Chinese Covid cured
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all flu CURED 2002. No vaccination since legal. |
The 2002 and three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers and viruses: the Medical Paper was red and verified by every registered Dr. On earth.
Or the Dr. was struck off and totally removed from medicine! They lost Health Insurance & Medical registration. The paper covered the cure of cancers and viruses. So in 2003 eight totally cleared th SARs viral outbreak from Asia. Caused by Covid3.
Covid is the medical name for the regular seasonal flu that sweeps around the world. The Covid number is last two digits of that year's winter. As Chinese medics applied the medically published HIUS to the chest of SARs patients, and they all got better!
SARs was never a pandemic. It was a local viral epidemic within Asian. Then totally cured! Within three weeks of using HIUS. The World Health Organization and did not learn!
2012 my personal contact in New York, used ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side use chest. This HIUS totally clear the most pernicious viral infection in history. Totally cured in 1 minute!
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He was fully discharged by his GP the next week. Which share the work with the world, and AIDs vanished. There was no cells and effective biochemical treatment. There was a one session total physical cure.
The drug industry was getting very concerned! As a 100 per cent 1 minute cure all cancers. 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound cleared all cancers. Suddenly cancer drugs were defective and criminal medical malpractice. Wiping out 80% of legal Dr. and drug company income.
They should have been no cancer drug prescriptions as the drug company is validated HIUS 2002. For earlier to validate the new medical science struck off all doctors and drug company is who continued with a now defective cancer drugs.
2018 a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 this came from the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan China. Cleared in three weeks as medics used ½ minute of HIUS to each side of her patient's chest.
The HIUS causes the foreign inflated cell types common to all cancers plus from bacterial infections, to boil and rupture. As experience biological molecular nuclear fusion. I am appalled that no Dr. Has amassed for more details! As he renders biochemical cancer and infection treatments defective and criminal medicine.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray so HIUS sets off nuclear fusion in foreign cell types to the embody.
2002 and doctors and drug companies family cancer drugs cleared all 200 types of human cancer. And were then legally prohibited from the prescription of the no defective and criminal cancer drugs.
They continued with the illegal prescriptions, which resulted in 200 million cancer patients deaths around the world. The biggest deliberate medical killing ever.
2018 and the world health organisation declared Corona are ours a pandemic. Three weeks before are is totally eliminated by application of HIUS. They hastily withdrew the pandemic alert, as it was realized the infection it never extended beyond the Wuhan quarantine in China, and the viral infection was totally cured within three weeks.
The drug companies tried to pass the pandemic alert on to Covid19. The next year's seasonal flu that freely circulated the whole world. Corona virus never penetrated the Wuhan quarantine in China.
It shows genetic sell it to Covid18, but crucially the endogenous retro virus of Covid19 is distinct from Corona virus. And Corona virus is distinct from Covid19. They are different viruses.
The pandemic alert was withdrawn as Corona virus was cured. And Covid is in sufficiently fatal for medical definition of a pandemic: which he is required to kill in excess of five per cent of infected patients around the world.
Flu kills 3.5%. Again the WHO was embarrassed about the pandemic alert. Which drug companies promoted! Though the drug company is do not declare of farmers side pandemics.
That is exclusive preserve of the WHO. That was forced to cancel even the Corona pandemic alert. And Covid19 is are totally distinct flu strain.
I had Covid19 November 2019. I applied ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. Had a 2 hour nap, and got up board but well. As the Covid has a new version every 1st of October, medicine prohibits a vaccination to either Covid flu all the common cold.
Which out changed the vaccination process. So the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete only 1/4 way through drug testing. Obsolete and never a licensed human drug.
Any Dr. It giving obsolete drugs, the struck off without question. They lost medical registration and Health Insurance - there medical practice was then criminal.
For all medicines! They must return or all medical fees to the surviving patients or next of kin. 10 million UK pounds for each patient biochemical death.
The GP is receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison. And along with assisting nurses and pharmacists, plus the biochemical drug company, and totally removed from legal medicine for ever.
China vaccinated massive numbers of patients within Wuhan Province China. From all population of 60 million, the Covid vaccination program killed 300,000 healthy and innocent individuals.
Who gained no protection against the in later Covid strains. No protection against Covid20 all Covid21. They are experiencing an outbreak of Covid22. Medics have found that an obsolete vaccination actually worsens the death rate from the new infective strain.
The drug companies are still trying to use up their stocks of the Covid19 vaccination. Even though it is totally ineffective against a later Covid strains. And no registered Dr. Is allowed to work on the Covid vaccination. There is absolutely no need.
Every Dr. Bought and validated an 8 W 3 MHZ unit, clearing all cancers and viruses. And this HIUS unit will so obviously clear all flu strains. And the this year we're on Covid22.
½ minute or less of ultrasound to either side the chest: maybe only 10 seconds - stop as the patient feels warming and yanks away.
Medicine prohibits a vaccination to a cured infection. As a vaccination intentionally kills one person in 200. HIUS kills nobody. And will cure all viral and bacterial infections.
Hence the Covid outbreak disappears! Not due to a mass vaccination programme. Tuesday G P's are using their own validated HIUS unit to clear all viruses.
Now the medical world is am about streptococcus A. Which shows an overinflated cell nature we cancer and viruses. And transmits through the lungs.
So the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all bacterial infections including Strep A. G P's are attempting to medicate for this standard bacterial infection, are actually applying defective medicine today.
2002 and all infections are cured using the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. Doctors attempting to prescribe medication, are doing criminal and potentially fatal medical malpractice.
Just prescribing drugs for this physically cures disease, is potentially fatal medical malpractice. Striking off the Dr. and drug company.
A legal fine of 10 million UK pounds, for each bacterial infection patient death. As all bacterial infections are cured using the standard medicine published 2002 - that cleared all cancers as well as viral and bacterial infections.
Medics have to use best medicine on the day it is published! This is 20 years since the cancer cure was published. And the drug companies are still searching for new cancer outbreaks!
It cures all viruses including AIDs. It will be 100 per cent effective against any new common cold strain. HIUS is the only legal infection medication. Cause signing fungal antibiotics to the medical history books. They are now illegal prescriptions!
½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys was medically published 2013, as a 100% total cure a of heart disease. Including Atrial Fibulation - the leading heart disease 2022. As HIUS totally eliminated coronary heart disease from world. Are also are totally cure AF. So no registered Dr. Is any more allowed to prescribe cancer or heart medication drugs.
2013 I validated that ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest and the pancreas, totally cleared type two diabetes. Curing it for my mother and stepfather! The are still can't understand why the suddenly got better. Dieting type two diabetes takes three months.
1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest clears type one diabetes. Which cannot be dieted away. Two months ago medics were complain that diabetes had vanished from the world.
No doubt medics are still prescribing the former insulin, two diabetic patients. So preventing them using the total one session cure. Initially and medication killing the patient a voidable he within a decade. So all diabetic medication now criminal.
Every bacterial infection which ever exist, we'll be cured by the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.
All this use of ultrasound have saved 40 million lives a year around the earth. Increasingly global population from 4.5 billion to of eight billion. All due to my work on nuclear fusion at Sheffield University 2000-. For which I was awarded no Ph.D.!
When it became obvious I have cured cancer, there PH D was yanked from under my feet. The most important academic work in history. Totally ignored! For the financial gain of academics around the world.
The three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre, to clear their retirement 2010, in disgust as other medics would not adopt the life saving HIUS. I explain to them why it worked.
Which is also do biological molecular nuclear fusion. New important science to the world. There knowing invented by the late Professor Bernard Argent, for my idea.
He pointed out 2001, that global plants talk in carbon dioxide to grow. I dug more deeply. And the carbon dioxide was capped at the temperate level of just two parts per million.
Levels rising to four PPM above the arctic ice In winter, the air temperature down to -80° C. Carbon dioxide very much not a warming gas!
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