No man made climate change

CO2 just so static

Every day plants and bacteria around the temperate earth, suck in carbon dioxide.  To do photosynthesis.  The life support system that reduces global carbon dioxide levels to just two parts per million in the present epoch.

In the Jurassic that level was four PPM.  Photosynthesis evolves.  This physical properties of gases like carbon dioxide it do not evolved!  In the warm Jurassic there was 85% more biological life on earth.  There was twice the level of carbon dioxide, and term percent more oxygen.

Sea levels were 60 metres lower!  A generally warm age, the Jurassic had three natural ice ages.  The evidence of the 18th century, is are the little ice age doubles temperate carbon dioxide levels.  So during the Jurassic ice ages there was eight PPM carbon dioxide in the air.

In a ****ing ice age.  With four times the trace of carbon dioxide in the present temperate air.  They keep stressing that word!  Because in the arctic ice In winter, there is no photosynthesis on the snow covers the land, and sea ice covers seas.

We have four PPM carbon dioxide in the local air.  Temperature down to -80° C above the south pole.  -50° C above the north pole.

I have no climate santis ring your stomach carbon dioxide was a warming gas.  I asked him why.  He replied that he had no idea!  Yes you are still earning a good living from manmade climate change.

The science or global warming was a carbon dioxide above 8%, would increase the infrared as large a minute of the air.  In the present epoch carbon dioxide above the temperate earth is omitted to two PPM.  0.0002%.  Absolute no infrared alteration of the infrared absorption minute of the air.

Photosynthesis is a main life support system on earth.  The late cretaceous mass extinction, was caused as carbon dioxide levels direct to just 1 ppm.  And 90% of life on earth died.  A bigger mass extinction and the death of the dance halls.

Caused by the evolution of photosynthesis.  Though it didn't leave 4 PPM in the air.  The cretaceous started off with 10 PPM carbon dioxide in the air.

Timeline of glaciation - Wikipedia › wiki › Timeline_of_glaciation

There have been five or six major ice ages in the history of Earth over the past 3 billion years. The Late Cenozoic Ice Age began 34 million years ago, ...

‎Known ice ages · ‎Nomenclature of Quaternary... · ‎Uncertain correlations

Ice ages are caused by a predictable solar emission cycles.  Not to worry you, but then makes little ice is over due.  Hope for the next year we are back into natural global warming.

Carbon dioxide still capped at the present limit of just two PPM.  All down to predictable solar emission cycles.  For last 27 years every planets in the inner solar system has been cooling.

Included Mars, with 98% carbon dioxide in the air.  Average Martian Air temperature -112° C.  I repeat, carbon dioxide is so obviously not a warming gas.

And it's trace level in the temperate air is capped by photosynthesis at just 2 PPM.  Which is why the climate brigade are for ever quoting carbon emissions: which are just nuclear power alarmist rubbish!

Nuclear power bills its plants using reinforced concrete.  Where the cement is free used viral fossil fuel burn on limestone.  To drive of the carbon dioxide!

Making an active nuclear plant building programme mankind's fourth largest carbon source.  Emitting in the two years of plant construction, the Covent of carbon emissions from a commercially fired power plant for 25 years.

And after 25 years we demolish the nuclear plant!  Sizewell A have planning consent until 1976.  Sizewell B never had planning consent!  It was billed as an illegal extension to the now demolished nuclear facility.

It never had its own royal commission!  As Prince Charles reminded me three years ago.  King Charles is not a plasma nuclear power!  So as to warm them.

Sizewell C would require its own royal commission.  Which have concluded automatically a new nuclear plant was not required!  This is 2022, the Sizewell A fine constant ended in 1976.

So Sizewell B has never had planning consent.  It was built just as Chernobyl happened in the Ukraine.  The required annual insurance from pressurised water reactor nuclear plant, was set at 40 billion.

For a it is illegal operation it is carried just 50 million of annual insurance cover.  Criminally insufficient!  The European Court of human rights has the legal imperative to shut down Sizewell B.  An inferno was a legal fine of the sum of the missing insurance.

Which is one trillion!  And Sizewell C should never be built, as it could never get planning commission to start operation.  Which is why the nuclear consortia have pulled out!

The UK government has still invested seven and 80,000,000 today, in the Sizewell C planning process.

The UK Financial off auditors shows stop any pretence of nuclear power been legal!  Since Fukushima in 2010, the required annual insurance cover has risen to 100 billion.  For a plant will cost 18 billion to build!

So no insurance is eight times the construction cost, every year.  Making the generated electricity or spend 25 per kilowatt hour.  The overpriced conventional power is just eight P per kilowatt hour.

There is a better solution!  Which I got confirmed by my friend in America.  As academics will not work on a carbon zero Energy System.  The are too dependent on the research grants from nuclear power.

He firm that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma it generates a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

1 H₂Os+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) my master's degree and fortunately doubt with radioactive matters!  Which is why I left engineering to work in IT.

If we heat A steam turbine boiler room, we get off mad hot steam at eight atmospheres an estimated 800° C.  Deftly generate a constant ½ MW of carbon zero power.

Which can be done from your garden shed.  Of free use a carbon zero power for 60 houses, or three medium sized businesses.

The maintenance engineers to work for industry, can knock up a steam plasma power plant in the lunch hour.  Driving the standby generator.

And get an annual income of three million UK pounds.  The garage santis King get the same high income level!  What ever else it companis does does not really matter!

They can just be Callum power generators.  Citing plasma power plants every 60 houses throughout the world.

We do not generate any hyper toxic radioactive waste.  No plutonium or strontium.  We utilised no enriched uranium.  We just turn regular water into massive amounts of heat!  Totally carbon zero.

We need no 18 billion nuclear power plant: which would require the impossible 100 billion of annual insurance.  Company is are not allowed to carry that insurance in house.  As just one nuclear incident would wipe out there share price of the company an insurance.

Nuclear power is a most hyper toxic Energy System ever devised!  As I a pointed in 1984, he can never applied the required annual insurance cover.  Even before Chernobyl I estimated that the required insurance was going to be 1,000,000,000 per power plant.

Chernobyl actually found out that number into 40 billion!  There is no global source of insurance cover above one billion.  Even then you need to be the queen of England!

Four power plants, a 1m x2cm the steam plasma are four atmospheres will release a constant 8.6 MW of heat.  24 of them will run 100 MW power plant.

Without any fossil fuel burn and utilising just 3x10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year.  Basically you're never measure it in a lifetime of the power plant!

The home plasma power plant will not need the water level topping up the bore some sun cells and swallows the earth in four billion years time.

We do not burn or oil and gas.  We do not require any coal mining!  We utilised A frighteningly tiny volume of regular water.  My local MP, Rebecca long Bailey, should get labour to raise this idea my house of commons.

A free carbon zero totally safe Energy System.  My thanks to Rebecca Bailey MP, for getting my friend is the Kenyan unit in Manchester.

After the Covid vaccination gave her a mental health problems.  I found 2013 there ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, from a medically licensed ultrasound massage device as home, totally cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.

It clears no vaccination induced Alzheimer's.  Instantly!  I gave ½ minute each side of the head, but it worked intense seconds.  Totally safe - a non drug based cure to all mental health issues.

The Moffitt cancer centre published 2002, that 1 minute of this High Intensity UltraSound, to where it hurts, clears all cancers.  Medicine prohibits research into biochemical treatments for cured conditions.

So all mental health was cured 2013.  ½ minute of HIUS each side of the head.  Medics hate that!  A 100% no drug cure to all dementia.

When I got Christine home from home mental health unit, I've fixed term mental health.  The doctors in the Kenyon unit, have the validated HIUS unit to clear all cancers and also dementia.

But they were determined to wait for a biochemical treatment!  Which will now or never happen.  So thank you Rebecca, for getting my friend home.  If you apply me to work on dementia or for you, just ask.  As as a total validated cure to all mental health problems.  Simples!


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