cure all infections

Cure all winter bugs

Winter there is winless in the northern hemisphere.  And the drug companies are going into overdrive, from medicine they are defective infection treatments.

Yet 2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear the inflated cell structure common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections and parasites.

Or drug company is and doctors had to validate the Medical Paper, and then use the new medical science.  Or they were struck off!  They validated the effectiveness of HIUS but then carried write on prescribing the no defective cancer an infection cures.

The way HIUS works is actually quite clever.  I inevitably devise the idea during my PH D work into nuclear fusion at Sheffield University.  I suggested high power ultrasound as useful way to restrict cancer growth.

The Moffitt published a single application of HIUS the next year as a total cancer and viral cure.  Drug company is were annoyed at the saint disappearance of cancers - their main cash cow.  They conclude that mysteriously cancers had vanished.

Even though they have personally validated that HIUS clear all cancers.  As cancers half to have and overinflated cell nature in order to divide.  Just as all viruses also are neither same non native inflated cell structure to do their own division.  And bacterial infections require an overinflated cell structure, to induce the immune system to replicate this useful new foreign cell type.  The rain storms doing cell damage to body cells in three days.

By then the bacterial infection may have a cell wall murdered required to freeze human death.  One application of HIUS and the inflated cells boil and rupture.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+X-ray burn non pressurise regular body cells, are unaffected by ultrasound at those power levels

I disco practically that 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from an ultrasound massage device, was effective HIUS.  From a medically licensed home beauty device.  So destroys all 200 types of human cancers.

Applying the ultrasound for ½ minute each side the chest totally clears the inflated cell structure of viral and bacterial infections.  We are not talking about a speculative treatment to damp down you're feeling unwell.

We are not talking about fungal antibiotics - which may be ineffective, and free use energy response in people.

Nobody years and there take to HIUS.  And here in salford I have cured 30 friends and family members of whatever infection they had.  It works great with the common cold.  Know totally cured!

It works for all flu strains.  Covid is a medical name for the regular seasonal flu that freely circulates the world.  Corona virus was apparently a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 that never escaped the Wuhan quarantine.  Before from December 2019, Chinese medics applied the usual ½ minute of HIUS to the chest.  Unless 44,000 cases of Corona virus on earth the cured.

It cured my own Covid19 November, 2019 - one month after he replaced Covid18 as the regular flu strain.  1 October, 2019.  It will clear Covid22 for all people in 1 minute.

You may feel of it fluy for 2 hours, but then be totally better.  No drugs or other treatments required and.

Animal care with all viral and bacterial infections.  We do neither defective infection treatments from the 19 sixty's.  We use 21st century medicine to cure all infections totally.

Which will stop the development of cancers, heart disease.  Diabetes and dementia.  The first three having vanish from the universe.  ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead will totally clear all mental health problems.

Which presumably is why medicine they should have about dementia!  As I cured MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's schizophrenia and depression using HIUS.

No Dr. or drugs involvement required.  Doctors all validated the effectiveness of HIUS clearing all cancers and infections 2002.  Since when there prescription of infection or cancer medication has struck off the Dr. and drug company.

The Covid19 vaccination was only six months into drug licensing, when obsolete.  1 October, 2020 we were on Covid20: by internationally agreed standard medical naming convention.

Medicine has family giving an obsolete vaccination actually increases death rate from the present infection strain.  No registered Dr. Has been allowed to work and the Covid vaccination since 1934 - when Covid34 star to causing the regular human flu.

That freely circulates the world!  So Covid19 freely car or and the whole world.  Corona virus was extinct within the Wuhan quarantine in China.  Totally unrelated virus is.  Which you transpired share the same cure.

HIUS will cure the common cold.  As personally verified by every registered Dr. On earth - who owns the required 8 W 3 MHZ unit.  Lying unused in the nursing office, or they continued with defective biochemical prescriptions.


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