Best diabetic medicine

Diabetes cured 2013 - no drugs legal since

2002 and three medical professors published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers in one session.  Making the prescription or cancer drugs in chemo or radio therapy or the massively defective cancer surgery, or defective and criminal medicine.

2013 and other medics published a 30 patient double blind trial, into ½ minuteHIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clearing coronary heart disease in one session.

So no registered Dr. was allowed to prescribe cancer drugs from 2002, without them cells and the drug company is being struck off and removed totally from medicine for ever.

½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clears coronary heart disease and Atiral Fibillation.  So all heart disease is cured without drugs.

2013 I found practically that ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound (a commercially sourced high intensity ultrasound from a massage device) to the lower right of the chest over the pancreas clear type two diabetes.


US $4.13 - 5.45/ Piece
  • 1Review

I cleared before my step father and mother!  They assumed they had dieted it away, but that would have taken three months.  And does not work for type one diabetes anyway.

So transpires that diabetes is caused by an inflated viral structure in the pancreas.  Well as cancer is caused by an inflated viral structure dividing to the limit.  Both respond to HIUS.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+L+X-ray so the ultrasound causes inflated viral cells to boil and pop.  Inducing an immune action to clear them throughout the body.  It does not affect the regular more placid body cells.  Which bud off DNA intact stem cells.

My American friends reported that type one diabetes only remits after three days.  2016 I have personally confirmed the full minute of HIUS cleared even type one diabetes instantly.

Totally clearing the diabetes stops the patient death from diabetic complications within the decade.  Giving supplemental glucogen with the metformin has an unknown effect.

Clearing the diabetes totally in 1 minute, is obvious best medicine.  And every registered Dr. On earth has pledged to use best medicine, or strike themselves off.  Using defective medicine even contravenes the American doctors Lasagne pledge.  It is criminal medicine!  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.

And the doctors already have an 8 W 3 MHZ unit, used to verify the cancer cure 2002.  I applied it to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas, stop the ultrasound as the patient reports warming.

So no place in compromise life.  There sugar system snaps back to normal.  No early death three diabetic complications.  And no repeat trips to the Dr. to get biochemical treatments required.

No Dr. Is allowed to apply defective medicine.  HIUS clears all diabetes in 1 minute or less.  No biochemistry involved.

I was at my choir today, as the ball to meet a guy from two weeks ago, who still had type two diabetes: and was being prescribed the defective had fallen by his GP.

Who already her and the affective HIUS unit to clear all diabetes in under 1 minute.  He actually had type one diabetes - contracted in America presumably.  Though Germany and also has type one diabetes.  The UK type two.  Both totally cleared.

With no repeat a biochemical treatment even legal!  He went away to buy a the HIUS unit from ebay.  People from already owns the unit, came clear all infections - ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.

1 minute will clear all frames all cancers: I applied to where it hurts!  A medically approved treatment.  The GP is not involved.

1 minute or less to the bottom right of the chest clearing all diabetes and heart disease.  The cure of heart disease requires ½ minute top left to the chest and to each kidney.

The best home medicine.  Effectively free once you have the device.  Were patient reports the Dr. without any disease, constrained for any biochemical treatment.  Doctors are not permitted to medicate the well.

Or they and the drug company are struck off again.  Nobody in the world should have diabetes now.  To was the at Mays reported diabetes had died out globally.  They use are still meeting people with diabetes!

Their GP is obviously on earth are cleared prescribing biochemical treatments.  To already cured diseases.  The usual ½ minute of HIUS to the chest will clear all strains of common cold, and also Covid flu.

Covid is just the medical name for the regular seasonal flu.  Covid19 cease to exist 1st of October, 2020: and no registered Dr. Can prescribe obsolete an unlicensed medication.

And the Covid19 vaccination was only six months into a two year drug licensing process, when that viral strain cease to exist.  We are now on Covid22.  Professor Fauce of Astra Zeneca had Covid20, totally resistant to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.

No biochemical company is allowed to make and sell obsolete an unlicensed medication.  And the Covid19 vaccination was never licensed and always obsolete - they started to apply a the Covid19 vaccination, only where we were already within the year of Covid20.

Since the 1st of October, 2022, we're in the year of Covid22 - the Covid number increases automatically every 1st of October.  And medics have found the obsolete vaccination so extinct strains, actually worsens the death rate from the present infective strain.

So the Covid19 vaccination is always worse and the Covid death rate.  I was always medically inert and are obsolete.  And never licensed.

Any Dr. Who has family of giving an obsolete vaccination, are required to strike themselves off the medical register the same day.

The usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viruses - just as 2012 it cleared AIDs for a personal contact in New York.  Ultrasound clearing the most pernicious viral infection in history.

Vaccinations kill one in 200 healthy people.  HIUS kills nobody - it is clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Ending for ever infection outbreaks around the world.  Rendering the World Health Organisation pointless.  They are still going on about Covid19 - which is not existed in the universe for three years.

I repeat, just one Covid vaccination, and the GP struck off for ever!  Totally remove them cells for ever from legal medical practice.  All medical bills since they were struck off 2020, must be returned to their unfortunate patients or more likely next of kin.

They face criminal trial for mass four cases of a medically induced a patient murder.  Since there prescriptions ceased to be legal and so the first Covid vaccination.

All Covid another viral infections cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  Like from your own 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, as home.  Which will also clear all bacterial infections.


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