predictably for a year.
And like all Covid strains, plus other viral and bacterial infections, cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.
That is RE year the actions are professor Fauci. He deliberately ignored the legal ban on a Covid vaccination. Even buying off the National Medical regulators, to still permit suppose the registered doctors to vaccinate the global population.
Killing one in 200 people! And saving not one life around the world. Hits that led to the death of 60,000,000 people in the five years. He was the murderous domicile national leader.
For OS and foci was meant to be managing director of the biggest drug company on earth. A health giver! Return to medical murderer for money. He should never have permitted a cure vid vaccination to be made and sold.
It was and always going to kill one person in 200.
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