Clear Covid from the world
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all covid cured - no drugs or death |
Medics talk as if Covid was some new scary organism. It is just the medical name for the regular seasonal flu that sweeps around the earth every year. Corona virus was apparently a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18. That was contained within the Wuhan quarantine in China. Set up before the disease were even really recognized!
Spooky, almost as if the medics in the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan, had deliberately released the ultimate dangerous biochemical virus. Which is criminal! But in 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the application of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers and viruses, he also clears the pressurised cell structure common to bacterial infections.
So 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, was medically proven 2002 to clear all cancers. Making subsequent prescription of cancer drugs criminal and fatal medical malpractice. Suppose the registered doctors have medicated an estimated 200 million global citizens, to a needless death from cancer drugs.
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2003 and Asian medics applied ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest of SARs patients, and they all got better. Viral infection was actually caused by Covid3. All SARs patients got better, and the infection became extinct.
In 2018 the world health organisation declared Corona virus in Wuhan Province China, A pandemic. Even though by medical definition it was not sufficiently fatal! The flu kills just 3.5% of patients: as explained above Corona was a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18. But had no direct with her next year's Covid19.
The Corona viral outbreak never extended fast the Wuhan quarantine in China. So again by medical definition it was her locally contained and cured epidemic, never a pandemic. As he did not affect the rest the world.
I had Covid19 November 2019. Only one month after its superseded Covid18 - the Covid number is last two digits of that year's winter. All Covid viral strains must have and overinflated cell nature. To induce cell replication - using the viral genetic codes, use for all cancers and viruses.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
So applying travellers leaving China, should routinely be given ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. Which will clear all viral and bacterial infections. Stopping them spreading through air travel.
Again to salford 2001, to sing on stage at the Lowry. In little rock operator about the killing people in Eme, Derbyshire. Back in the 18th century, the virus is travel by ship! And Eme contracted the plague through a damp cloth.
These days viral and bacterial infections trouble by aircraft. But they all share the same inflated cell structure, come to all cancers - to induce body cells to divide and replicate. Intact body cells bud off DNA intact stem cells. And never replicate.
On checkeed in in China, or adults should be given ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. Which Wil cause viral and bacterial infected cells, to boil and rupture,
Inducing a body wide immune action to clear that dangerous exploding cell type from the body. Stopping all infections troubling the planet with the air travellers,
China now has the seasonal outbreaks of Covid22 - the regular flu for 2022. Which will continue until the 31st of September 2023. It does not share any cure with a Covid 19 vaccination.
They are genetically distinct viral strains. The Covid 19 vaccination was only 1/4 way through drug testing, when obsolete and useless. Never a licensed human drug.
Tragically killing one in 200 other people vaccinated. But I a GP giving just one Covid19 vaccination, along with the involved drug company; struck off for ever.
Just one application of HIUS to each side of a person's chest, will clear all viral and bacterial infections. Even before the person feels unwell.
In my personal firsthand experience, it even cleared Covid19. And he will clear all viral and bacterial infections that ever exist. Medicine prohibits a vaccination for a cured infection.
And 2002 all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections would cured. So all vaccinations became defective and potentially fatal medicine.
3.5 billion Covid19 unlicensed vaccinations illegally given by struck off doctors. Resulting the 17 million innocent and healthy people around the world had died.
Air travellers from China should be given ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. And this will cure all viral and bacterial infections: reduce the ultrasound time, for people a small stature or children.
There is no need for restrictions on people came from China. As her or Chinese people have all infections cured before leaving get on a plane.
The same idea sSAR views all around the world, to stop infections like the fluval hitching a ride on aircraft.
This idea do not directly from the ideas of professor Z at Sheffield University. Who would rather not have devise nuclear fusion on earth.
2 H₂O+US→He+O+E²
Quite possibly the most important science idea I have ever been told. Dr. Z lost all interest in nuclear fusion, as uranium nuclear power bought him a chair of chemical and process engineering - to make him a professor.
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