Doctors and nurses are bound by medical law

Cancer and infection drugs NOT LEGAL

Doctors boast of their pride in their Hippocratic oath.  Nurses us only constrained by their nightingale pledge.  And higher up nurses take the full Hippocratic oath.

Medics declare that they will be aware off, validated and then use best new medical practice on the day it is medically published.  2002 and three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers plus viral infections.

A also clears all bacterial infections - which share the non native inflated cell structure, common to all cancers and viruses.  The HIUS causes the foreign inflated cell structures to experience cell content boiling.  There cell ruptures, and local immune system secrete and actions the specific human antibody, to clear the foreign cell type from the body.

It is adaptive to would ever strain are cancer or infection is present.  And because it use A nature two antibody, there is no immune system allergy all antibody tolerance possible.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

This all came into my research work into nuclear fusion at Sheffield University 2000-.  The PH D which got mysteriously ended as lethal than releasing me from medical Ph.D. at Cambridge.  Cambridge never offered.  So this is a biological molecular nuclear fusion.  The conclusion to my PH D work at Sheffield 2000.

It means e.g. 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, will clear all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.

One prescription of cancer drugs by a Dr. Since 2002, saw them or struck off.  They then do not get any wages of pension ever from the Health Service.  They must repay all wages incorrectly paid to them.

They also lost Health Insurance - making all the subsequent medical practice an insured and criminal.  And a every registered medic on earth has promised to remove them cells totally from medicine, their first use of defective medicine/

Assisting nurses are also transgressed their professional pledge on taking up nursing service.  So all the striking nurses in New York, are actually struck off as registered nurses 20 years ago.

They cannot go on strike, as they have ceased to by nurses.  Also in the UK every nurse is necessary cancer or infection medication since 2002 struck off.  There first day of strike action was there last day as a registered legal nurse.  Instantly explain them cells from medical work around the planet.

Ceasing to receive wages or a pension.  2003 and Asia experienced the SARs outbreak - caused by Covid3.  ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  So the disease outbreak was eradicated within three weeks.

The world health organisation had declared a pandemic, for a cured viral outbreak that was always limited to Asia.  It never affected the rest the world.

Since the publication of HIUS 2002, medics have been constrained from the prescription of any cancer medication including vaccinations.  The single session of HIUS clears all viral and bacterial infections.

Vaccinations are especially troublesome.  As they kill one in 200 of healthy innocent vaccinated people.  But medicine prohibits vaccinations for cured infections.  And the medicine published by the Moffitt 2002, clears all viral and bacterial infections.

My contact in New York used the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest to clear his AIDs.  There was a flurry of activity from the drug company is about improved treatments for HIV.

But the Hippocratic N oath prohibits treatments to cured infections.  And all viral and bacterial infections respond to the medicine published 2002 by the Moffitt.

My American contact bought his own e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, and cleared his own infection.  And told all he is AIDs friends instantly.  And we freely published our work on the Internet.

People bought and used their own HIUS device.  And there disease vanished from the earth.  But suppose the registered doctors were still prescribing the defective and useless AIDs treatments, but annual cost of $5000 a year, until 2018.

When I presume medical journals like the New England Medical journal, reminded medics that AIDs was now a totally curable in any health centre in the world.  Using ultrasound device that would also clear all cancers, plus other viral and bacterial infections.

And suddenly the criminal AIDs treatments ceased.  The viral disease was cured, and the medical world said nothing!  This is all a direct result of my PH D work into ltrasound nuclear fusion, that Sheffield University 2000.

Sheffield is never mentioned that my team devised had to nuclear fusion from liquid water on earth.  Presumably because it is the big cash cow or of physics and engineering.

If you take a Geiger counter to a waterfall over one metre high, the falling water heats the four at the base of the waterfall, doing nuclear fusion.  Producing ozone, light flashes, heat, helium and X ray radiation.

2 H₂O+TU+O₂→He+O₃+E²+L+X-ray

So nature will have a happily do nuclear fusion down to 0° C.  Which is why in the spring as waterfall melts, fusion resumes and the rest the waterfall melts almost instantly.  As he is a massive release of heat.

`as the ice skates travel over a frozen ice rink, the pressure melts the ice under the metal wide.  Though the ice free fees is almost instantly.  So the ice skater travels on the shore of liquid water.  The release of fantastically tiny volume is of helium and oxygen gases goes unnoticed.

3 H₂O+P→He+O+Ȳ+X-ray

We can study this idea in the laboratory.  Using a Geiger counter to measure the X ray emission as an ice cube spoons over a rotating heat of titanium metal.  We have just proved nuclear fusion on earth.

Face centre cubic metals works better than body centres metal structures.  So we want a spinning plate of nickel or titanium.  B I's will properly melt.  But we were already have proved physical molecular nuclear fusion.

So since 2002 no registered Dr. Has been allowed to prescribe cancer or infection medication, including vaccinations.  No registered Dr. Could either or research cancer or infection medication.

They certainly cannot research a vaccination to cancer!  Or drug kill one individual in 200 around the planet.  To stop the spread of the now extinct global cancers.

If we apply ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest we clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Killing an infection outbreak dead.  There is no requirement for a biochemical treatment.  All infections are cured without any patient fatalities.

And that will stop the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.  2013 I validated that ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead totally cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's schizophrenia and other serious mental health problems.

As the ultrasound clears the viral structure in the brain area, causing all dementia.  Including the simple forgetfulness, that he's such a symptom of human ageing.

Which explains why mental health units around the world, on a shutting down.  As I will be no lucrative biochemical treatment for dementia.  As no registered Dr. Is allowed to work on treatments for cured infections.

And all dementia was curable since 2013.  The same whether all cancers plus infections would cured 2002.  The Dr. air is a legal fine of 10,000 UK pounds, for each cancer or infection patient medicated to an needless biochemical death.

There receive a jail term of 25 years in high security prison, for each patient they intentionally medicated to an expensive an needless biochemical death.

All infections are no cured.  There be no requirement for a vaccination programme since 2002.  Any Dr. applying cancer, or infection medication including vaccinations for last 20 years, are struck off without legal argument.

A nurse or pharmacist health removed biochemical drug or application for cancers, the diseases of age or any infection, likewise also struck off and remove from medicine totally, their first use of biochemical drugs against cancer or infections.

Every striking nurse in New York, has transgressed their nightingale pledge.  Which prohibited strike action.  Doubtless and nurses will now have redrafted the nightingale pledge - but the pledge every nurse took prohibited strike action.

You cannot 88 somebody's historic legal pledge.  Out of medicine for the rest of recorded history anywhere in the world.

Any energy as Dr. or nurse is taken strike action, also are totally removed from legal medical activity for life.  Entitled to no wages of pension subsequently.


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