Curing winter bugs

Harvard helped

This idea cures all viral and bacterial infections.  Without requiring an annual succession of over specific vaccinations, that become obsolete very quickly!  But still kill one in 200 healthy people.

2002 and three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all inflated cell structures: which includes all types of cancer, plus a every viral and bacterial infections out there!

Changes to the genome of the infection does not matter.  We utilised the inflated nature of the infective structure, which use rights to the high intensity ultrasound to cause inflated cell boiling.  The regular more flaccid body cells are not affected.

2001 and professor Z and I were working on ultrasound setting off what the late Professor Bernard Argent turned molecular nuclear fusion.  Causing the inflated cell type to boil and rupture.

The patient's own immune system then secreting an action NG the specific active human antibody, to clear that dangerous exploding cell type totally from the body.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

And so do was medically published 2002 as it cures all cancers, every registered Dr. On earth had to buy a an 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound unit, to verify the cancer and viral cure.

Clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Without any patient death!  They were vaccinations intentionally kill one in 200 healthy an innocent individuals we vaccinate.

Medicine strictly prohibits a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold: as those viral family is change too quickly, so the vaccination is obsolete only six months into a two year drug testing regime.

So no Covid vaccination could ever be illegal medicine!  And no registered Dr. Could ever give any Covid vaccination: without the same day being struck off, and losing Health Insurance.  Making medical practice doubly criminal!

So every registered Dr. Is given any Covid vaccination ever, the struck off the same day.  All subsequent medical activity was criminal medical malpractice.  They must return or all medical fees to their unfortunate patients, or more likely next of kin.

The Covid flu and is given a new version number every 1st of October.  Covid 3 was the virus behind the SARs outbreak in Asia.  Totally cleared in three weeks was Asian medics were remanded to use HIUS for ½ minute each side of a person's chest.

The medicine that also extinguished Corona virus from the earth by February 2020.  Apparently a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 - automatically cleared by the medically published HIUS.  So Covid19 has ceased to exist before doctors illegally started giving the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.

They gave 3.5 billion vaccinations.  The medically accepted death rate for even any licensed vaccination, is one person in 200.  So doctors intentionally executed 17 million healthy an innocent people, using a loaded hypodermic!  With an obsolete an unlicensed vaccination.  Which may have killed more!

We're on the year of Covid22, to which they can never be a legal vaccination.  The Covid19 vaccination was obsolete 1 October, 2020.  It saved not one life around the world!  It killed 17 million people.  The most fatal medical intervention in history.

Each other's vaccinating doctors struck off.  Along with the involved drug company and hospital or health centre.  As medicine for the rest of recorded history.

½ minute of HIUS each side the chest is medically proven to clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Infective bacteria share the inflated cell nature with a viral infections.

As does the common cold!  Which again is outside medical vaccination.  As a genome she is too quickly!  But ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest cures all viral and bacterial infections.

The viral or bacterial genome is incidental.  The crucial fact he is the have and overinflated cell nature, to induce infective structure replication.

So every registered Dr. On earth has licensed ultrasound unit.  I employing an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, as my medically licensed home beauty device.  That is a licensed HIUS unit.

Clearing all winter bugs without patient death!  No Dr. or drugs involved.  And he will work for all strains of the infection.  The antibody secreted adapt to the deanery shift of the pathogen.

So the antibody is secreted for the Covid19 obsolete different from Covid22 - hence no biochemical drug use is even useful.  But the secreted antibody adapts to the infective organism.

So medicine published the cure to the common cold 2002.  Since when the drug company is have fought desperately to stop the world adopting this life saving new medicine.

Cure all winter bugs for under five UK pounds.  The UK health minister, can tell the house of commons the cure to all infections.  The biggest health gain in history.

Every registered Dr. Already has the validated HIUS unit.  But it generates an no income!  They prefer hypodermic killing of the ill.  All of whom could have been saved by 1 minute of HIUS to the chest.

I would give my thanks at this juncture to professor Z, but he is specifically as a minute again no credit in the development of this idea.  His contribution was 20 years ago anyway!

And covered nuclear fusion, not uman immunology.  My thanks go to Dr. Matt Zinger from the NIH, for there medical import before she retired.  Also to professor fossil from Michigan State university over 1/4 century ago!  Family on the roll call of the academics who do not wish to be thanked, Professor Weiner from Harvard. 


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