All infections share cancer cure

Camcer amd infection mads murder

2002 and three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all foreign inflated cell types.

This in clears all cancers and viruses - which divide in a viral fashion needing viral RNA ineffective cells.  It also includes bacterial infections, which need a non native inflated cell structure, to causing human immune system to copy their genome and give it a minimal cell wall.

So 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a medically licensed ultrasound massage device, clears all 200 cancers out there.  And all such ultrasound devices are medically licensed for safe home use.

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Doctors bought an verified an 8 W 3 MHZ unit cleared all cancers and viruses.  And it will so obviously clear all bacterial infections.  With no antibiotic prescription.  And we do not apply any foreign drugs - so there is no HIUS intolerance or allergy.

2002 and a every registered medic on earth had to verify the Moffitt Paper.  Or they were struck off and lost Medical Insurance and Dr. Registration.  The a assisting nurses and pharmacists, plus the biochemical drug company all struck off - the first use of cancer drugs in last 20 years.

Which is why the number of practicing registered UK doctors has crashed so spectacularly.  But foreign doctors who have prescribed cancer drugs abroad, also struck off and totally expelled from any medical practice globally.

So every foreign doctors are now working for the NHS, so clearly not a registered insured Dr..  No biochemical drug company in the world has been on to make and sell cancer drugs since 2002 - as they were also are required to validate and use the new medical science.

All 200 types of human cancer cured using HIUS.  Secure the ultrasound time according to body mass, and it will clear all animal and pet cancers.  Stop the ultrasound as the animal yanks away!  It has worked.

If we apply HIUS externally to man over oral cancer, it clears all cancer in one session.  No drug prescription of fatal treatment required.

Medicine prohibits treating a cured condition.  They got the European courts of human rights involved, and the Dr. numbers have crashed more significantly than in 2018.

Where the drug company is got Corona virus in Wuhan Province China, declared a pandemic.  Even though it never penetrated the spring the erected quarantine: and family Corona are was a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18.  Killing five million Chinese.

They applied the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side of her patient's chest, and the last 44,000 cases of Corona on earth the cured by February 2020.  The drug company is she had had the pandemic alert, to be about Covid.  The regular human flu.

The drug companies do not issue pandemic alerts.  Only the world health organisation can do that.  And he withdrew the Corona pandemic allowed for every 2020, as a virus was totally cured.  Never having escaped from Wuhan Province China,

The regular seasonal flu that's circulates the whole world freely.  Causing 50,000 human deaths a year.  Or it used to.  Now ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral infections.

As the clears AIDs 2012 - confirmed by my personal contact who was HIV⁺.  We shared our work with the world, and the most pernicious viral infection in history was cured.  It a killed five million people around the world.

The drug companies had raised five billion to research the virus.  Now the condition is cured, they should return all residual donations to the money donor.  They produced AIDs treatments which kill the patient needlessly in a decade.

½ minute of HIUS each side the chest and AIDs was totally cleared in 1 minute.  The cure drug companies have never even acknowledged!  No biochemical research into extinct virus is year's unethical and illegal.

And AIDs has vanished from the wild.  And the haemophiliacs given contaminated factor eight blood clotting agent, have the condition after 2012.  The high cost of the AIDs treatments being met by the biochemical insurance.

But the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest totally clears the week viral infection.  So by 2018, six years after the virus had vanished from the earth, doctors stopped prescribing the defective and criminal AIDs treatments.

The Hippocratic N oath so so doctors are aware of and use use best new medical advances on the day he they are published.  So we published the AIDs cure on the Internet much 2012.

Confirmed by every registered Dr. On earth!  Who is then compelled to use HIUS to clear all viral infections.  Or be struck a off and remove from medical practice for ever.

2018 and the illegal prescription of AIDs treatments was a six and $80.00 million business.  Vanished as I contacted the New England Medical journal.

I have used the HIUS idea to clear 30 viral and bacterial infections.  Infective bacteria also require an inflated cell nature, to induce cell replication.

So ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear the viral and bacterial infections.  As he clear all infections for my friends and family.

It will clear all strains of the common cold all Covid flu.  Covid has a new version declared every 1st of October, and is sufficiently genetically different from the previous year's flu strain, that any vaccination produce for the old flu strain, will no longer work.

The Covid19 vaccination was only six months into a two year drug testing regime, when obsolete.  Answer was never a licensed human drug.  Tragically struck off doctors continued applying the defective vaccination.  Having no effect on flu and.

Killing one in 200 of those vaccinated.  But no registered Dr. Is allowed to prescribe any Covid vaccination ever.  And now we're on Covid22, the Covid 19 strain cease to exist three years ago.

And medicine has found that an obsolete vaccination it worsens the death rate from the present infective strain.  So applying a Covid 19 vaccination will worsens the Covid22 death rate.

½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral infections.  And a every registered Dr. and drug company on earth has the validated 8 W three MHZ unit.  Which will clear all cancers in 1 minute.

½ minute of ultrasound each side the chest, clearing all viral and bacterial infections.  Including the common cold.  So the Moffitt Medical professors actually published the common cold cured 2002.

The Medical Paper had to V confirmed and then use by every registered Dr. On earth.  So no prescription of defective infection medication for any viral infection, was legal.

Beecham's powders have been a fatal medicine for last 20 years.  Any pharmacist selling Beecham's powders - in direct transgression of their nightingale pledge.  Am at the nurses who have assisted or symptomatic cures to infections, totally struck off and remove from medicine.

The individuals who declared an NHS nursing strike, had been actualities ceased to V registered nurses 2002.  And could never work in nursing around the earth!  They certainly are not entitled to wages of pension from the NHS.

Their actions have resulted in the greatest number of human deaths in history.  The 3.5 billion Covid vaccinations are administered by nurses, have cause the least 17 million patient deaths.  The medically accepted death rate for any vaccination is one in 200.

That was a licensed vaccinations.  And no Covid vaccination could ever be licensed.  So all common cold strains cured.  The greatest health boon two humanity ever.

Those people will not go on to develop cancers, diabetes or dementia.  Though all those conditions totally curable since 2002 - by local application of HIUS.

I cured the type two diabetes for my mother and stepfather, ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the rib cage over the pancreas.  The idea shared with the world!  And three months ago air diabetes ceased to exist.

2016 I confirmed that 1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest even cleared type one diabetes instantly.  Again every registered Dr. Was required to validate and use the new medical science.

My initial diabetes cure 2013, would have cleared type two diabetes instantly.  Type 13 days.  So no Dr. Can legally prescribed diabetes medication, including metformin and insulin, since 2013.  All medical fees since return to surviving patients.

Paying additional 10,000,000 UK pounds, to and exit key and of people medicated to death intentionally by the medic.  Who was fully aware off the HIUS cure the diseases of age, and even had the validated device.  Who prescribed medication - killing the patient's, but made so much money.

Bacterial infections leave behind by a bacterial rump on the coronary arteries all around the kidneys.  That causes heart disease.  Doctors confirmed 2013 that ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clear coronary heart disease.

So since 2013 no registered Dr. Could ever prescribed heart medication ever again.  2022 and this same idea will clear Atrial Fibulation - now the leading heart problem.  After coronary heart disease vanish from world.

So no or heart medication prescription was ethical since there medical work 2013.  Anchored doctors should have realized HIUS clear all heart trouble.  As my paper 2008 declared.  Though I do not know about the kidneys.  Which would have induced the a three day delay he is secondary coronary heart disease clearing.

2022 and the medical world has no obsessed about streptococcus A.  Which I got better from 50 years ago.  But now of course we know about HIUS, so the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will also clear all bacterial infections.

As like infective viruses, they tend to transmits through the lungs.  Body cells are not damaged - except by the exploding viral and bacterial infected cell.

Which only induces a body wide immune action to clear that dangerous cell type throughout the body.  The presence of naked foreign RNA, would have induced the antibody action to clear that distinct foreign genome from the body.

My thanks to the National Institute of Health, Harvard and Cambridge universities for the medically insights above.

The Chinese drug companies are desperate for a new requirement for biochemical drugs.  But medicine has always prohibited research or application of vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold.

Both those disease is know cures by the standard cancer cure - HIUS.  Since 2002 all cancer drug prescription has been criminal and fatal medical malpractice.  Killing cancer patients in two agonising expensive years.

When HIUS from the device in every nursing office in the world, would have cleared all cancers in 1 minute.

In conclusion, all viral and bacterial infections, four so all cancers cleared by 1 minute of HIUS.  No Dr. or drugs intervention even legal.  Every nurse who has assisted cancer or infection medication in last 20 years, the struck off.

As are the doctors plus the biochemical drug company.  Removed totally from medicine for ever.  No wages since 2002, and no pension payment ever.  All doctors are medically required to return or wages incorrectly paid to them over last 20 years.

Every nurse who has assisted by cancer or infection medication since 2002, ceased to be a registered nurse the same day. 


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