Biggest insolvency in history

cancer drugs=medical MURDER

2002 and three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre, published use of one session of high intensity ultrasound, to clear the pressurise cell structure common to cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

As it was medically published, this new medical science had to validate by every registered Dr. and drug company on earth: drug company is voluntarily RE signed the doctors Hippocratic oath.

The drug company is signed the full Hippocratic - before they got the weekend lasagne pledge introduced.  This still requires every registered medic and drug company to validate and use best new medical science.

2002 all doctors and drug company is purchase an 8 W 3 MHZ unit to validate the new medical science.  Making cancer drugs defective and criminal medicine.

Drug companies are then legally constrained from the manufacture and sale or there drugs using chemo and radio therapy.  To do so was to strike themselves off the biochemical drug company register, invalidating all other biochemical drug patents.

Their share price is the athletics some of although outstanding patients.  So the ceased to have a legal share price.  And can no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll.

This applies especially to Astra Zeneca - once the world's largest company.  Doctors are also are constrained from the prescription of cancer drugs for last 21 years.

HIUS works by causing the pressurise cell structure common to cancers and infections, to boil and rupture.  As the foreign cell type experiences biological molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

This is a source of the X rays cancer cells emit during 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound scans.  At e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, foreign cell types including cancers plus viral and bacterial infections, rupture!  Inducing the immune action to clear that dangerous cell type throughout the body,

All cancers totally cleared in 1 minute 2002.  The new medicine personally validated by every registered Dr. on earth.  Who is then legally constrained from the medical prescription or cancer drugs - which kill the cancer patient a voidable he in two agonising expensive years.

2003 this new medicine which use by Asian medics, to clear the SARs viral outbreak from Asia.  Erroneously declared the first pandemic of the 21st century by the world health organisation.

Who hastily withdrew the pandemic alert, as the SARs viral outbreak in Asia was totally cleared in three weeks.  As I reminded the doctors are to use the medically published HIUS.

2018 a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 mysteriously escaped from the Wuhan biochemical laboratory.  Known to world as Corona virus.  It never penetrated the Wuhan quarantine.  Aware Chinese medics applied HIUS for ½ minute each side the chest of Corona patients, the virus totally eliminated by February 2020.  Never a pandemic!

It was a locally contained and cured epidemic.  Again the pandemic alert was hastily withdrawn.  The drug companies try to extend it to the next year's regular flu virus, Covid19.

There is a medical name for the regular seasonal flu that is circulating the planet since 1934.  I cleared my own November 2019, using ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side of my chest.

The medical science which will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Just as it cures all cancers from 2002: making the prescription sale of cancer drugs criminal medicine!  Striking of e.g. involved drug company.

Also striking off every prescribing medic!  Who happily prescribed the unlicensed Covid19 vaccination from January 2021: when we were already within the year of Covid20.

The previous year's vaccination had only been six months into drug testing, when obsolete.  18 months before it became a legal human medicine.  Killing in excess of one in 200!

That is why medics are really do not like vaccinations.  He kills 0.5% of healthy individuals.  So the smiling Dr. Watched as one in 200 ihis patients died needlessly.  This is illegal medicine.

Any Dr. Giving just one Covid vaccination since 1934, the struck off and totally removed from all medicine.  Medics he prescribed cancer drugs from 2002, also struck off and totally removed from legal medical practice.

They must return or medical fees charged to their unfortunate patients on next of kin.  As all there prescriptions are medication were then illegal and unnsurable.

We are now on the year of Covid22, and drug company is are still frantically trying to use up their stocks of the illegal and obsolete Covid 19 vaccination.  The most fatal medicine in recorded history!

Medics have found that a vaccination to an obsolete infection strain, actually worsens the him and death rate from the current infection strain.  So keep he bought the legal Covid19 vaccination, actually increases the present Covid death rate.

Since 1934 no registered Dr. Has been allowed to work on a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold: which both change too quickly, for medication to keep up with the genome alterations.

Medics started talking about streptococcus A three weeks ago.  Yet the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest totally clears all viral and bacterial infections, as medically published 2002 by three medical professors.

Today and there medics are about Nora virus again.  The medicine the drug companies we allowed every winter, for the last few years.  As every registered Dr. Is personally aware, ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest totally clears all viral and bacterial infections.

Family is should have an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device at hand, ready to clear all infections.  Which stops cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia from ever forming.

Medics have never admitted the cancers were totally cured 20 when years ago.  Presumably so they could financially induced suppose the registered doctors to keep prescribing the defective cancer drugs.  Drug company is are many there are people are just stop dying of cancer.

2013 medics published a 30 patient double blind trial, into ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys totally clearing all heart disease.  Including coronary heart disease, and the Atrial Fibulation that was the most gonna heart disease 2022.

AF will not cause the raised blood pressure, that these to strokes and other medical problems.  It is heart irregularity.

2013 I validated ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas, totally cleared type two diabetes instantly.  2016 I found that 1 minute totally cleared type one diabetes.  Though conditions require no regular prescription or Dr. Intervention.

2013 I validated that ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead totally cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.  The first three conditions showed up at my church health group with no warning!  I cured them all - no and some again.

The associated pain vanished instantly.  As is the case we're cancers.  No morphine or strong painkillers required.

All the biochemical drug companies had to stop the production and sale of cancer drugs 2002.  Or they were struck off and stripped of all other biochemical drug patents.  Ceasing never legal share price, they cannot borrow from banks to make payroll ever again.

The most bankrupt corporations in history.  A legal fine of 10 million UK pounds, for it to the cancer patients medicated to a needless agonising death.  Since 2002 an estimated 200 billion individuals around the world have been medically murdered by cancer drugs.

A total legal fine of 2000 trillion.  Every involved Dr. struck off.  Each cancer patient death warranting a 25 year term in high security prison.


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